The dark emperor is a mortal hero or villain in whose veins flows the blood of a god. Cut from the same cloth as classic ancient heroes, most dark emperors are the offspring of a god and a mortal humanoid who drew the god’s eye.
Hit Die: d8.
To qualify to become a dark emperor, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Must be within one alignment step away from the parent deity’s alignment.
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Skills: Diplomacy 5 Ranks, Knowledge (Planes) 5 Ranks, Knowledge (Religion) 5 Ranks, Perception 5 Ranks
Class Skills
The dark emperor’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Ranks Per Level: 6 + Int modifier.
Table: Dark Emperor
Level | Base Attack Bonus | Fort Save | Ref Save | Will Save | Special |
1st | +0 | +1 | +0 | +1 | Lineage Domain, Emperor Traits, Limit Break |
2nd | +1 | +1 | +1 | +1 | Emperor Traits, Emperor Talents |
3rd | +2 | +2 | +1 | +2 | Emperor Trait |
4th | +3 | +2 | +1 | +2 | Emperor Traits, Emperor Talents |
5th | +3 | +3 | +2 | +3 | Emperor Traits |
6th | +4 | +3 | +2 | +3 | Emperor Traits, Emperor Talents |
7th | +5 | +4 | +2 | +4 | Emperor Traits |
8th | +6 | +4 | +3 | +4 | Emperor Traits, Emperor Talents |
9th | +6 | +5 | +3 | +5 | Emperor Traits |
10th | +7 | +5 | +3 | +5 | Emperor Traits, Emperor Talents, Demigod |
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the dark emperor prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A dark emperor is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with light and medium armor, and with all shields (other than tower shields).
Limit Break (Su)
At 1st level, the dark emperor receives the Limit Break (Divine Will).
Divine Will (Su): This Limit Break allows the dark emperor to power through, using his Divine Will to stay alive. Any time the dark emperor would be dropped below 25% health, he can make a DC 20 Fortitude or Will save (his choice), if he succeeds, any damage that would drop him below 25% health heals him instead (for the amount of hit points that would have dropped him below 25% health). This limit break requires a swift action to activate and has a duration of 1 round + 1 round for every two dark emperor levels after 1st. During this Limit Break, only damage by enemies is prevented, not by an ability or spell of his own making that would drop him to 0 or below 0 hit points.
Lineage Domain (Su)
As a result of his divine bloodline, the dark emperor gains access to the powers of a cleric domain. The dark emperor selects his first lineage domain at 1st level, and gains additional lineage domains at 5th and 10th level. Once these domains are selected they cannot be changed. Lineage domains need not be the ones the dark emperor’s divine parent grants to clerics—not all dark emperors have powers related to their parent’s realm of authority. The dark emperor uses his class level for his effective cleric level. A dark emperor uses his Wisdom modifier to determine save DCs and uses/day of all his lineage domain powers.
A multiclass cleric/dark emperor who has the same domain from both classes adds the two classes together when determining what granted powers the character has and their effectiveness.
Emperor Traits (Ex/Su)
Emperor traits are special powers a dark emperor gains through his heritage. Starting at 1st level and every dark emperor level thereafter, he may select any emperor traits for his character, regardless of the dark emperor’s parentage. Traits must be selected in order (from I to IV). A dark emperor gains the benefit of all the degrees of a trait he possesses (though in some cases higher degrees make lower degrees superfluous).
Artificer I (Ex): The dark emperor adds half his dark emperor level to any skill check required to create a magic item (normally Spellcraft). He also spends only 95% of the normal cost for materials to make magic items.
Artificer II (Ex): The dark emperor can craft magic items in 4-hour blocks of time, rather than the 8-hour minimum for most craftsmen. The dark emperor also creates magic items in half the normal time, 4 hours of work per 1,000 gil of value of the finished item. The dark emperor may work up to 8 hours a day, in two 4-hour blocks. He also spends only 90% of the normal cost for materials to make magic items. This ability does not stack with the ability to accelerate crafting by increasing the DC by 5.
Artificer III (Ex): The dark emperor need not have the appropriate item creation feat to create a magic item. If he lacks the correct feat, he takes a –5 penalty to the skill check needed to create the item. He also spends only 85% of the normal cost for materials to make magic items.
Artificer IV (Ex): The dark emperor can craft magic items in 2-hour blocks of time, rather than the 8-hour minimum for most craftsmen. The dark emperor also creates magic items in one-quarter the normal time, 2 hours of work per 1,000 gil of value of the finished item. The dark emperor may work up to 8 hours a day, in four 2-hour blocks. He also spends only 80% of the normal cost for materials to make magic items. This ability does not stack with the ability to accelerate crafting by increasing the DC by 5.
