The dragonmaster is one who has passed the Dragon Trials, thus gaining the allegiance of the Four Dragons. The dragonmaster’s sole purpose is to protect and aid the Goddess Althena. Their heroic tales are often the theme of many bard songs.
Hit Die: d10.
To qualify to become a dragonmaster, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Worship: Must worship Althena.
BAB: +6.
Skills: Religion 5 ranks.
Special: Must pass one of the dragon’s trials (up to DM’s discretion on how this is achieved).
Class Skills
The dragonmaster’s skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Survival (Wis).
Skill Points Per Level: 4 + Int modifier
Table: Dragonmaster
Level | Base Attack Bonus | Fort Save | Ref Save | Will Save | Special | MP |
1st | +1 | +1 | +0 | +1 | Dragon Trials, Dragon Magic, Limit Break | 3 |
2nd | +2 | +1 | +1 | +1 | Dragon Magic, Aligned Class | 6 |
3rd | +3 | +2 | +1 | +2 | Dragon Magic, Aligned Class | 9 |
4th | +4 | +2 | +1 | +2 | Dragon Magic | 12 |
5th | +5 | +3 | +2 | +3 | Dragon Magic, Aligned Class, Althena's Trial | 15 |
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the dragonmaster prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Dragonmasters gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.
MP Pool
A dragonmaster gains a MP Pool to be used to cast his dragon magic spells (see below). In addition, he gains additional MP for having a high attribute (Charisma—see Table: Bonus MP per Day (by Spell Level) on the MP System page). A dragonmaster uses their class level as their effective spell level for the purposes of determining bonus MP.
Limit Break (Su)
At 1st level, the dragonmaster receives the Limit Break (Dragonheart).
Dragonheart (Su): This Limit Break bestows the dragonmaster with Althena’s love and draconic defenses. For a duration of 1 round plus an additional round per two dragonmaster levels after 1st, the equipment granted by the Dragon Trials and Althena’s Trial are enhanced. This limit break requires only a swift action.
- White Dragon’s Wings: Increase the fly speed granted by this item by 10 feet, plus an additional 5 feet per dragonmaster level after 1st.
- Red Dragon’s Shield: The dragonmaster gains a +1 sacred bonus to his armor class, plus an additional 1 per two dragonmaster levels after 1st.
- Blue Dragon’s Helm: While this limit break is active, the dragonmaster may choose to allow allied spells to bypass their spell resistance as a free action that may be taken outside of their turn.
- Black Dragon’s Armor: Increase the damage reduction granted by this item by 1, plus an additional 1 per two dragonmaster levels after 1st.
- Dragon Rings and Divine Bromide: The caster level of spells granted by these items are increased by 1, plus an additional 1 per two dragonmaster levels after first.
- Althena’s Power: The dragonmaster gains a +3 sacred bonus to-hit and damage rolls with this weapon.
Dragon Trials (Ex)
Upon gaining his 1st level in this prestige class, the dragonmaster gains a boon in the form of special equipment from the dragon whose trial he completed. A dragonmaster may only receive one boon from each dragon, and must complete an additional dragon’s trial (up to DM’s discretion) to progress further in this prestige class.
If any granted dragonmaster equipment is destroyed, they may be reformed after an 8-hour ritual that costs 500 gold per dragonmaster level.
White Dragon Boons
White Dragon’s Wings: When this staff-like traveling tool is held, it grants the dragonmaster a fly speed equal to half of his base speed (poor maneuverability. After completing all four dragon trials, these wings instead grant a fly speed equal to the dragonmaster’s base speed (average maneuverability). After completing Althena’s trial, the dragonmaster gains this benefit even while the staff is stowed; if the dragonmaster still holds this item, his fly speed increases by 60 feet and his maneuverability is improved to good.
White Dragon’s Ring: When worn in a ring slot, this item grants the dragonmaster ice resistance and a variety of spells that can be cast as though they were on the dragonmaster’s spell list. The resistance granted, spells learned, and their effective caster level are determined by the number of dragon trials the dragonmaster has completed. The dragonmaster gains access to all spells learned at previous levels, cast at the highest level granted by the ring. Spells cast in this manner are not subject to arcane failure chance.
- 1 Trial: Grants 5 wind resistance and the Aero spell (CL 5).
- 2 Trials: Grants 10 wind resistance and Aero II spell (CL 7).
