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SoldierSoldier (also written as SOLDIER) are the elite fighting force of the Shinra Electric Power Company. Its members are advanced super-soldiers with superhuman strength, speed, and agility. Much stronger than the Shinra Peacekeeping Troops and the Turks, Shinra deploys SOLDIER for special missions that require the greatest use of strength.

On entering into the SOLDIER program, as a 3rd rank, those within the program are bathed in mako to further enhance their physical capabilities. Most members are also injected with a minimal amount of alien cells from a creature known as Jenova to allow them to process Mako. 1st rank soldiers receive a much higher amount of cells, increasing both their physical prowess as well as their control over mako energy.

Hit Die: d10.

To qualify to become a soldier, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +6.
Skills: Acrobatics 4 ranks, Use Magic Device 4 ranks.
Special: Must work for a company specialising in magic and genetics. Must not have the Magic Ineptitude racial trait or similar trait that disallows magic usage.

Class Skills
The soldier‘s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Drive (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Table: Soldier

LevelBase Attack BonusFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSpecial
1st+1+1+1+0Soldier Style, Limit Break
2nd+2+1+1+1Evade Reach
3rd+3+2+2+1Style Tech
4th+4+2+2+1Mako Power
5th+5+3+3+2Style Tech, Weapon Upgrade
6th+6+3+3+2Companion Blade
7th+7+4+4+2Style Tech
8th+8+4+4+3Companion Blade
9th+9+5+5+3Style Tech
10th+10+5+5+3Companion Blade. Greater Mako Power, Weapon Upgrade

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the soldier prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

A soldier is proficient with all simple weapons and the weapon associated with his Soldier Style. A soldier is also proficient with light armor, but no shields.

Limit Break (Su)

At 1st level, the soldier receives the Limit Break (Mako Absorption).

Mako Absorption (Su): This Limit Break has the soldier absorb the residual mako in the air near them at a much faster rate. For a duration of 1 round + 1 round per 2 soldier levels after 1st, the soldier reduces the cost of his Style Techs by a number equal to his soldier level (minimum 0). This Limit Break takes a swift action to activate.

Soldier Style (Su)

At 1st level, the soldier dictates his style of equipment and way of fighting, gaining different gear from Shinra as well as different abilities to utilize in combat. The choices are Buster, Slasher, Profound, or Grunt.

After the choice is made, the soldier may select from his list of Style Techs at 1st level and every two soldier levels after 1st. A Tech takes up an amount of Mako Energy (ME) for each use, the soldier begins each day with ME equal to his soldier level + 2 x his Constitution modifier. Any tech that affects an attack only works with his specific weapon (Buster Sword for Buster, Masamune for Slasher etc).

The soldier’s weapon also upgrades at 5th and 10th level, either being transmuted into its new form or replaced with a brand new version of the weapon. These weapons cannot be crafted, nor do they come in any size besides small or medium. Masterwork transformation can be used on these weapons to make them masterwork and can be enchanted like normal melee weapons, he can pay his employers 360 gil for them to make it masterwork for him. These weapons correspond to the level of the soldier. For example: If a 3rd-level soldier picks up a 5th-level soldier’s weapon, it functions as a 1st-level weapon.

Buster: Characters who mostly resemble this style include Angeal, Zack, and Cloud.



  • Buster Sword: Two-Handed. 2d6 (S) / 2d8 (M), 19-20/x2, Slashing, 50 lbs. Blocking, Strong.
  • 5th: 2d8 (S) / 3d6 (M)
  • 10th: 3d6 (S) / 2d10 (M)