Battle Lord I (Ex): The dark emperor gains a +4 bonus to his CMD against disarm and sunder maneuvers.
Battle Lord II (Ex): When the dark emperor makes an attack with a weapon with which he is not proficient, he suffers only a –2 penalty (rather than the normal –4). Also, if the dark emperor has the Quick Draw feat, he may put away a weapon, or put?away one weapon and draw another, as a free action.
Battle Lord III (Ex): The dark emperor is proficient in all weapons, armor, and shields, even for weapons he has never seen or trained with.
Battle Lord IV (Ex): As a full-attack action, the dark emperor may choose make 2 attacks at his highest attack bonus (this is in place of his normal number of iterative attacks). In addition, he treats his dark emperor level as Full BAB progression.
Beast Master I (Ex): The dark emperor receives the wild empathy class feature like a druid, and a +3 bonus to Handle Animal checks. He may use one mental ability modifier of his choice as a bonus to Handle Animal and Diplomacy checks made toward animals, instead of the normal Charisma bonus.
Beast Master II (Sp): The dark emperor may cast dominate animal 1/day as a spell-like ability, using his character level as his caster level (DC 10 + his dark emperor level + his highest mental ability modifier). The dark emperor must accomplish something positive toward the animal (like opening its cage, providing care to its young or removing a thorn from one’s paw) before using this ability. A wild animal’s attitude toward the dark emperor always starts as indifferent unless the dark emperor looks menacing to the animal; though it may remain unfriendly toward the dark emperor’s allies.
Beast Master III (Ex): The dark emperor improves his capacity to make animals his friends or allies, and these allies put themselves in harm’s way. His dominate animal spell-like ability has a permanent duration (though he may only have a single animal dominated this way at the same time), and he may naturally speak at will with animals of the dominated animal’s kind. Whenever adjacent to an animal (including an animal companion), the dark emperor receives a +1 shield bonus to AC.
Beast Master IV (Su): The dark emperor emits a regal aura that animals fear and respect. Animals may never attack the dark emperor unless pushed by another creature, at which point that creature must perform a Handle Animal check opposed by the dark emperor’s at the beginning of its turn; if it succeeds, the pushed animal may attack the dark emperor for one round but becomes shaken for 1 round. Magical beasts that attempt to hurt the dark emperor suffer a -2 penalty to their attack rolls toward him. The dark emperor may deactivate this aura as a free action, though animals will never voluntarily attack the dark emperor, even offering their life and meat to him if the dark emperor wishes so and this sacrifice does not threaten their young’s or clan’s survival.
Divine Power I (Sp): The dark emperor selects one school of magic. The dark emperor gains one 1st level spell of his choice from the specified source. The dark emperor may cast this spell once per day as a spell-like ability. He may ignore arcane spell failure and material components with no gil cost, but must meet all priced material component and focus requirements normally. The dark emperor’s caster level for these spells are equal to his character level.
Divine Power II (Sp): The dark emperor may now cast the 1st-level spell gained from Divine Power I twice per day. Also, the dark emperor gains one 2nd- or 3rd-level spell of his choice from the same spell source. He may cast this spell once per day using the same rules as Divine Power I. The dark emperor’s caster level for these spells are equal to his character level.
Divine Power III (Sp): The dark emperor may now cast the 1st-level spell gained from Divine Power I three times per day, and the 2nd- or 3rd-level spell gained from Divine Power II twice per day. Also, the dark emperor gains a 4th or 5th-level spell from the same spell source. He may cast this spell once per day using the same rules as Divine Power I. The dark emperor’s caster level for these spells are equal to his character level.
Divine Power IV (Sp): The dark emperor may now cast the 1st-level spell gained from Divine Power I four times per day, and the 2nd- or 3rd-level spell gained from Divine Power II three times per day, and the 4th- or 5th-level spell gained from Divine Power III twice per day. Also, the dark emperor gains a 6th- or 7th-level spell from the same spell source. He may cast this spell once per day using the same rules as Divine Power I. The dark emperor’s caster level for these spells are equal to his character level.
Hardy I (Su): The dark emperor does not require food to survive, though he still needs a normal amount of water each day.
Hardy II (Su): The dark emperor can survive without food or water indefinitely without penalty.
Hardy III (Su): The dark emperor gains a +4 bonus to all saving throws against to diseases and poisons.
Hardy IV (Su): The dark emperor is immune to all diseases and poisons.
