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You perform a song of such beauty that it touches the soul of any who hears it, allowing them to recover from any adverse conditions.

Prerequisite(s): Perform (sing) or Perform (wind) 6 ranks.


At the end of the round on which you complete this song, all allies within 30 feet who observed your performance gain a new saving throw to end the ongoing effects of certain debilitating conditions. An ally who is exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, sickened, staggered, or stunned as the result of a previously failed saving throw can attempt a new saving throw to immediately end one of the above effects. Characters under multiple effects must choose which effect they wish to attempt to end prematurely. Effects that did not grant a saving throw to resist can’t be ended by this masterpiece.

In addition, anyone who observed this performance gains the effects of delay poison at a caster level equal to your bard level.

Use: 3 bardic performance rounds. 

Action: 1 full round.