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GeneralElite commanders on the battlefield hand pick by the emperor of a country to lead his soldiers into combat and to protect him and his family. A devastating warrior who seems slow at first glance only to surprise his enemies with his charging speed and magical powers granted to him by his armor.

Hit Die: d12

To qualify to become a general, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Any lawful alignment.
Base Attack Bonus: +7
Skills: Diplomacy 2 ranks, Intimidate 4 ranks, Sense Motive 2 ranks, Use Magic Device 2 ranks.
Special: Must be appointed by one of the emperors of a country or equivalent, with magiteknology.

Class Skills
The general’s skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Nobility) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Points Per Level: 4 + Int modifier

Table: General

LevelBase Attack BonusFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSpecial
1st+1+1+0+1Limit Break, Deadly Charge (1d6), General’s Charge, Magitek Plate
2nd+2+1+1+1Magick Points, Magitek Power, Battle Tactician
3rd+3+2+1+2Mighty Swipe
4th+4+2+1+2Deadly Charge (2d6), Magitek Power, Battle Tactician
6th+6+3+2+3Magitek Power, Battle Tactician
7th+7+4+2+4Deadly Charge (3d6), Relentless Swipe
8th+8+4+3+4Magitek Power, Battle Tactician
10th+10+5+3+5Deadly Charge (4d6), Magitek Power, Greater Battle Tactician, True Devotion

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the general prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

Generals are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, all types of armor (light, medium, and heavy), and shields.

Limit Break (Su)

At 1st level, the general receives the Limit Break (For Hearth and Home).

For Hearth and Home (Su): This Limit Break allows the general to rally his allies to stand by him in this dire time, to push through the line and take down their enemies so that they may live to see their home, and families. The general and all allies who can see and hear him within a 60-ft.-radius gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls and a dodge bonus to AC equal to half the general’s level (minimum of +1) and lasts for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per two general levels after 1st.  In addition, allies within the area of effect of the general also gain the effects of the Diehard feat. This Limit Break lasts for a duration of 1 round plus 1 round for every two general levels after 1st. This limit break requires only a swift action.

Magitek Plate

A general’s Magitek Plate is a suit of heavy armor (see below) +1. It is tailor-fitted for the general. Every two levels after 1st, the general takes this armor to be upgraded and refitted, gaining an additional +1 added to the enhancement bonus. At any time the general stops working for the emperor, he is to turn-in his Magitek Plate or be hunted down.

Magitek Plate: Type (Heavy), Armor Bonus +10, Damage Reduction 2/-, Max Dex Bonus +1, Armor Check Penalty -5, Arcane Spell Failure 35%. The magitek plate also provides the following benefits: +2 circumstance bonus to Strength, and +1 circumstance bonus on Attack rolls. This armor comes equipped with jet boots built into the armor. Allowing for fast movement on charges and jumping. When performing a charge, his boots react giving him greater speed (See General’s Charge). When jumping, the jet boots activate to allow the general to take a 10 on Acrobatic skill checks to jump at any time.

General’s Charge (Ex)

 At 1st level, the general can charge forward against his enemies at high speeds using the jet boots built in his armor. Firstly, he may charge at triple his movement speed at 1st level and does not need to charge in a straight line allowing him to jump and move in any direction as part of a charge. He also deals more damage when performing a charge (see Deadly Charge). Additionally, he is able to absorb damage from high fall damage easier thanks to his armor’s shock absorbers. At 1st level, he takes damage from falling as if it was 5-foot shorter plus an additional 5-feet every other level after 1st. This stacks with effects such as hardy landing.

At 5th level, he takes no penalties to AC when charging.

Deadly Charge (Ex)

Also at 1st level, when the general charges an enemy and successful hits, he deals an extra 1d6 damage at 1st level and an additional 1d6 damage per three levels thereafter. When he charges an enemy within 30-feet who hasn’t witnessed him charge yet, that enemy is caught off-guard by the sheer speed of the general becoming flat-footed to the charge unless they have uncanny dodge. An enemy cannot be caught flat-footed again after witnessing him charging for 24 hours. 