Horse Lord I (Su): The dark emperor gains Ride as a class skill (and gains a +3 bonus to all Ride checks if it was already a class skill). Any steed the dark emperor rides gains a +10 foot enhancement bonus to its base land movement speed.
Horse Lord II (Su): The dark emperor treats any steed he rides as a battle-trained mount. Steeds the dark emperor rides gain a bonus to attack and damage checks equal to his Wisdom or Charisma modifier (whichever is higher). The bonus to its base movement gained by any steed the dark emperor is riding increases to +20 feet.
Horse Lord III (Su): When the dark emperor is mounted, both he and his steed may use the dark emperor’s normal CMD, or a CMD of 10 + the dark emperor’s total Ride skill bonus. The penalty the dark emperor takes when using a ranged weapon while mounted is halved (if the dark emperor also has the Mounted Archery feat, he takes no penalty when using ranged weapons while mounted). Riding does not count as vigorous motion or violent motion for the dark emperor in regards to making concentration checks to cast spells. The bonus to its base movement gained by any steed the dark emperor is riding increases to +30 feet.
Horse Lord IV (Su): Any steed the dark emperor rides gains a bonus to its attack rolls equal to half the dark emperor’s level. Once per hour, as a swift action, the dark emperor may grant his steed a number of temporary hit points equal to double the dark emperor’s level. Additionally, any steed the dark emperor rides gains either a 30 foot fly speed (average maneuverability) or a 30 foot swim speed.
Imperial Mage I (Ex): The dark emperor gains MP per day and spells known as if he had also gained a level in a spell-casting class to which he previously belonged before and an increased effective level of spellcasting. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of this class would have gained. Prerequisites: The dark emperor must have a spellcasting class before he can select this trait.
Imperial Mage II (Ex): The dark emperor gains MP per day and spells known as if he had also gained two levels in a spell-casting class to which he previously belonged before and two increased effective levels of spellcasting. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of this class would have gained. Prerequisites: A dark emperor must be at least 4th level before he can select this trait.
Imperial Mage III (Ex): The dark emperor gains MP per day and spells known as if he had also gained two levels in a spell-casting class to which he previously belonged before and two increased effective levels of spellcasting. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of this class would have gained. Prerequisites: A dark emperor must be at least 7th level before he can select this trait.
Imperial Mage IV (Ex): The dark emperor gains MP per day and spells known as if he had also gained two levels in a spell-casting class to which he previously belonged before and two increased effective levels of spellcasting. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of this class would have gained. Prerequisites: A dark emperor must be 10th level before he can select this trait.
Instinctive Spellcasting I (Ex): The dark emperor can cast a spell instinctively, taking the normal time to perform the necessary words and gestures, but leaving his attention free to focus on other concerns (which may vary from combat to movement to concentration on an existing spell). When he uses this ability, he may cast a spell (with a casting time of one standard action or less) by taking a combined move action and a swift action (which must be taken in the same round). This leaves him a standard action free for other acts he wishes to perform, though he cannot use it to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability. Casting a spell with this ability does not provoke an attack of opportunity (the dark emperor isn’t distracted enough to let his guard down). The dark emperor can only use instinctive spellcasting with 1st-level spells (as they are simple enough to cast without paying much attention). The dark emperor may use this ability twice per day.
Instinctive Spellcasting II (Ex): As instinctive spellcasting I, but now the dark emperor can use the ability with spells of nearly any level, though he cannot use instinctive spellcasting with the highest-level spells he is capable of casting (he’s not mastered such spells to the degree required for instinctive spellcasting).
Instinctive Spellcasting III (Ex): As instinctive spellcasting II, but the dark emperor may use the standard action that remains after using instinctive spellcasting to take any normal action, including casting a spell or using a spell-like ability.
Instinctive Spellcasting IV (Ex): As instinctive spellcasting III, except the dark emperor may use it three times per day, and with even his highest-level spells.
Legendary Beauty I (Ex): The dark emperor gains a +3 bonus to his Diplomacy and Perform skills. The dark emperor gains a bonus equal to half his character level to Diplomacy checks made to make a request of a creature that is at least indifferent toward him (see the Diplomacy skill). Additionally, once per day, he may make a Diplomacy check to make a request of a creature that is unfriendly or hostile toward him (though he does not gain the benefit of this trait on such checks, as the targets are not at least indifferent). Each time he uses this ability on a specific creature, it becomes immune to this ability until the dark emperor gains a level.
