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Vehicles range from simple motorcycles to cars and trucks. Statistics for specific vehicles are detailed below. You can find a full list of the rules on how to drive vehicles at Vehicle Rules.

A vehicle stat block contains the following entries.

Name: This lists the vehicle’s name.

Price: This entry lists the vehicle’s price in gil. The availability of some vehicles might be restricted, and a player must ask the GM what is available for purchase.

Size: This entry lists the vehicle’s size, followed by its dimensions.

Speed: The speed entry first lists the vehicle’s drive speed, followed by its full speed, and concludes with its speed in miles per hour for overland movement over the terrain type for which the vehicle was designed. To calculate MPH, take the top speed in feet and divide by 10.

Fuel: This entry lists the type of fuel the vehicle uses and the maximum amount of miles a full tank will last. Generally, a full tank will last 10x the maximum speed of a vehicle in miles. Shinfuel costs 1 gil per mile and Metefuel costs 1.5 gil per mile.

  • Shinfuel: A fuel source that is created from boiling oil, that forms over several years from the decay of bones and fossils from beneath the ground, and separates out specific liquids and minerals. It can be mass-produced as well as found in large quantities. However the use of said oil isn’t incredibly efficient, nor does it last long when compared to Metefuel. The quantity means it is cheap, though it is not renewable and does harm to the environment.
  • Metefuel: A fuel source that is created by superheating crystals with magic-infused liquids, forming a thick dark-blue liquid. The crystals used are generally ones that grow in caverns due to the forming of minerals in the air and absorbing local magic particles. To create Metefuel it takes a considerable amount of time, though is quite renewable and able to be grown. It is highly efficient, and lasts longer than Shinfuel but is often more expensive to fill a full tank, especially when the vehicles that can use this fuel require specific engines that cost more upfront.

AC and CMD: These entries indicate the Base Armor Class and Combat Maneuver Defense for the vehicle. Modified by +1 to AC and CMD for every 2 ranks in the driver’s Drive skill.

Cover: This entry indicates the type of cover the vehicle gives its driver and passengers. This might vary based on circumstances—a passenger hanging out of a window to fire a weapon doesn’t get the full benefit of the vehicle’s cover.

HP: This entry lists the vehicle’s Hit Points. If the vehicle is reduced to or below the number of HP listed in parentheses, it’s broken. While broken, the vehicle takes a –2 penalty to its AC and collision DC. It imposes a -2 penalty to Drive skill checks and its full speed and mph speed are halved. If a vehicle is reduced to 0 HP, it’s wrecked. A wrecked vehicle can’t be driven, and it might be difficult or impossible to repair.

Hardness: As an object, a vehicle has hardness. Any damage a vehicle takes is reduced by its hardness.

Attack: This entry indicates an attack the vehicle has, the damage it deals, and the base Reflex save DC to avoid it (if any). Most vehicles have only collision attacks, which deal bludgeoning damage. (See Vehicle Collision Damage and the ram and the run over action for more on collisions.)

Modifiers: The vehicle imposes these modifiers on the attack rolls and listed skill checks of its driver and passengers. The attack roll penalty worsens at full speed, as indicated in parentheses.

Passengers: If the vehicle can carry extra passengers, this entry lists how many the vehicle can hold in addition to the driver.

Table: FFd20 Land Vehicles

NameSizeBase Speed (feet)Full Speed (feet)PassengersFuelMilage (miles)Price (gil)
Galbadia Soldier MotorcycleLarge402201Shinfuel220700
Galbadia Soldier Motorcyle (w/side-car)Large402202Shinfuel2201000
Novus DLarge303004Metefuel3001750
Shinra Hauler SA-37Large302504Shinfuel2501250
Hardy DaytonaLarge6010001Metefuel10001500
Galbadia Armored Personnel CarrierHuge205007Shinfuel50010430
SeeD Personal Carrier VehicleHuge307506Metefuel7506195
Shinra Military Troop TransportHuge2045012Shinfuel4508370

