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MagitekMagitek refers to machina devices fueled by ceruleum, a rare substance created by draining the energy of crystals. On Hydaelyn, the imperials of Garlemald are the foremost users of magitek. The majority of Garlean citizens have a natural ineptitude for the workings of magic to the point of not being able to naturally manipulate aether whatsoever, and so to overcome this disadvantage developed magitek.

The technology is not widely used in the Eorzean region, but is slowly being adopted and seeing more widespread use thanks to Garlond Ironworks. A merging of Garlean magitek and Ul’dahn mine carts results in a web of iron causeways that spread across Thanalan. Magitek Armor first saw military use during the great battle of Carteneau. Kobolds are increasingly making use of magitek devices—including ones surreptitiously “borrowed” from the Garleans and then modified with goblin ingenuity (if it can be called that).

A character with the Craft Magitek feat and access to a garage or military lab can craft a magitek. Crafting/modifying a magitek requires a DC 30 Craft (mechanical) check + the number of enhancements, and costs 10,000 gil + 1,000 gil x the number of enhancements.

Price: 20,000 gil. CL 16th; Weight 2,000 lbs.

Cost: 10,000 gil. Feats Craft Magitek.



Size: Large; Speed: 50 ft.; HP: 85 (10d10+30); Fort: +3, Ref: +2, Will: +3; AC: +9 natural armor; BAB: +10, CMB: +18, CMD: 27; Attack: slam (1d8); Ability Scores: Str 24, Dex 8*, Con -, Int -, Wis -, Cha -; Special Attacks: Bio Beam, Healing Force, Fire Beam, Ice Beam, Bolt Beam, Water Beam; Special Qualities: Hardness 10, Construct traits

A magitek has a Strength score of 24 and a starting Dexterity score of 8 (improved by the number of ranks the operator has in the Drive skill to a maximum equal to the operator’s Dexterity score). A magitek possesses a hardness of 10. It imposes a –1 size penalty on attack rolls and to AC but gains a +1 bonus on CMB rolls and to CMD. It takes a –4 penalty on Stealth checks. A magitek has a single slam attack that deals 1d8 points of damage (plus the magitek’s Strength modifier). Its reach is 10 feet, and its base speed is 50 feet. It weighs approximately 2,000 lbs. and is roughly 12 feet tall.

If the magitek’s hit points is reduced to 0, it becomes inactive. Exiting an inactive magitek requires a standard action. If a magitek continues to take damage beyond 0, it will explode. A magitek being reduced to -20 will explode immediately, dealing 5d6 points of fire damage to the operator (if still inside the magitek) (no save) and to all creatures within a 15-ft.-radius spread (Reflex save DC 14 for half damage). A magitek destroyed this way cannot be repaired, but can be salvageable.

A magitek possesses an array of beam cannons integrated into its arms. The operator may only fire one beam cannon once a round. Each beam cannon requires a ranged touch attack and has a range of 50 feet. The beam cannons begin the day with 20 charges and each beam cannon costs 2 charges to use with an 8 hours of shutdown required to renew the charges.

  • Bio Beam: This beam cannon fires a blast of poison, dealing 5d6+15 points of non-elemental damage and inflicting Poison status effect for 1d4+1 rounds, a Fortitude save (DC 15) to negate the status effect.
  • Healing Force: This beam cannon fires a blast of healing energy, healing for 5d6+15 points of damage. Undead take damage from this, a Will save (DC 15) to reduce the damage by half.
  • Fire Beam: This beam cannon fires a blast of fire, dealing 5d6+15 points of fire damage and inflicting Burning status effect for 1d4+1 rounds, a Fortitude save (DC 15) to negate the status effect.
  • Ice Beam: This beam cannon fires a blast of ice, dealing 5d6+15 points of ice damage and inflicting Frozen status effect for 1d4+1 rounds, a Fortitude save (DC 15) to negate the status effect.
  • Bolt Beam: This beam cannon fires a blast of lightning, dealing 5d6+15 points of lightning damage and inflicting Static status effect for 1d4+1 rounds, a Fortitude save (DC 15) to negate the status effect.
  • Water Beam: This beam cannon fires a blast of water, dealing 5d6+15 points of water damage and inflicting Drenched status effect for 1d4+1 rounds, a Fortitude save (DC 15) to negate the status effect.

Cockpit Access

It takes a standard action to climb into a magitek’s cockpit and a move action to activate it, so it can move and fight.

