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This stirring pibroch reminds dragons of the ancient betrayal of the first king of Ishgard and the promise of vengence Nidhogg gave his horde.

Prerequisite(s): Perform (string) or Perform (wind) 6 ranks.


Any creature of the dragon type that hears the entire performance must succeed at a Will save to avoid having her attitude toward the performer and his allies improved by two steps (from Hostile to Indifferent, for example).

A creature of any other type (apart from the bard and his allies) must succeed at a Will save to avoid having her attitude toward the performer and his allies worsened by two steps (from Indifferent to Hostile, for example).

These effects last for 1 minute per bard level, or until he or his comrades do anything to worsen the mood of the dragon, or improve the mood of those affected otherwise. Multiple uses of this masterpiece cannot improve or worsen attitudes more than two steps.

Use: 2 bardic performance rounds. 

Activation: 2 full rounds.