Large Land Vehicles

The Fenrir is a three-wheeled (two paired up in front and one in the rear) motorized vehicle with extraordinary maneuvering capabilities and with a combination of polished black metal over brushed gold mechanics.
Price: 2,000 gil; Size: Large Land Vehicle (5 ft. wide, 10 ft. long, 5 ft. high)
Speed: 50 ft., full 750ft., 75 mph, Fuel: Maximum of 750 miles of Metefuel
AC: 13; CMD: 15; Cover: None
HP: 54 (27); Hardness: 5
Attack: (Collision) 3d6 (DC 12 + half of the number of Drive ranks)
Modifiers: +2 Drive, +0 attack (–2 at full speed)
Passengers: 1

VehiclesGalbadia Soldier Motorcycle
A standard-issued motorcycle for the Galbadian military.
Price: 700 (1,000 with side-car) gil; Size: Large Land Vehicle (5 ft. wide, 10 ft. long, 3 ft. high)
Speed: 40 ft., full 220 ft., 22 mph, Fuel: Maximum of 220 miles of Shinfuel
AC: 10; CMD: 12; Cover: None
HP: 27 (13); Hardness: 5
Attack: (Collision) 2d4 (DC 8 + half of the number of Drive ranks)
Modifiers: +2 Drive, –1 attack (–3 at full speed)
Passengers: 1 (2, if side-car was bought)

VehiclesHardy Daytona
A sleek and fast motorcycle, often used for racing, with visible wheel-guards, headlight, and exhaust pipes.
Price: 1,500 gil; Size: Large Land Vehicle (5 ft. wide, 10 ft. long, 4 ft. high)
Speed: 60 ft., full 1,000 ft., 100 mph, Fuel: Maximum of 1,000 miles of Metefuel
AC: 12; CMD: 14; Cover: None
HP: 42 (21); Hardness: 5
Attack: (Collision) 4d4 (DC 10 + half of the number of Drive ranks)
Modifiers: +1 Drive, +0 attack (–2 at full speed)
Passengers: 1

A lightweight hovercraft capable of crossing water. Due to its construction and handling, it performs poorly in crowded terrain like forests and mountains.
Price: 3,000 gil; Size: Large Land Vehicle (10 ft. wide, 10 ft. long, 5 ft. high)Vehicles
Speed: 30 ft., full 300 ft., 30 mph, Fuel: Maximum 250 miles of Metefuel.
AC: 12; CMD: 14; Cover: None
HP: 50 (25); Hardness: 2
Attack: (Collision) 2d6 (DC 10 + half of the number of Drive ranks)
Modifiers: +0 Drive, –0 attack (–2 at full speed)
Passengers: 4
Special: The hovercraft can cross lakes, rivers, coastlines and straights. It is not meant for the open sea.

Novus D
This four door sedan is a common sight on the streets of Garlemald. Available in a variety of colors, the sleek frame and leather interior will comfortably seat a family of four.
Price: 1,750 gil; Size: Large Land Vehicle (10 ft. wide, 10 ft. long, 5 ft. high)Vehicles
Speed: 30 ft., full 300 ft., 30 mph, Fuel: Maximum 300 miles of Metefuel.
AC: 11; CMD: 13; Cover: Total Cover
HP: 70 (35); Hardness: 5
Attack: (Collision) 3d6 (DC 10 + half of the number of Drive ranks)
Modifiers: +0 Drive, –1 attack (–3 at full speed)
Passengers: 4

A quad-axel all-terrain recon rover focused on speed and defense. It is equipped with gel projectiles to help soften a landing should it fall from mid-air.Vehicles
Price: 2,500 gil; Size: Large Land Vehicle (10 ft. wide, 10 ft. long, 7 ft. high)
Speed: 40 ft., full 400 ft., 40 mph, Fuel: Maximum 250 miles of Shinfuel.
AC: 12; CMD: 14; Cover: Total Cover
HP: 100 (50); Hardness: 5
Attack: (Collision) 2d6 (DC 12 + half of the number of Drive ranks)
Modifiers: +4 Drive, –2 attack (–4 at full speed)
Passengers: 1

