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SeeD Operative SeeD operatives are a mercenary force for hire, conducting missions around the world as battle support and undercover operatives. Their services are requested by governments and civilians; their tasks range from providing military support to protecting civilians to slaying monsters. Only Balamb Garden trains SeeD cadets, but members from the other Gardens can transfer to Balamb for the field exam. All SeeD operatives are stationed at Balamb. The SeeD operative specializes in high-level para-magic via the use of Guardian Forces.

Hit Die: d8

To qualify to become a seed operative, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Skills: Spellcraft 5 ranks, Knowledge (Religion) 3 ranks
Special: Must be a student or cadet of a Mercenary Academy.

Class Skills
The seed operative’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Drive (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana, Engineering, Planes, Religion, Technology) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Class Main Ability Scores
The seed operative mainly focuses on STR/DEX for martial combat and CHA for their class features.

Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Table: SeeD Operative

LevelBase Attack BonusFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSpecial
1st+0+1+0+1Limit Break, Para Magic, Draw, Guardian Force
2nd+1+1+1+1GF – Abilities, GF – Spells
3rd+2+2+1+2GF – Junction, GF – Activate
4th+3+2+1+2GF – Abilities
5th+3+3+2+3GF – Junction
6th+4+3+2+3GF – Abilities
7th+5+4+2+4GF – Junction
8th+6+4+3+4GF – Abilities
9th+6+5+3+5GF – Junction
10th+7+5+3+5GF – Abilities, Perfect Junction

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the seed operative prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

SeeD operatives gain proficiency with either a blaster edge, gunblade (standard), nunchaku, shotgun, or whip and scorpion whip.

Limit Break (Su)

At 1st level, the seed operative receives the Limit Break (Guardian Force Summon).

Guardian Force Summon (Su): This Limit Break allows the seed operative to summon his guardian force for a small amount of time to perform the guardian force’s Limit Break. The seed operative summons the guardian force within 60 feet to perform its Limit Break, using double the seed operative’s level in place of the summoner level needed for the effect. If the seed operative has levels in summoner, the levels stack.

Para Magic

At 1st level, a seed operative casts spells which are drawn from enemies he faces and gained from guardian forces he has junctioned to. A seed operative doesn’t begin play with any spells, and must draw them from enemies he encounters. Unlike other mages, a seed operative cannot purchase or find scrolls to add spells to his spells known list. The maximum level spell a seed operative can stock is equal to either the highest level spell he can cast or his seed operative level, whichever is higher.

To draw or cast a spell or spell-like ability, the seed operative must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level (Cha 11 for 1st-level spells, Cha 12 for 2nd-level spells, and so forth). The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a seed operative’s spell is 10 + the spell level + his Charisma modifier. A seed operative cannot use cantrips with para magic.

When casting para magic, the seed operative’s caster level is equal to his seed operative level plus half of all other casting classes. Any spell he casts uses his Charisma modifier in place of any other casting modifiers. The seed operative has no limit on what spell level he can cast, provided he can draw the spell in the first place. The seed operative cannot perform Bard Songs or use Ninja Ninjustsus.

Because the somatic components required for para magic are simplified, a seed operative can cast para magic while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. However, like mages, a seed operative wearing medium or heavy armor or using a shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure.

Draw (Su)

The seed operative doesn’t gain any MP to cast his spells. Instead, he keeps these spells in a draw pool that stays with him until he discharges the spells. He may stock up as many spell types in this pool equal to his seed operative level plus his Charisma modifier. He may stock multiple uses of the same spell type equal to his Charisma modifier. Bard Songs and Ninja Ninjustsus cannot be drawn or stocked, nor can cantrips.

For example, a 1st level seed operative with a 14 Charisma has a draw pool of 3, which means he may stock up to 3 different spell types with each type stackable up to 2 uses. (2 stocks of fire, 2 stocks of blizzard, 2 stocks of cure).