 Style Techs 

  • Braver (Su): (2 points) The Buster can make a running leap and slam his weapon down on the opponent. The Buster charges at an opponent and makes a single attack at his highest base attack bonus. If it hits, this attack deals an additional 1d6 points of damage per soldier level. In addition, the creature must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + soldier’s level + his Constitution modifier), or is knocked prone. This additional damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.
  • Climhazzard (Su): (4 points) The Buster infuses his weapon with energy, and then swings it towards the enemy, creating a large explosion of power in a 20-foot-radius. Enemies in the area of effect take 1d6 points of non-elemental damage plus an additional 1d6 per soldier level unless they make a Reflex save (DC 10 + soldier’s level + his Constitution modifier) for half damage. This ability has a range of 100 feet.
  • Cross Slash (Su): (3 points) The Buster uses this powerful skill to utilize two mako-infused sword slashes, and adds incredible force to immobilize and crush the creature from both sides. The Buster makes two attacks at his highest base attack bonus +2, each adding +2d6 points of damage. If both attacks connect, the creature must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + soldier’s level + his Constitution modifier), or be immobilized for 1 round per soldier level. This additional damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.
  • Drain Blade (Su): (3 points) As a swift action, the Buster swirls dark-green energy around his blade, on his next successful attack it will channel into the creature, forcing them to make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + soldier’s level + his Constitution modifier) or have the Buster heal for half the damage he deals. This effect dissipates after it has been used once, or 2 rounds have passed.
  • Elemental Attack (Su): (1 point) As a swift action, the Buster infuses his weapon with magical, elemental energy, changing the damage of his next attack into a chosen element (Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, or Wind). This effect dissipates after it has been used once, or 2 rounds have passed.
  • Elemental Ward (Su): (1 point) As an immediate action, The Buster surrounds his body with a protective elemental, barrier, reducing damage taken from a specific element (Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, or Wind) by 50%, this effect dissipates after being hit with the specified element once or at the beginning of his next turn.
  • └- Elemental Protection (Su): (3 points) As an immediate action, the Buster surrounds his body with a protective elemental, barrier, reducing damage taken from a specific element (Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, or Wind) by 50%, this effect dissipates at the beginning of the Buster’s next turn. Prerequisites: Elemental Ward.
  • └– Elemental Barrier (Su): (8 points) As an immediate action, The Buster surrounds his body with a protective elemental, barrier, reducing damage taken from a specific element (Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, or Wind) by 50%, this effect dissipates after a number of rounds equal to the Buster’s Constitution modifier. Prerequisites: Elemental Ward and Elemental Protection.
  • Finishing Touch (Su): (5 points) The Buster spins in a circle, slashing with a held weapon, and creates a cutting whirlwind all around his body in a 30-feet.-radius burst. Enemies in the area of effect take 1d10 points of wind damage plus an additional 1d10 per soldier level unless they make a Reflex save (DC 10 + soldier’s level + his Constitution modifier) for half damage.
  • Mako Leap (Su): (1 point) As a swift action, the Buster infuses his legs with Mako energy, granting him a +10 enhancement bonus on his next Acrobatics check made before the beginning of his next turn.
  • Mako Libra (Su): (1 point) The Buster selects a creature, who must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + soldier’s level + his Constitution modifier) or have their current HP, MP, and any current status effects known to the Buster.
  • Meteorain (Su): (6 points) The Buster calls on deep reserves of inner Mako energy, conjuring up four 10-feet.-radius flaming spheres and launches them down towards the ground, resembling a meteor shower. The Buster directs each of the spheres within 30 feet of each other. Enemies within the area of effect take 5d6 points of damage (half in fire damage, the other half in earth damage), a Reflex save (DC 10 + soldier’s level + his Constitution modifier) for half damage. Creatures hit with multiple meteors must make multiple Reflex saves. This ability has a range of 100 feet.
  • One-Handed Style (Ex): (1 point) As a swift action, the Buster is able to wield his Buster Sword with 1 hand for a number of rounds equal to his Constitution modifier.
  • Osmose Blade (Su): (3 points) As a swift action, the Buster swirls dark-green energy around his blade, on his next successful attack it will channel into the creature, forcing them to make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + soldier’s level + Constitution modifier) or have the Buster heal his MP for a quarter of the damage he deals. This effect dissipates after it has been used once, or 2 rounds have passed.