Shinra Hauler SA-37
A three-wheeler pickup truck that runs on a mako engine. The cabin has two seats, with room on the bed for extra passengers.
Price: 1,250 gil; Size: Large Land Vehicle (10 ft. wide, 10 ft. long, 5 ft. high)Vehicles
Speed: 30 ft., full 250 ft., 25 mph, Fuel: Maximum 250 miles of Shinfuel.
AC: 11; CMD: 13; Cover: Improved Cover
HP: 60 (30); Hardness: 5
Attack: (Collision) 3d6 (DC 10 + half of the number of Drive ranks)
Modifiers: -1 Drive, –1 attack (–3 at full speed)
Passengers: 4

The Regalia is a black, five-seat convertible with an interior made of dark leather. Its crest resembles a chocobo talon and appears on its hubcaps and the tires, and its license plate lights up at night.Vehicles

Price: 4,550 gil; Size: Large Land Vehicle (10 ft. wide, 10 ft. long, 4 ft. high)
Speed: 30 ft., full 500 ft., 50 mph, Fuel: Maximum of 300 miles of Shinfuel
AC: 11; CMD: 13; Cover: Improved Cover
HP: 80 (40); Hardness: 5
Attack: (Collision) 3d6 (DC 10 + half of the number of Drive ranks)
Modifiers: –2 Drive, –1 attack (–3 at full speed)
Passengers: 4

Huge Land Vehicles

VehiclesGalbadia Armored Personnel Carrier
A standard combat mobile used by the Galbadia Soldiers.
Price: 10,430 gil; Size: Huge Land Vehicle (10 ft. wide, 20 ft. long, 7 ft. high)
Speed: 20 ft., full 500 ft., 50 mph, Fuel: Maximum of 500 miles of Shinfuel
AC: 13; CMD: 16; Cover: Total Cover
HP: 140 (70); Hardness: 8
Attack: (Collision) 7d8 (DC 12 + half of the number of Drive ranks)
Modifiers: –4 Drive, –3 attack (–6 at full speed)
Passengers: 7

VehiclesSeeD Personal Carrier Vehicle
The SeeD Personal Carrier Vehicle is a personnel transport. Similar in design to the Galbadian road vehicle it is used as student transportation for the Gardens (Balamb, Trabia, and Galbadia) and can seat six passengers with at least one driver.
Price: 6,195 gil; Size: Huge Land Vehicle (10 ft. wide, 20 ft. long, 5 ft. high)
Speed: 30 ft., full 750 ft., 75 mph, Fuel: Maximum of 750 miles of Metefuel
AC: 11; CMD: 13; Cover: Total Cover
HP: 100 (50); Hardness: 7
Attack: (Collision) 5d6 (DC 13 + half of the number of Drive ranks)
Modifiers: +2 Drive, –2 attack (–4 at full speed)
Passengers: 6

VehiclesShinra Military Troop Transport
The Shinra Military Troop Transport is a vehicle used by the Shinra Electric Power Company military to transport troops and materials across moderate distances. Low in defensive armament, the vehicle is used primarily to transport units to and from low conflict areas or areas away from heavy fighting.
Price: 8,370 gil; Size: Huge Land Vehicle (10 ft. wide, 20 ft. long, 10 ft. high)
Speed: 20 ft., full 450 ft., 45 mph, Fuel: Maximum of 450 miles of Shinfuel
AC: 12; CMD: 14; Cover: Total Cover
HP: 120 (60); Hardness: 8
Attack: (Collision) 6d8 (DC 12 + half of the number of Drive ranks)
Modifiers: –3 Drive, –2 attack (–4 at full speed)
Passengers: 12

Colossal Land Vehicles

Railway transportation is one of the most common forms of mass transit. Some large cities have their own centralized rail networks, while others may connect in an intercontinental railway system.
Price: 4,000 gil per car; Size: Colossal Land Vehicle (10 ft. wide, 70 ft. long, 15 ft. high)Vehicles
Speed: 20 ft., full 400 ft., 40 mph, Fuel: Maximum 500 miles of Shinfuel.
AC: 4; CMD: 6; Cover: Total Cover
HP: 70 per car (35); Hardness: 5
Attack: (Collision) 8d8 (DC 10 + half of the number of Drive ranks)
Modifiers: +2 Drive, –4 attack (–6 at full speed)
Passengers: 5, plus up to 24 per passenger car
Special: Trains cannot be steered on their own, and must be built on guided railway systems.