Legendary Beauty II (Ex): The dark emperor’s presence lifts spirits and inspires artists. Creatures within 60 feet of the dark emperor that can hear or see him gain a circumstance bonus to Perform checks equal to the dark emperor’s Charisma modifier. Additionally, creatures within 60 feet of him that can hear or see him who gain a morale bonus (from any source) act as if that bonus were 1 higher. Additionally, so inspired are those who work to assist the dark emperor that if a character takes an aid another action to help him, the dark emperor gains double the normal bonus.
Legendary Beauty III (Su): The dark emperor can focus his resplendent appearance on a single creature, and overwhelm it with his demeanor. This counts as a charm monster spell, using the dark emperor’s level as the caster level and with a saving throw of (DC 10 + his dark emperor level + his Charisma modifier). He may use this ability once per day, but may never have more than one creature under the thrall of his beauty at a time. If he focuses his magnificence on a new creature to charm it while a previous charm from this emperor trait is still in effect, the previous charm immediately ends.
Legendary Beauty IV (Su): The dark emperor’s loveliness is so great, creatures are loathe to harm him and risk marring his appearance even if they hate him. The dark emperor may add his Charisma modifier as a bonus to his armor class and saving throws against attacks and effects made by creatures with an Intelligence score (of 3 or higher) who can see him. This has no effect on attacks and effects from mindless sources (such as traps and constructs) or foes who cannot see the dark emperor.
Nemesis (Elemental) I (Su): The dark emperor selects three of the following elements: earth, fire, ice, lightning, water, or wind. The dark emperor is a nemesis to creatures with a subtype that matches any of the selected elements. The dark emperor is at –2 to all Diplomacy checks with a creature he is nemesis to, but +1 to all other skills, all attack rolls, and all damage rolls against such creatures. If he is both elemental and ethical nemesis to a creature, all penalties and bonuses from the two emperor traits stack.
Nemesis (Elemental) II (Su): The dark emperor is at an additional –2 to all Diplomacy checks with a creature he is nemesis to (–4 total), but such creatures also suffer a –1 penalty to all saving throws made against the dark emperor’s spells and abilities. If he is both elemental and ethical nemesis to a creature, all penalties and bonuses from the two emperor traits stack.
Nemesis (Elemental) III (Su): The dark emperor is at an additional –2 to all Diplomacy checks with a creature he is nemesis to (–6 total), but each time the dark emperor deals damage to such a creature it takes an additional 1d6 damage. (This damage is of the same type as the original source of damage. If the original source had more than one damage type, the dark emperor decides which type is dealt by the additional damage.) If he is both elemental and ethical nemesis to a creature, all penalties and bonuses from the two emperor traits stack.
Nemesis (Elemental) IV (Su): The dark emperor gains the scent ability, which only functions against creatures to which he is nemesis. Additionally, against such creatures he acts as if he had permanent see invisibility and shield spells in effect. If he is both elemental and ethical nemesis to a creature, all penalties and bonuses from the two emperor traits stack.
Nemesis (Ethical) I (Su): The dark emperor is a nemesis to creatures with a subtype opposite to their ethical beliefs. Good dark emperors are nemesis to all evil creatures. Chaotic dark emperors are nemesis to all lawful creatures. Evil dark emperors are nemesis to all good creatures. Lawful dark emperors are nemesis to all chaotic creatures. Thus a lawful good dark emperor is nemesis to chaotic evil, chaotic good, chaotic neutral, neutral evil and lawful evil creatures. True neutral dark emperors cannot select this emperor trait. The dark emperor is at –2 to all Diplomacy checks with a creature he is nemesis to, but +1 to all other skills, all attack rolls, and all damage rolls against such creatures. If he is both elemental and ethical nemesis to a creature, all penalties and bonuses from the two emperor traits stack.
Nemesis (Ethical) II (Su): The dark emperor is at an additional –2 to all Diplomacy checks with a creature he is nemesis to (–4 total), but such creatures also suffer a –1 penalty to all saving throws made against the dark emperor’s spells and abilities. If he is both elemental and ethical nemesis to a creature, all penalties and bonuses from the two emperor traits stack.
Nemesis (Ethical) III (Su): The dark emperor is at an additional –2 to all Diplomacy checks with a creature he is nemesis to (–6 total), but each time the dark emperor deals damage to such a creature it takes an additional 1d6 damage. (This damage is of the same type as the original source of damage. If the original source had more than one damage type, the dark emperor decides which type is dealt by the additional damage.) If he is both elemental and ethical nemesis to a creature, all penalties and bonuses from the two emperor traits stack.
Nemesis (Ethical) IV (Su): The dark emperor gains the scent ability, which only functions against creatures to which he is nemesis. Additionally, against such creatures he acts as if he had permanent see invisibility and shield spells in effect. If he is both elemental and ethical nemesis to a creature, all penalties and bonuses from the two emperor traits stack.