Magick Points (Su)

At 2nd level, while wearing his magitek plate armor, the general has access to the armor’s pool of magick called magick points. This is not the same as MP, only able to be access when the armor is donned. The armor has a set of magick points equal to 3 plus the general’s level. Once depleted, these points do not refill until the armor is taken off and allowed to recharge itself for 8 hours. The armor itself is self-sustaining with these points and only requires to be taken off and given time to recharge.

The general may spend MP if he has any from a spell casting class or other means to refill his armor. For every 2 MP spent, he can refill the armor’s magick points by 1. Gaining magick points this way requires a move action. Magick points are used to unleash the armor’s magical power within it boosting the general’s attacks or defenses, supporting and even healing him.

Magitek Powers (Su)

Below is a list of powerful, secret magitek powers that can only be used when wearing his magitek plate and spending magick points. The general gains a single magitek power at 2nd level and every two levels thereafter.

Arm Cannon (Su): The general learns to utilize the magick in the armor to fire off blasts of energy from his hands. The general may as a standard action, make a ranged touch attack upon an enemy within 100 feet and if successful, deals 2d6 points of non-elemental damage plus his Charisma modifier. This attack does not provoke attacks of opportunity. This power costs 1 magick point to use.

Cross (Su): The general infuses his melee weapon with energy and forms an X shape cross in the air and sends it forward in a 30-foot-line dealing double melee weapon damage plus his Charisma modifier to all in its wake. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + the general’s level + his Charisma modifier) can halve this damage. This power is a standard action and costs 1 magick point to use.

Grand Cross (Su): When utilizing his cross power, the general can spend an extra magick point to cause the cross to explode on impact instead on the first enemy hit in its wake causing the target to be dazed and dealing additional damage equal to the general’s level. A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + the general’s level + his Charisma modifier) can half the damage and negate the Daze effect. Prerequisite: Cross magitek power

Hand of the Emperor (Su): When utilizing the arm cannon power, the general may spend an extra magick point to cause the shot to have an alternate effect, chosen from below. Prerequisite: Arm Cannon magitek power

  • Blast Shot: Instead of making an attack roll, the general designates an area within range that he can see. The attack has an area effect radius equal to 10 + 5 per 2 general levels, all creatures within the area of effect must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + the general’s level + his Charisma modifier) or take 4d6 points of force damage + the general’s Charisma modifier.
  • Elemental Shot: When making an attack with his arm cannon, the general may instead change its damage to any element of his choosing for that attack. This attack deals 4d6 points of elemental damage + the general’s Charisma modifier (subjected to all resistances or weakness as usual).
  • Power Shot: Increases damage to 4d6 + the general’s Charisma modifier, this damage increases by +1d6 for per 2 general levels.
  • Rapid Fire: When the general spends an extra magick point to use arm cannon, for the remaining of the round, he may treat it as a swift action instead of a standard action. If making a full-attack action, the general may fire a number of blasts equal to his number of attacks. If he possesses feats or abilities that grant additional ranged attacks, these apply for arm cannon.

Heir Bane (Su): The general may now use his Mage bane power against supernatural abilities as well. Prerequisite: Mage Bane magitek power

Incinerate (Su): The general infuses his melee weapon with energy from his armor, and slams the ground to set ablaze the foes around him, causing the area in a 20-ft.-radius around him to light a whirling blue flame. This deals melee weapon damage plus his Charisma modifier as fire damage to all in 20-ft.-radius. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + the general’s level + his Charisma modifier) can half this damage. For a number of rounds equal to the general’s Charisma modifier, the area of effect stays aflame dealing 1d6 fire damage to all who stand within it. This power is a standard action and costs 1 magick point to use.

Innocence (Su):  The general infuses his melee weapon with energy from his armor and swings it in front of him, unleashing a small wave of energy that seems to return energy back to the user. As a standard action, the general makes a single melee attack at his highest base attack bonus against a target in melee range and if successful, he deals normal damage plus his Charisma modifier. The general is healed half of the damage dealt. This power costs 1 magick point to use.