Driving and Movement

Magitek operators use the Drive skill to operate their magitek. In general, magitek operators don’t need to make Drive checks to steer their magitek around the battlefield. However, this skill may come into play in combat under the following circumstances:

  • When trying to move past a foe without provoking an attack of opportunity, a magitek operator can make a Drive check instead of an Acrobatics check.
  • A magitek operator can make a trip combat maneuver with a Drive check.

Magitek Enhancements

Descriptions follow below for the various enhancements that a character can buy for their magitek to increase its combat and non-combat abilities.

Advanced Armor Plating: The magitek increases its armor bonus to AC by +2. Prerequisite: The magitek operator must be at least 7th level to buy this enhancement. Cost: 5,000 gil.

Advanced Artillery Systems: The machine gun mounted on the magitek is upgraded to a heavy autotek, and the magitek operator may also install his choice of a flamethrower or grenade launcher to the magitek. Prerequisite: A magitek operator must have the Onboard Artillery Systems enhancement to buy this enhancement. Cost: 10,000 gil.

Advanced Diagnostics: Multiple redundant systems coupled with the ability to detect and correct minor system faults allow the magitek to repair moderate damage. Advanced diagnostics restores 1d10 points of damage per hour, during which time the magitek cannot move or attack. Only the magitek’s hit points are repaired, not damage to the magitek’s operator. Cost: 5,000 gil.

Advanced Munitions Upgrade: The magitek is treated as though its operator has Greater Weapon Specialization with one weapon it took the Munitions Upgrade Enhancement for. This enhancement can be taken multiple times but must apply to a different weapon each time. Prerequisite: The magitek operator must be at least 13th level to buy this enhancement. Cost: 10,000 gil.

Advanced Targeting Upgrade: The magitek is treated as though its operator has Greater Weapon Focus with one weapon it took the Targeting Upgrade enhancement for. This enhancement can be taken multiple times but must apply to a different weapon each time. Prerequisite: The magitek operator must be at least 9th level to buy this enhancement. Cost: 10,000 gil.

Arcforged Armor: The magitek increases its hardness by 5. Prerequisite: The magitek operator must be at least 9th level to buy this enhancement. Cost: 4,000 gil.

Arms: The magitek gains a pair of fully integrated mechanical arms which allow it to wield an appropriately sized weapon. A magitek may make as many attacks with such a weapon as their magitek operator’s base attack bonus would normally allow. Cost: 10,000 gil.

Cerebral Reinforcement: The magitek extends the following construct features to its operator while they operate it: Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns and phantasms). Prerequisite: The magitek operator must be at least 15th level to buy this enhancement. Cost: 7,500 gil.

Cockpit, Cooperator: This extra cockpit provides a comfortable station inside the magitek for a Small or Medium-size cooperator. A cooperator has the ability to fire the magitek’s ranged weapons, perform active scans using the magitek’s sensor systems, or aid the magitek operator’s attacks and skill checks (using the aid another action). Melee combat, defense, and movement remain under the control of the magitek’s operator in the main cockpit. A cooperator doesn’t grant the magitek additional attacks in a round, and only one character may fire each ranged weapon or operate a melee weapon each round. The magitek operator or cooperator can transfer weapon control as a free action. As a move action, the magitek’s operator can lock out one or more cooperator cockpits, shutting off the cameras, locking the hatches, and so on. It takes a successful Knowledge (Technology) check (DC 25 if the operator is disabled, 35 if the operator is still active) to switch overall control of the magitek to a cooperator cockpit. Cost: 5,000 gil.

Cockpit, Passenger: This extra cockpit merely provides a comfortable place inside the magitek for a Small or Medium-size passenger to sit. The passenger can’t do anything other than observe the surroundings (seeing exactly what the magitek’s operator sees), communicate privately with the operator and publicly over open frequencies, and leave the cockpit as a full-round action. As a move action, the operator can prevent any of the above by shutting off the cameras, locking the hatch, and so on. Cost: 500 gil.

Comm System: The magitek is equipped with a radio transceiver that can transmit on multiple frequencies in either LOS (line of sight) or omnidirectional mode up to 100 miles. It can handle up to ten simultaneous two-way conversations. Cost: 1,000 gil.

Enhanced Melee Armaments: The magitek gains the magitek operator’s choice of either a drill spear (1d10 piercing primary natural attack with reach) or two claws (1d4 secondary natural attacks). Cost: 3,000 gil.

Gold-Plating: More than just an ostentatious show of wealth, a layer of gold-plating provides heavy magic dampening effects. The magitek gains spell resistance 21. This spell resistance extends to the magitek operator as long as he is mounted in the magitek. Cost: 20,000 gil.