Slasher: Characters that mostly resemble this style include Sephiroth.Soldier


  • Masamune: Two-Handed. 1d10 (S) / 1d12 (M), 20/x2, Slashing, 24 lbs. Reach, Spring-Loaded, Mako Grip*, Strong.
  • 5th: 2d6 (S) / 2d8 (M), 20/x2
  • 10th: 2d8 (S) / 3d6 (M), 20/x2

*The grip of this weapon can be interchanged to be wielded as a 1-handed weapon. This does not make it qualify for one-handed weapon feats like Slashing Grace.

 Style Techs 

  • Fervent Orbs (Su): (2 points) The Slasher sends out several abyssal slashes from his blade at a creature within 30 feet. The creature takes 1d6 shadow damage per soldier level, a Reflex save (DC 10 + soldier’s level + his Constitution modifier) for half damage.
  • └- Fervent Blow (Su): (4 points) With a swift action, following up Fervent Orbs, the Slasher makes a charge attack against the same foe. Prerequisites: Fervent Orbs.
  • Gust (Su): (4 points) The Slasher winds back his blade before swinging it in a wide arc, rolling a single attack roll for all creatures in a 30-feet.-cone and dealing normal damage, the Slasher then follows up with a charge attack on one of the affected targets at his highest BAB.
  • Heartless Angel (Su): (10 points) The Slasher surrounds his blade with black and purple energies, slashing at a single creature within reach. The creature must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + soldier’s level + his Constitution modifier) or be reduced to 1 HP.
  • Herculean Angel (Su): (10 points) The Slasher surrounds his blade with black and green energies, slashing at a single creature within reach. The creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + soldier’s level + his Constitution modifier) or be reduced to 1 MP.
  • Mach 10,000 (Su): (3 points) As a swift action, the Slasher infuses his entire body, moving so fast he could swear he teleported. The Slasher can move to any visible position within 200 feet, this movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
  • Mother’s Call (Sp): (3 points) The Slasher forces hatred into his opponent’s mind to make them go berserk, targeting a single creature within 60 feet and forcing them to make a Will save (DC 10 + soldier’s level + his Constitution modifier) or gain the berserk status effect, but will not target the Slasher, for a number of rounds equal to his Constitution modifier.
  • Reaper (Su): (5 points) The Slashers infuses his arms with Mako energy to cut 3 times in quick succession and with dangerous force. The soldier makes 3 attack rolls at his highest BAB, each attack deals an additional 0.5x Strength damage (or Dexterity if he uses that modifier)
  • Reunion (Sp): (2 points) The Slasher forces images into his opponent’s mind to control their actions, targeting a single creature within 60 feet and forcing them to make a Will save (DC 10 + soldier’s level + his Constitution modifier) or gain the confusion status effect, but will not target the Slasher, for a number of rounds equal to his Constitution modifier.
  • Scintilla (Su): (5 points) The Slasher surrounds himself with a forcefield that parries enemy melee attacks, any melee attack that isn’t a natural 20 automatically misses, after which he can make an attack of opportunity against the enemy for each parried attack. This effect dissipates at the beginning of the Slasher’s next turn.
  • └- Focused Scintilla (Su): (10 points) The Slasher surrounds himself with a forcefield that parries enemy melee attacks, any melee attack that isn’t a natural 20 automatically misses, after which he can make an attack of opportunity against the enemy for each parried attack. This effect dissipates after 2 rounds have passed. Prerequisites: Scintilla.
  • Sever Slash (Su): (2 points) As a swift action, the Slasher coats his blade in Mako energy, reinforcing it a hundred times. The next attack that the Slasher lands ignores all DR and Hardness of a creature or object, its damage is also not reduced based on its damage type. This effect dissipates after it has been used once, or 2 rounds have passed.
  • └- Severing Slashes (Su): (5 points) As a swift action, the Slasher coats his blade in Mako energy, reinforcing it a hundred times. Until the beginning of their next turn the Slasher’s attacks ignore all DR and Hardness of a creature or object, its damage is also not reduced based on its damage type. Prerequisites: Sever Slash.
  • Transience (Su): (1 points) The Slasher makes a single melee attack and if it hits, it forces the creature to make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + soldier’s level + his Constitution modifier) or be pushed back an amount of feet equal to the damage dealt (rounded down to the nearest 5 feet)