Mage Bane (Su): The general can use his armor to withstand magical strikes aimed at him. As an immediate action, the general can choose to automatically pass a saving throw against a spell or spell like ability by bracing himself and infusing his armor to take the hit. However, the general is dazed until the end of his next turn. The general must be not be flat-footed to use this power. This power costs 3 magick points to use.

Magick Spread (Su): When utilizing his incinerate power, the general can instead spend an extra magick point to deal the same effect in 30-ft.-cone instead of the normal 20-ft.-radius. Those hit, however, are also knocked prone on the failed save. Prerequisite: Incinerate magitek power

Mighty Guard (Su): The general invokes the armor to unleash its energy within to give him a boost to his defense. For a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier, the general gains the effect of protect III and shell III and haste. During and after the effect ends, however, he is unable to spend magick points. He is unable to spend points for a number of rounds equal to double the rounds spent in mighty guard. This power is a move action to activate and costs 3 magick points to use. He may end this effect as a free action.

Shift (Sp): The general unleashes the magick within the armor to propel him forward in an instant allowing him to teleport up to his movement speed as a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. This ability functions as dimension door, but does not prevent further action. This power costs 1 magick point to use.

Shock (Su): The general invokes the energy within his armor to unleash a powerful blast of energy on nearby enemies. As a standard action, the general causes an area within 100-feet to explode with magical energy dealing 1d10 points of non-elemental damage + an additional 1d10 points of non-elemental damage per two general levels after 1st in a 20-ft.-radius. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + the general’s level + his Charisma modifier) can half this damage and those who fail the save are Shaken for a number of rounds equal to the general’s Charisma modifier. This power costs 1 magick point to use.

Battle Tactician (Ex)

At 2nd level, a general gains a teamwork feat as a bonus feat. He must meet the prerequisites for this feat. As a standard action, the general can grant this feat to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear him. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat for 4 rounds, plus 1 round for every 2 levels beyond 2nd that the general possesses. Allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of this bonus feat. The general can use this ability once per day at 2nd level, plus one additional time per day at 4th, 6th and 8th levels.

Mighty Swipe (Ex)

At 3rd level, when the general charges an enemy, he may make an attack on all other enemies adjacent to his target within reach at the end of the charge at his highest base attack bonus. Bonuses from Deadly Charge applies to these extra attacks.

Stalwart (Ex)

At 5th level, a general can use mental and physical resiliency to avoid certain attacks. If he makes a Fortitude or Will saving throw against an attack that has a reduced effect on a successful save, he instead avoids the effect entirely. A helpless general does not gain the benefit of the stalwart ability.

Relentless Swipe (Ex)

At 7th level, the general may attack enemies who are adjacent to his charge route when charging an enemy, at his highest base attack bonus. The general can attack an amount of times equal to the number of attacks he would have during a full attack with this ability. He cannot attack the same creature more than once during his charge. He also does not provoke attacks of opportunity for charging through threatened areas.

Entrust (Su)

At 9th level, the general may target a single ally within 15-feet and rally them to go all out entrusting their livelihood to them, granting them a surge of power. Whenever the general is under 50% health, as a standard action, the general can choose to spend two of his limit break usages to allow the targeted ally to limit break without needing to be at 50% health or lower, and without spending their own limit break usage. The ally must use their limit break on their next turn, otherwise the effects of entrust are lost at the end of their turn.

Greater Battle Tactician (Ex)

At 10th level, the general gains an additional teamwork feat as a bonus feat. He must meet the prerequisites for this feat. The general can grant this feat to his allies using the battle tactician ability. Additionally, using the battle tactician ability is now a swift action.

True Devotion (Ex)

The general’s devotion to his home and country is unwavering. At 10th level, the general is immune to all compulsion and fear effects, and he gains a +5 circumstance bonus to all Intimidate and Diplomacy skill checks. He also gains the choice to appoint allies as his bodyguards. He can choose his own allies as his personal bodyguards, choosing up to two trusted allies to protect him. While in combat, the general and his chosen allies gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and damage, and use the general’s Charisma modifier for flanking bonuses, aid another bonuses and any teamwork feats the allies or general has are automatically shared with the general and allies as long as they are within 30-feet of each other. The general and his allies do not need to meet the prerequisites for these feats.