Hover Stabilizers: Magiteks with this ability gain slow fall, as the monk ability, except they do not need an adjacent surface to activate it. Treat the magitek operator’s level as its monk level to determine the total distance negated by this ability. Prerequisites: The magitek operator’s magitek must have the Powered Servomotors enhancement to buy this enhancement. Cost: 3,000 gil.

HV-5 Haven Escape Pod: The HV-5 Haven escape pod jettisons the cockpit and the magitek operator from the rest of the magitek (typically because the magitek is about to be destroyed). The operator can activate it as a move action and move normally at the Haven’s fly speed. The Haven can also be activated as a free action, in which case it flies under the operator’s direction up to its fly speed, but can move no farther that round. The Haven escape pod has a fly speed of 90 feet (clumsy), 50 hit points, hardness 10, and a AC of 18. Three rounds after it jettisons from the magitek, it runs out of fuel, landing or crashing as appropriate. Cost: 5,000 gil.

Improved Weapon Systems: The magitek’s Slam attack now deals 2d8 damage instead of 1d8. Cost: 5,000 gil.

Intelligent Vessel: The magitek is able to be controlled by AIs in a manner similar to a robot, gaining the aggregate template when it is so controlled (even though it is not a robot). The magitek does not, however, gain the benefits of any feats that the AI possesses. The magitek starts out controlled by a base AI with 10 in all of its mental ability scores and the ability to speak one language the operator is capable of speaking. If the operator is not inside the magitek, the AI can cause the magitek to act on its own, taking a full round’s worth of actions each round. Cost: 20,000 gil.

Life Support System: The magitek’s life support system provides a closed environment, allowing the magitek operator to ignore the effects of inhaled poisons and immersion in water. The onboard air supply lasts for 24 hours. This air supply stacks with nautical superiority enhancement. Cost: 4,000 gil.

Manual Loader: An allied character in an adjacent or shared square can reload your heavy weapons for you as a standard action, or firearm weapons for you as a move action. Cost: 1,000 gil.

Modified Aerodynamics: Magiteks with this enhancement can make a DC 15 Fly check to fall safely from any height without taking falling damage, as if using choco feather. When falling safely, it may make an additional DC 15 Fly check to glide, moving 5 feet laterally for every 10 feet it falls. Prerequisite: The magitek  operator’s magitek must have the Powered Servomotors enhancement to buy this enhancement. Cost: 2,000 gil.

Munitions Upgrade: The magitek is treated as though its operator has Weapon Specialization with one weapon from a category it has Weapon Affinity with. This Enhancement can be taken multiple times but must apply to a different weapon each time. Prerequisite: The magitek operator must be at least 5th level to buy this enhancement. Cost: 5,000 gil.

Nanorepair Unit: State-of-the-art nanites swarm over the surface of the magitek at the first indication of damage. The magitek gains Fast Healing 5. The nanorepair enhancement ceases to function if the magitek loses all its hit points. Cost: 40,000 gil.

Nautical Superiority: The magitek gains a swim speed equal to base land or fly speed chosen when this upgrade is selected. The magitek can remain submerged for 12 hours before its air filters start to fail and the operator has to make Constitution checks to hold their breath or begin drowning. Prerequisite: A magitek operator must be at least 5th level to buy this enhancement. Cost: 4,000 gil.

Neural Link: This enhancement links the operator’s brain directly to the magitek, making it feel less like a machine and more like an extension of the operator’s body. While driving the magitek, the operator gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks. In addition, the operator can use any of his non-magitek-specific feats while operating a magitek. Cost: 4,000 gil.

Onboard Artillery System: The magitek is outfitted with a machine gun, allowing the magitek operator to make attacks from a distance. When attacking with the machine gun, the magitek operator uses his Dexterity score or the magitek’s, whichever is higher. The magitek operator is considered proficient with this weapon when wielding it through his magitek. Cost: 10,000 gil.

Powered Servomotors: The magitek is capable of fantastic feats of agility. Magiteks with this enhancement gain a +15 bonus to Acrobatics or magitek operator’s Drive checks made to perform a long jump or high jump. In addition, they are always considered to have a running start when jumping. Cost: 2,000 gil.

Shielded Cockpit: The magitek extends the following construct features to its operator while he operates it: Immunity to bleed, disease, death effects, necromancy effects, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning. Prerequisite: The magitek operatormust be at least 13th level to buy this enhancement. Cost: 10,000 gil.

Size Increase: The Magitek grows one size category, gaining an additional +2 to Strength, -2 to Dexterity, and new size modifiers according to its new size. This enhancement can be taken up to two times. Prerequisite: A magitek operator must be at least 7th level to buy this enhancement. Cost: 10,000 gil.