Drawing a spell from an enemy is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. The seed operative may draw from an enemy he can see within 30 feet and must make a successful Spellcraft check (DC 10 + the creature’s HD) and if successful, he may choose a spell the creature is able to cast from creature’s spells or spell-like abilities, which he identifies the names of with a successful draw but not the effects. He may use his Charisma modifier in place of Intelligence when making this skill check. The creature loses the use of the chosen spell or spell-like ability for 1 round, and any MP or uses per day that the ability would normally require, and the seed operative gains its use in his draw pool. If he fails, the attempt is wasted and counts to the number of times the seed operative can draw from the target.

If the creature has no spells or spell-like abilities, the seed operative may choose between basic spells to draw from the essence of the creature. He may choose between: aero, blizzard, curedarkfire, light, stone, thunder, and water. These basic spells that he can pull increase to their 2nd level versions at 5th level and their 3rd level versions at 10th.

The same creature cannot be drawn from more than once every 24 hours. If the seed operative draws from a creature and cannot gain any more spells in his draw pool, he may lose an obtained spell in place of the new one. As soon as the spell is used, the spell is lost forever and a draw point is now free to gain another spell into the pool.

Allies: When drawing from a willing ally, but not himself, the seed operative may draw as many times per day as he likes, however, the ally loses both the spell for 1 round as well as the MP required to cast the spell. Spell-like abilities remove a use per day from his ally. He cannot draw from an allied summoned creature, either through a Summon spell, Limit Break, or other summon ability.

Several willing seed operatives may exchange spells, as long as they have space for them in their stock, swapping or gifting any amount of stocked spells after a 10-minute meditation within 30ft of each other.

Guardian Force (Su)

Guardian forces are used to junction abilities into seed operatives, allowing them to draw and cast spells (hereafter referred to as GFs). These guardian forces exist in specific energy fields that allow them to reside in living organisms and be called out to aid them.

At 1st level, the seed operative chooses a single guardian force to make a pact with chosen from the summoner’s avatar list. If the seed operative has levels in summoner, he cannot choose his avatar as a guardian force. It takes a great deal of energy to summon the guardian force and even then, they may be only summoned for a brief time through their Limit Break. Otherwise, the guardian force’s purpose is to enhance the seed operative and allow him to gain junctions. If the seed operative was to ever lose his guardian force, he would lose all seed operative abilities associated with that guardian force and lose all other seed operative abilities and all gained spells.

See Avatars for more information on the individual avatars.

GF – Abilities (Su)

At 2nd level, and every two levels after the seed operative gains an ability from his guardian force chosen from the avatar list of the chosen avatar (see below). This is the mark of the guardian force as the seed operative gains more power and connection with his GF, and gaining the power to the GF. However, the abilities gained affect the seed operative in different ways. If the ability chosen is a spell, refer to GF – Spells.

Abilities that are not spells such as Bahamut’s Frightful Presence, are permanent abilities gained for the seed operative unless he loses the pact with the guardian force. Abilities that require a slam, bite or any natural attack can be used with a seed operative’s unarmed strikes, or weapons wielded if they do not have the appropriate attack.

The DC of abilities use the seed operative’s level instead of half summoner level, and any ability that requires MP does not cost MP for the seed operative. Instead, he can use any ability other than a spell a number of times per day equal to his Charisma modifier. Any ability that already has a daily allotment instead uses its own daily uses. Abilities that have cooldowns, such as 1d4+1, still keep that cooldown for the seed operative.

For example, a 4th level seed operative with a Charisma modifier of +6 can use Ifrit’s Burning Strike ability 6/day as well as Flaming Crush 6/day, whereas Eruption has its own daily limit of 3/day.

A blue mage can learn spells from a seed operative using an ability from a GF as normal.

Guardian Force Abilities

  • At 2nd level, the seed operative chooses the 2nd or 4th level ability to gain from the chosen avatar. As a utility ability, he may instead choose Magic-Refine.
  • At 4th level, the seed operative chooses the 6th or 8th level ability to gain from the chosen avatar. As a utility ability, he may instead choose Auto-Potion.
  • At 6th level, the seed operative chooses the 10th or 12th level ability to gain from the chosen avatar. As a utility ability, he may instead choose Auto-Haste.
  • At 8th level, the seed operative chooses the 14th or 16th level ability to gain from the chosen avatar. As a utility ability, he may instead choose Auto-Protect.
  • At 10th level, the seed operative gains the avatar’s 18th level ability. As a utility ability, he may instead choose Auto-Shell.