Profound: Characters who mostly resemble this style include Genesis.Soldier


  • Loveless Rapier: One-Handed. 1d6 (S) / 2d4 (M), 18-20/x2, Slashing or piercing, 8 lbs.
  • 5th: 1d8 (S) / 1d10 (M)
  • 10th: 1d10 (S) / 3d4 (M)

 Style Techs 

  • Blood Drain (Sp): (2 points) The Profound holds out his hand as he forcefully pulls the lifeforce from another creature. A single creature within 60 feet must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + soldier’s level + his Constitution modifier) or take 5d6 points of non-elemental damage for which the Profound heals for.
  • Cell Regeneration (Su): (2 points) As a swift action, the Profound increases his innate healing abilities, recuperating from wounds quicker. The Profound gains fast healing equal to his soldier level for a number of rounds equal to his Constitution modifier. This fast healing stacks with all other fast healing effects.
  • └- Overhauled Regeneration (Su): (4 points) As a swift action, the Profound further increases his innate healing abilities, closing wounds in an instant. The Profound gains fast healing equal to double his soldier level for a number of rounds equal to his Constitution modifier. This fast healing stacks with all other fast healing effects. This cannot be active at the same time as Cell Regeneration. Prerequisites: Cell Regeneration.
  • Detonating Grasp (Sp): (2 points) The Profound covers his hand in blazing energy, setting alight or exploding those he touches. The Profound can make a melee touch attack to ignite a creature, dealing 1d6 points of fire damage per soldier level plus his Constitution modifier and inflicting the burning status. If the Profound makes this melee touch attack against a creature that is already burning, the creature explodes in flames and instead takes 1d10 points of fire damage per soldier level plus his Constitution modifier, removing the burning status.
  • Electric Needles (Sp): (1 points) The Profound summons up countless electric needles to fire at his foe. These needles deal 2d4+1 lightning damage for every soldier level he possesses (20d4+10 lightning at level 10) to a single creature within 120 feet, the target can make a Reflex save (DC 10 + soldier’s level + his Constitution modifier) for half damage.
  • Enhanced Agility (Su): (1 points) As a swift action, the Profound infuses his muscles with Mako energy, allowing him to fight harder and faster. After activating this ability, the Profound may use his Dexterity modifier for melee attack and melee damage rolls in place of his Strength modifier for a number of rounds equal to 10 plus his Constitution modifier.
  • Homing Fire (Sp): (1 point) The Profound conjures up spritely fireballs from his hand to shoot at his foes. The Profound makes 1 missile made of fire plus 1 additional missile per two soldier levels after 1st, these home onto creatures within 60 feet at the designation of the Profound, dealing 2d6 + his Constitution modifier of fire damage.
  • Magic Swords (Sp): (4 points) The Profound makes bright red Mako forms of his weapon, which act as he directs. The Profound makes 3 magic swords which can move 20 feet per round and make 1 attack each per round using the weapon damage of the Profound’s Loveless Rapier. The Magic Swords persist for a number of rounds equal to half the Profound’s Constitution modifier.
  • Mako Memory (Su): (2 points) The Profound infuses a small amount of his cells into a target, sharing his knowledge with them. The Profound can select an ally within 60 feet to share one of his teamwork feats for 10 rounds plus 1 round per soldier level, the ally need not meet the prerequisites.
  • └- Mako Instincts (Su): (4 points) The Profound infuses a larger amount of his cells into a target, sharing his knowledge and bodily experience with them. The Profound can select an ally within 60 feet to share one of his feats for 10 rounds plus 1 round per soldier level, the ally need not meet the prerequisites. Prerequisites: Mako Memory.
  • Mako-Magical Protection (Su): (4 points) The Profound surrounds his body with Mako energy to reduce incoming damage from magical attacks. The Profound gains Elemental Resistance to all elements equal to his soldier level plus his Constitution modifier for a number of rounds equal to his Constitution modifier. By spending 2 additional ME, the Profound may use this ability as a move action, 3 ME for a swift action, 4 ME for an immediate action.
  • Mako-Physical Protection (Su): (4 points) The Profound hardens his skin to reduce incoming damage from physical attacks. The Profound gains DR/- equal to half his soldier level plus his Constitution modifier for a number of rounds equal to his Constitution modifier. By spending 2 additional ME the Profound may use this ability as a move action, 3 ME for a swift action, 4 ME for an immediate action.
  • Sword Enhance (Sp): (Varies) As a swift action, the Profound enchants his blade with Mako energy, increasing its effectiveness or giving it new effects. By spending 1 ME the Profound can apply a +1 enhancement bonus to his weapon, stacking with its normal enhancement bonus, to a max of +5. The Profound can spend an additional ME at every even level (2, 4, 6, 8, 10) to add additional enhancement bonuses or magic weapon special abilities (dancing, earthen, earthen burst, flaming, flaming burst, frost, icy burst, jetstream, jetstream burst, keen, roaring, roaring burst, shock, shocking burst, speed, or vorpal.), but the overall weapon bonus can never exceed +10. This effect lasts for 10 rounds plus 1 round per soldier level.
  • Twister Strike (Su): (3 points) The Profound spins around, letting out several cuts into the air to strike down his foes. The profound deals normal melee attack damage in a 30-feet.-radius around him, enemies caught in this area can make a Reflex save (DC 10 + soldier’s level + his Constitution modifier) for half damage.