Stealth Suite: Based on high-tech low observables technology, this combination of sound baffles, heat dispersers, and non-reflective paint combines to give the magitek a +10 bonus on Stealth checks. Cost and the size penalty combine to make this structural option impractical on all but the smallest magitek. Cost: 4,000 gil.

Sticky Treads: The magitek gains a climb speed equal to half its movement speed. Cost: 2,000 gil.

Spacious Cockpit: The magitek may fit an additional creature of one size category smaller than the magitek inside its cockpit. Cost: 2,000 gil.

Structural Enhancement: Significant advances in engineering inspire a series of modifications to the magitek’s superstructure, granting it an additional 50 hit points. A magitek can undergo structural enhancement only two times, gaining 50 additional hit points each time. A character may structurally enhance a magitek with a successful Craft (mechanical) check (DC 30) after devoting an amount of time that varies depending on the magitek’s size: Large 30 hours, Huge 60 hours, Gargantuan 120 hours. A character attempting the procedure without a mechanical tool kit takes a -4 penalty on the skill check. Cost: 10,000 gil.

Superior Arcforged Armor: The magitek increases its hardness by 5. This stacks with the increase granted by the Advanced Armor Plating enhancement. Prerequisites: The magitek operator must have the Advanced Armor Plating enhancement and must be at least 13th level to buy this enhancement. Cost: 8,000 gil.

Superior Armor Plating: The magitek increases its armor bonus to AC by +3. This stacks with the increase granted by the Advanced Armor Plating enhancement. Prerequisite: The magitek operator must have the Advanced Armor Plating enhancement and must be at least 11th level to buy this enhancement. Cost: 8,000 gil.

Targeting Upgrade: The magitek is treated as though its operator has Weapon Focus with one weapon from a category it has Weapon Affinity with. This enhancement can be taken multiple times but must apply to a different weapon each time. Cost: 5,000 gil.

Terrain Stabilizers: The magitek no longer suffers movement penalties for difficult terrain. Cost: 5,000 gil.

Thrusters: The magitek increases their current fly speed by 10 feet and increase their maneuverability by one step. If the magitek did not have a fly speed before taking this upgrade, it now has a maneuverability of clumsy. Each time it takes this enhancement, improve its fly speed by an additional 10 feet and its maneuverability by one step. This enhancement can be taken up to three times. Cost: 5,000 gil.

Weapons Upgrade: The magitek can treat the damage dice of weapons from a category with which it has Weapon Affinity as though they were one size category larger. The magitek can take this upgrade multiple times, but it cannot apply to a given weapon category more than once. Prerequisite: A magitek operator must be at least 5th level to buy this enhancement. Cost: 5,000 gil.

Magitek Critical Hits

Whenever you confirm a critical hit against a magitek, you may choose to roll percentile dice and consult Table: Magitek Critical Hits instead of dealing the normal critical hit damage for the attack. However, you must accept the results of the roll, even if those results are less than desirable.


Table: Magitek Critical Hits
d% Roll Effect(s)
01-18 Normal damage, crew dazed
19-35 Normal critical hit, crew dazed
36-52 Normal critical hit, magitek knocked prone
53-69 Severe critical hit, crew dazed, magitek stunned
70-86 Severe critical hit, magitek knocked prone
87-100 Crew hit (normal damage)


Normal Damage: The attack deals normal damage (do not apply critical hit multipliers).

Crew Dazed: Each crew member aboard the magitek, including its operator, must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be dazed for 1 round. Unable to act, a dazed character can take no actions, but still retains his or her full AC.

Normal Critical Hit: Roll critical hit damage normally.

Magitek Knocked Prone: The force of the attack knocks the magitek prone. All crew members and passengers aboard take 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage as they are knocked about their cockpits. A prone magitek takes a -4 penalty on melee attack rolls and can’t use thrown ranged weapons. The magitek gains a +4 bonus to AC against ranged attacks, but takes a -4 penalty to AC against melee attacks. Standing up from prone is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity.

Magitek Stunned: The magitek automatically drops what it is holding and can take no attack or move actions for 1 round. While the magitek is stunned, apply a -2 penalty to the magitek operator’s AC (even though the operator is not stunned).

Severe Critical Hit: Roll critical hit damage using a x4 multiplier instead of the weapon’s normal multiplier.

Crew Hit: The attack bypasses the magitek’s armor. Apply normal damage to one crew member or passenger (determined randomly), ignoring the magitek’s hit points.


A character without the Magitek Operation feat suffers serious penalties while operating a magitek.