Auto-Haste (Su): If the seed operative is aware of combat and not flat-footed, he may use a free action to gain the benefits of Haste at the start of combat. If the seed operative cannot use this at the start of combat, he may use it at the beginning of his first turn. This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to his seed operative level. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to his Charisma Modifier.

Auto-Potion (Ex): The seed operative gains the Auto-Potion ability, where the seed operative can take an immediate action when hit by a melee attack or ranged attack to drink a potion. He must have a free hand to use this ability but does not provoke an attack of opportunity. He can only use this ability once a round.

Auto-Protect (Su):  If the seed operative is aware of combat and not flat-footed, he may use a free action to gain the benefits of Protect at the start of combat. If the seed operative cannot use this at the start of combat, he may use it at the beginning of his first turn. This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to his seed operative level. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to his Charisma Modifier. The seed operative may spend an additional use of this ability to gain the benefits of Protect II, 3 uses for Protect III, or 4 uses for Protect IV. At 10th level, he may spend 5 uses for Protect V.

Auto-Shell (Su): If the seed operative is aware of combat and not flat-footed, he may use a free action to gain the benefits of Shell at the start of combat. If the seed operative cannot use this at the start of combat, he may use it at the beginning of his first turn. This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to his seed operative level. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to his Charisma Modifier. The seed operative may spend an additional use of this ability to gain the benefits of Shell II, 3 uses for Shell III, 4 uses for Shell IV, or 5 uses for Shell V.

Magic-Refine (Su): The seed operative can absorb the magical powers of wands and scrolls, adding the spells to his stock. To absorb the power of a scroll, he must make a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + Spell Level), failure by 5 or more causes the scroll to be destroyed. To absorb the power of a wand, he must make a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + Caster Level), failure by 5 or more causes the wand to lose a charge. Succeeding in refining magic from a scroll or wand consumes the spell on the scroll or a charge from the wand.

GF – Spells (Sp)

At 2nd level, a seed operative begins the day with spells gained from his avatar if he has chosen them as his GF – Abilities. Spells such as Ifrit’s Fire II and Diabolos’s Pit of Despair are cast from the seed operative’s draw pool. At the beginning of each day, he gains a number of the spells available in his draw pool equal to his Charisma modifier.

For example, a 6th level seed operative with a +6 Charisma modifier would gain 6 casts of fire II and 6 casts of firaga if he selected those from the list of GF abilities.

If he does not have enough room for spells types gained from his GF, he may choose not to gain them or replace any current spell type in his pool for them. Any unspent spell gained from a GF is lost and does not stack with those gained from a previous day, but do if gained from other creatures.

GF – Junction (Su)

At 3rd level and every other level thereafter, the seed operative can use his magic to enhance his physical body rather than attack with his para-magic. He chooses a single stat he can junction his spells onto. Every 2 seed operative levels after 3rd, he chooses an additional stat he can junction. No more than one spell type can be junctioned to a single stat, except for HP. A seed operative may junction a single type of spell, like fire or blizzard, to a stat, but cannot use that same type of spell for any other stat. He may choose one of the following stats to junction a spell to enhance at the beginning of each day:

  • Hit Points (Gain +2 max hp per spell)
  • Magic Points (Gain +1 max mp per spell)
  • Ability Scores (Choose a single score, up to a max of +6)
  • Armor Class (Does not apply to Flat-Footed or Touch)
  • Saving Throws (Choose a single saving throw)

For example, a 5th level seed operative with a Charisma modifier of +6 can junction 6 fire spells from his stock to HP to gain +12 to his maximum, and 6 blizzard spells from his stock to Strength to gain +6 to his Strength stat, but cannot put 3 fire in HP and 3 fire in Strength.