Grunt: Characters who mostly resemble this style are the Third, Second, and First-class SOLDIERS you fight throughout FFVII. Soldier


  • SOLDIER Sword: Two-Handed. 1d8 (S) / 1d10 (M), 20/x4, Slashing, 12 lbs. Strong.
  • 5th: 1d10 (S) / 3d4 (M)
  • 10th: 3d4 (S) / 4d4 (M)

 Style Techs

  • Bolt (Sp): (1 point) The Grunt vibrates the mako energy in the air so quickly, it creates a bolt of lighting, striking a single creature within 60 feet with a ranged touch attack dealing 2d6 lightning damage per soldier level. The creature must also make a Reflex save (DC 10 + soldier’s level + his Constitution modifier) or gain the static status effect for a number of rounds equal to his Constitution modifier.
  • Doomed Slice (Su): (6 points) The Grunt infuses his blade and his body with Mako energy in a desperate attempt to bring down a foe. Charging at a foe, the Grunt jumps up and slams his weapon down on a foe, dealing his normal damage plus 2d6 points of non-elemental damage per soldier level. During this attack, the Grunt’s critical range is increased by 1 (applied after all other effects). This additional damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.
  • Flying Sickle (Su): (2 points) The Grunt makes an image of his blade out of Mako energy, slashing to shoot out a spinning sickle of energy, attacking a single creature within 60 feet with a ranged touch attack dealing his normal melee damage (including magic weapon special abilities) as wind damage.
  • └- Wind Slash (Su): (6 points) The Grunt makes multiple images of his blade out of Mako energy, slashing repeatedly to shoot out spinning sickles of energy. As a full-round action, he makes the number of attacks he could make in a full attack as ranged touch attacks with a range of 60 feet, taking iterative and other penalties as normal and dealing his normal melee damage (including magic weapon special abilities) as wind damage. Prerequisites: Flying Sickle
  • Hi-Heal (Sp): (2 points) The Grunt infuses a flask of liquid with Mako energy, which he drinks immediately, healing him for 3d6+4 HP.
  • └- X-Heal (Sp): (4 points) The Grunt infuses a flask of liquid with condensed Mako energy, which he drinks immediately, healing him for 5d6+6 HP. Prerequisites: Hi-Heal.
  • └– S-Heal (Sp): (8 points) The Grunt infuses a flask of liquid with liquid Mako energy, which he drinks immediately, healing his HP fully. Prerequisites: Hi-Heal and X-Heal.
  • Iced (Sp): (1 point) The Grunt chills the air with condensed mako energy, causing it to explode around a creature within 60 feet with a ranged touch attack dealing 2d6 ice damage per soldier level. The creature must also make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + soldier’s level + his Constitution modifier) or gain the frozen status effect for a number of rounds equal to his Constitution modifier.
  • Mako Libra (Su): (1 point) The Grunt selects a creature within 60 feet, who must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + soldier’s level + his Constitution modifier) or have their current HP, MP, and any current status effects known to the Grunt.
  • One-Handed Style (Ex): (1 point) As a swift action, the Grunt is able to wield his SOLDIER Sword with 1 hand for a number of rounds equal to his Constitution modifier.
