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An albino variant of the sabertusk seldom sighted roaming the plains of Leide. Many believe flexitusks to be more violent than their common counterparts, but scientists have yet to obtain sufficient figures to draw a definitive conclusion. Some have also noted a rise in flexitusk numbers immediately following military conflicts, but no data exists to support such speculation.

Flexitusk (CR 9)

XP 6,400
NE Medium Magical Beast
Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +21


AC 25, touch 15; flat-footed 20 (+5 dex, +10 natural)
hp 137 (14d10+56), fast healing 10;
Fort +13, Ref +14, Will +8
Resist Fire 10, Holy 10
Weakness Ice


Speed 40 ft.
Melee 2 Claws +20 (1d6+6 plus grab), Gore +21 (2d6+6 plus trip when charging)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. for Gore)
Special Attacks Fearful Bay, Powerful Charge, Pounce, Rake (2 claws +20, 1d6+6), Throat-Rip


Str 22, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 5, Wis 18, Cha 8
Base Atk +14; CMB +20 (+24 grapple); CMD 35 (39 vs. trip)
Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception), Stand Still, Steady Engagement, Weapon Focus (Gore)
Skills Acrobatics +19, Perception +21, Stealth +19, Swim +22; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception, +4 Survival when tracking by scent


Fearful Bay (Su)

1/day, a flexitusk can emit a howl within a 30-ft.-radius. Creatures within the area of effect are inflicted with Panicked status effect except for evil outsiders (Will save DC 21 to negate) for 1d4 rounds. This is a sonic, mind-affecting fear effect. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected by the same spell for 24 hours. Blue mages may learn this ability as a 4th level spell (Knowledge: Arcana DC 23).

Pounce (Ex)

A flexitusk can make a full attack when it makes a charge attack.

Powerful Charge (Ex)

A flexitusk, when it makes a charge attack, he also deals double damage with his gore attack and gains a free action to do a trip combat maneuver. On a failed combat maneuver check, the flexitusk is not tripped in return. This ability works only on creatures of a size equal to or smaller than the flexitusk.

Throat-Rip (Ex)

As a full-round action, a flexitusk can deliver a coup de grace against a helpless opponent. If the victim survives the attack, he must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + damage dealt) or dies. Opponents killed in this manner cannot be raised, but Arise, Full-Life, or the like can restore the slain creature to life.