When the seed operative draws a spell, he can junction it, as a free action, to a stat that is empty of spells, if the stat has the same spell they may increase the amount junctioned. He may also change out the spell junctioned, taking 10 minutes to meditate to re-junction spells needed. The same spell type cannot be junctioned to more than one stat.

When junctioning a spell to one of these stats, he gains a temporary competence bonus to the stat equal to the amount of that spell he has stocked. These bonuses never become permanent and do not allow the seed operative to meet feat prerequisites or increase his spell stock.

HP: Any number of spells types can be junctioned to HP, save the spell types junctioned are not already junctioned to another stat, they also offer no bonus based on element or effect. For example, a 3rd level seed operative with a Charisma modifier of +6 can junction 6 fire spells and 6 blizzard spells from his stock to HP for +24 to his max HP.

MP: MP junctions offer no bonus based on element or effect. If the seed operative doesn’t have MP, he gains an MP pool.

GF – Activate (Su)

At 3rd level, depending what type of spell is junctioned, he may activate different effects. He may activate these effects as a free action once per round, with a duration of 1 round; however, he loses one spell from his stock of the junctioned spell when the effect ends. If a spell has multiple types, such as elemental and enfeebling, the seed operative may choose which effect to activate when expending the spell to enhance himself.

Elemental Spells: Elemental spells junctioned to a stat, empower the seed operative with that element based on the amount of that spell is stocked.

If a physical ability score is chosen (such as Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution), the seed operative may make a choice on activation as stated below. These effects only affect attacks that use the junctioned stat, melee attacks with Strength junctions, ranged/finesse attacks with Dexterity junctions, Constitution-based attacks with Constitution junction.

  • Have all physical damage dealt by the seed operative treated as the element of the spell chosen to the junction. If the spell is non-elemental, his attacks instead ignore all types of damage reduction equal to the amount of the junctioned spell that is stocked.
  • Gain a bonus 1d6 damage of that element per spell stocked of the junctioned spell.

For example, with 6 stocks of fire in Strength, the seed operative spends a free action to activate fire, he may have all his physical damage count as fire or deal 6d6 fire damage per hit.

If a defense stat is chosen (AC or any of the three saving throws), he gains elemental resistance to the element of the spell equal to 5 x the amount of the junctioned spell that is stocked. If the spell junctioned is non-elemental, he may choose which element to gain elemental resistance to for a max of 5 x the amount of the junctioned spell that is stocked, this may split amongst any amount of elements if he wishes. He cannot gain anymore elemental resistance for the same element for additional stats junctioned.

Enfeebling Spells: Enfeebling spells junctioned to a stat, empowers the seed operative with the spell either to inflict on attacks or defend against it.

If a physical ability score is chosen (such as Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution), all damage dealt by the seed operative when that ability score modifier is applied also causes the attack to inflict a single random effect of the enfeebling spell, in the case of Bad Breath you roll a 1d6 to decide which status effect is triggered per attack. The DC for the enfeebling effect on all such attacks is equal to 10 + the spell level + his Charisma modifier.

If a defense stat is chosen (AC or any of the three saving throws), the seed operative gains a +1 to all saving throws against that effect for each spell stocked with the junctioned effect. The effects that can be inflicted or defended against are limited to the normal status effects from the status effects page such as blind, or dazzled. Any enfeebling spells with more complex effects than those have no effect. Different enfeebling spells that inflict the same status effects do not stack this bonus, only the highest applies.

Enhancing Spells: Enhancing spells junctioned to a stat, empower the seed operative with a better defense or offense or the ability to break through defenses.

If a physical ability score is chosen (such as Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution), all damage dealt by the seed operative when that ability score modifier is applied may grant the seed operative the effects of the junctioned enhancing spell until the end of his next turn as a swift action. Additional attacks do not increase the effect’s duration, only refresh it.

If a defense stat is chosen (AC or any of the three saving throws), he may invoke the enhancing spell’s effect until the end of his next turn as an immediate action when struck by any attack.

Perfect Junction (Su)

At 10th level, the seed operative has mastered junctioning and may choose a single stat to junction two spells to gain the effects of both spells to the stat.

Class Feats

The following feats are available to a seed operative who meets the prerequisites.