- 3 Trials: Grants 15 wind resistance and the Aero III spell (CL 9).
- 4 Trials: Grants 20 wind resistance and the Aero IV spell (CL 11).
- Althena’s Trial: Grants 30 wind resistance and the Aeroga spell (CL 13).
Red Dragon Boons
Red Dragon’s Shield: This functions as a +1 Impervious Adamantite Heavy Metal Shield. For each trial the dragonmaster completes besides the red dragon’s trial, this enhancement bonus increases by +1 (maxing out at +5 when he completes Althena’s trial).
Red Dragon’s Ring: When worn in a ring slot, this item grants the dragonmaster fire resistance and a variety of spells that can be cast as though they were on the dragonmaster’s spell list. The resistance granted, spells learned, and their effective caster level are determined by the number of dragon trials the dragonmaster has completed. The dragonmaster gains access to all spells learned at previous levels, cast at the highest level granted by the ring. Spells cast in this manner are not subject to arcane failure chance.
- 1 Trial: Grants 5 fire resistance and the Fire spell (CL 5).
- 2 Trials: Grants 10 fire resistance and the Fire II spell (CL 7).
- 3 Trials: Grants 15 fire resistance and the Fire III spell (CL 9).
- 4 Trials: Grants 20 fire resistance and the Fire IV spell (CL 11).
- Althena’s Trial: Grants 30 fire resistance and the Firaga spell (CL 13).
Blue Dragon Boons
Blue Dragon’s Helm: When worn in the head slot, this helmet grants 15 spell resistance, +3 spell resistance for each trial he has completed (maxing out at spell resistance 30 when he completes Althena’s trial).
Blue Dragon’s Ring: When worn in a ring slot, this item grants the dragonmaster water resistance and a variety of spells that can be cast as though they were on the dragonmaster’s spell list. The resistance granted, spells learned, and their effective caster level are determined by the number of dragon trials the dragonmaster has completed. The dragonmaster gains access to all spells learned at previous levels, cast at the highest level granted by the ring. Spells cast in this manner are not subject to arcane failure chance.
- 1 Trial: Grants 5 water resistance and the Water spell (CL 5).
- 2 Trials: Grants 10 water resistance and the Water II spell (CL 7).
- 3 Trials: Grants 15 water resistance and the Water III spell (CL 9).
- 4 Trials: Grants 20 water resistance and the Water IV spell (CL 11).
- Althena’s Trial: Grants 30 water resistance and the Waterga spell (CL 13).
Black Dragon Boons
Black Dragon’s Armor: This functions as +1 Impervious Adamantite Full Plate. For each trial the dragonmaster completes besides the black dragon’s trial, this enhancement bonus increases by +1 (maxing out at +5 when he completes Althena’s trial).
Black Dragon’s Ring: When worn in a ring slot, this item grants the dragonmaster earth resistance and a variety of spells that can be cast as though they were on the dragonmaster’s spell list. The resistance granted, spells learned, and their effective caster level are determined by the number of dragon trials the dragonmaster has completed. The dragonmaster gains access to all spells learned at previous levels, cast at the highest level granted by the ring. Spells cast in this manner are not subject to arcane failure chance.
- 1 Trial: Grants 5 earth resistance and the Stone spell (CL 5).
- 2 Trials: Grants 10 earth resistance and the Stone II spell (CL 7).
- 3 Trials: Grants 15 earth resistance and the Stone III spell (CL 9).
- 4 Trials: Grants 20 earth resistance and the Stone IV spell (CL 11).
- Althena’s Trial: Grants 30 earth resistance and the Stonega spell (CL 13).
Dragon Magic (Su)
At 1st level, and every dragonmaster level thereafter, the dragonmaster gains a supernatural ability he may cast without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Dragon’s Anger (Su): At a cost of 5 MP, the dragonmaster unleashes a torrent of fireballs to rain upon an area within 100 feet, in a 30 foot radius, that deals 5d8 points of damage plus an additional 1d8 fire damage per dragonmaster level. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + double the dragonmaster’s level + his Charisma modifier) halves this damage. Prerequisite: The dragonmaster must have passed the red dragon’s trial.