  • Quadra-Cut (Ex): (5 points) The Grunt infuses his arms with Mako energy, making him attack faster and harder. As a standard action, the Grunt attacks a single creature with 4 slashes, making 1 attack roll at his highest BAB, if it hits, he deals quadruple weapon damage + any normal damage he deals.
  • Sleepel (Sp): (1 point) The Grunt lulls the opponent into a state of calm, targeting a single creature within 60 feet and forcing them to make a Will save (DC 10 + soldier’s level + his Constitution modifier) or gain the sleep status effect for a number of rounds equal to his Constitution modifier.
  • Split (Ex): (4 points) The Grunt aims to take down 2 creatures, infusing his shoulders and hips with mako energy to turn faster.  With a full-round action, if the Grunt has the vital strike feat, he may apply it to 2 different enemies within his reach, rolling separately for both.
  • Sword of Doom (Su): (2 points) The Grunt can make a running leap and slam his weapon down on the opponent. The Grunt charges at an opponent and makes a single attack at his highest base attack bonus. If it hits, this attack deals an additional 1d6 points of damage per soldier level. In addition, the creature must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + soldier’s level + his Constitution modifier) or is knocked prone. This additional damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.
  • Zippit (Sp): (1 point) The Grunt lords his presence over others, targeting a single creature within 60 feet and forcing them to make a Will save (DC 10 + soldier’s level + his Constitution modifier) or gain the silence status effect for a number of rounds equal to his Constitution modifier.

Evade Reach (Ex)

At 2nd level, as a swift action, a soldier may choose one creature within his line of sight. Until the end of his turn, that target’s reach is treated as if it were 5 feet shorter (to a minimum of 5 feet) with respect to reaching the soldier, and this reduction increases by 5 feet for every two soldier levels beyond 2nd.

Mako Power (Su)

At 4th level, a soldier can call upon the mako energy inside of him to grant himself a brief period of increased prowess by concentrating what areas of his body to enhance. As a swift action, the soldier can surround himself in a green aura that is brimming with the power of mako that grants him a +4 morale bonus to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to his soldier level. He can also choose to split the bonus in increments of +2 to each of the attributes. The soldier can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 4 + his Constitution modifier.

Companion Blade (Ex)

At 6th level, a soldier has become so accustomed with his specific weapon he can wield it like an extension of his arm. The soldier can gain one of the following feats as a bonus feat: Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Focus, Brutal Coup De Grace, Anatomical Savant, Penetrating Strike, Greater Penetrating Strike, Weapon Specialization, or Greater Weapon Specialization. The soldier does not need to meet the prerequisites of these feats, unless a prerequisite is another feat on the list (Greater Weapon Focus requires Weapon Focus).

 At 8th and 10th level, the soldier can choose another feat from the list.

Greater Mako Power (Su)

At 10th level, a soldier’s ability to call upon the mako power is further enhanced, the morale bonus granted from the ability increases to +8.