Dragon Bolt (Su): At a cost of 3 MP, the dragonmaster unleashes a bolt of lightning that streaks forward in a 60 foot line, dealing 5d6 points of lightning damage plus an additional 1d6 lightning damage per dragonmaster level. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + double the dragonmaster’s level + his Charisma modifier) halves this damage. Prerequisite: The dragonmaster must have passed the white dragon’s trial.
Dragon Fire (Su): At a cost of 3 MP, the dragonmaster unleashes a cone of flame that breathes forward in a 30 foot cone, dealing 5d6 fire damage plus an additional 1d6 fire damage per dragonmaster level. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + double the dragonmaster’s level + his Charisma modifier) halves this damage. Prerequisite: The dragonmaster must have passed the red dragon’s trial.
Dragon Grief (Su): At a cost of 5 MP, the dragonmaster unleashes a wave of despair in a 30 foot radius, dealing 5d8 points shadow damage plus 1d8 per dragonmaster level. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + double the dragonmaster’s level + his Charisma modifier) halves this damage. Prerequisite: The dragonmaster must have passed the black dragon’s trial.
Dragon Healing (Su): At a cost of 3 MP, the dragonmaster unleashes a wave of healing to all allies within 30 feet, healing 5d6 points of damage plus 1d6 per dragonmaster level. Prerequisite: The dragonmaster must have passed the blue dragon’s trial.
Dragon Protect (Su): At a cost of 3 MP, the dragonmaster puts a magical barrier around all allies within 30 feet, granting them 25 temporary hit points, plus 5 per dragonmaster level. These temporary hit points last until the start of the dragonmaster’s next turn. Prerequisite: The dragonmaster must have passed the white dragon’s trial.
Dragon Quake (Su): At a cost of 3 MP, the dragonmaster unleashes an earthquake that billows out from him in a 30 foot radius, dealing 5d6 points of earth damage plus 1d6 per dragonmaster level to all grounded creatures in the area. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + double the dragonmaster’s level + his Charisma modifier) halves this damage. Prerequisite: The dragonmaster must have passed the black dragon’s trial.
Dragon Tear (Su): At a cost of 3 MP, the dragonmaster unleashes a plume of ice that drops down from the sky in a cylinder within 60 feet (10 foot radius, 40 feet tall), dealing 5d6 points of ice damage plus 1d6 damage per dragonmaster level. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + double the dragonmaster’s level + his Charisma modifier) halves this damage. Prerequisite: The dragonmaster must have passed the blue dragon’s trial.
Holy Light (Su): At a cost of 6 MP, the dragonmaster unleashes a blast of holy energy in a 20 foot radius within 60 feet that deals 10d6 points of holy damage to all enemies within range. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + double the dragonmaster’s level + his Charisma modifier) halves this damage. Allies in the affected area are healed for 10d6 damage instead. Prerequisite: The dragonmaster must have passed Althena’s Trial.
Aligned Class (Su)
At 2nd level, the dragonmaster must choose a class he belonged to before adding the prestige class to be his aligned class. At 2nd, 3rd, and 5th level, he gains all of the class features for this class, essentially adding every dragonmaster level except 1st and 4th to his aligned class to determine what class features he gains. He still retains the Hit Dice, base attack bonus, saving throw bonuses, skill ranks, and MP of the prestige class, but gains all other class features of his aligned class as well as those of the dragonmaster prestige class.
Althena’s Trial (Su)
To gain the 5th level in this prestige class, the dragonmaster must complete Althena’s Trial (up to DM’s discretion on how this is achieved). Upon completing her trial, the dragonmaster receives the boon of his choice from the goddess or her servants, following the same rules for dragon trial boons.
Althena’s Boons
Althena’s Power: This +2 cold iron weapon becomes a +5 holy cold iron weapon in the hands of the dragonmaster. The form of this weapon is chosen when he receives this boon. When wielded by the dragonmaster, this sacred weapon provides spell resistance 15 to the wielder and any allies adjacent to him. It also enables the dragonmaster to use greater dispel (once per round as a standard action) as a 10th level caster. Only the area dispel is possible, not the targeted dispel or counterspell versions of greater dispel.
Divine Bromide: While this bromide is in the dragonmaster’s possession, he gains 30 holy resistance and may cast the following spells as though they were on the dragonmaster’s spell list (CL 13): Light, Light II, Light III, Light IV, Lightga. Spells cast in this manner are not subject to arcane failure chance.