Paramortal I (Su): The dark emperor does not need to eat or drink. While the dark emperor may partake if he desires, he suffers no penalties for lack of food or water, and does not suffer starvation or thirst. The dark emperor ages only 1 year for every 2 years that pass.
Paramortal II (Su): The dark emperor suffers no penalties from the fatigued condition. A dark emperor that is fatigued and gains the condition again becomes exhausted, as normal. The dark emperor gains darkvision out to 60 feet. A dark emperor that already has darkvisions adds 60 feet to his darkvision’s range. The dark emperor ages only 1 year for every 10 years that pass.
Paramortal III (Su): The dark emperor does not need to sleep. If the dark emperor has a class that grants a MP pool that normally require a full night’s sleep, the dark emperor instead regains MP once per day (at a time agreed upon by the player and GM). Gaining MP for the day still requires an hour of meditation. The dark emperor ages only 1 year for every 50 years that pass.
Paramortal IV (Su): The dark emperor is never blinded, confused, deafened, fatigued, or exhausted. The dark emperor does not age, and is immune to magical aging.
Preternatural Senses I (Su): The dark emperor’s preternatural senses are little more than a flash of insight. When making an attack against a foe within 30 feet, every time the dark emperor misses due to concealment, he can reroll his miss chance percentile roll once. (If the dark emperor has Blind-Fight or a similar ability that allows him to reroll an attack that misses as a result of concealment, that re-roll is in addition to the one provided by preternatural senses).
Preternatural Senses II (Su): The dark emperor gains blindsense with a range of 30 feet. If the dark emperor has darkvision, it now gives him full-color vision even in the absence of light. When attacking creatures with concealment, the percent chance to miss with an attack roll is reduced by 20% – making it 30% for creatures with total concealment, and 0% for creatures with normal concealment. If the dark emperor has the Greater Blind-Fight feat, his percent chance to miss creatures with total concealment drops to 0%.
Preternatural Senses III (Su): The dark emperor’s blindsense now extends 90 feet. If the dark emperor doesn’t have darkvision, he gains it with a range of 60 feet (with the color vision benefits of Preternatural Senses II). If the dark emperor already has darkvision, he gains the See in Darkness ability out to 30 feet, giving him full vision even in total, magical darkness.
Preternatural Senses IV (Su): The dark emperor gains blindsight with a range of 30 feet.
Resourceful Combatant I (Ex): The dark emperor selects one condition or effect listed below. The dark emperor may inflict the selected condition or effect with a successful use of the dirty trick combat maneuver. The condition or effect has the same rules and duration as a normal dirty trick. Once the dark emperor has selected a new condition or effect, this choice may not be changed.
- Bind: Select one weapon or natural weapon of the target. Any attacks it makes with this weapon suffer a -4 circumstance penalty. If he selects unarmed attack, he binds only a single limb. If the creature is able to make unarmed attacks with limbs the dark emperor has not bound, it does not suffer this penalty.
- Broken: Cause 1 object held or easily accessible by a creature the dark emperor makes a dirty trick maneuver against to gain the broken condition.
- Fatigued: Cause the target to become fatigued. This cannot make an already fatigued creature exhausted, nor are creatures suffering this effect of a dirty trick exhausted if they later become fatigued from another source.
- Lame: Reduce the movement rate of one form of the target’s movement by 50% of its normal maximum. If the dark emperor successfully affects a target with this ability a second time while the first use is in effect, its movement rate drops to 0 until one of the effects wears off.
- Mute: Cause target to be unable to speak or complete the verbal components of spells. The creature can still make noise other than speech, and may be able to communicate with a Bluff check.
Resourceful Combatant II (Ex): The dark emperor selects a second condition or effect from resourceful combatant I. The condition or effect has the same rules and duration as a normal dirty trick. Once made, this choice may not be changed. Additionally, if the dark emperor has at least one hand free (not being used to cast spells, hold a shield or other gear, or wield a 2-handed weapon), once per round, he may make a dirty trick combat maneuver in place of a melee attack. Any penalties that would apply to the melee attack apply to the CMB check of the dirty trick made in its place.
Resourceful Combatant III (Ex): The dark emperor selects a third condition or effect from resourceful combatant I. The condition or effect has the same rules and duration as a normal dirty trick. Once made, this choice may not be changed. Additionally, the duration of the dark emperor’s dirty trick’s condition or effect is increased by 1 round for every 3 his CMB check exceeds the target’s CMD (rather than the normal +1/5 rounds).
Resourceful Combatant IV (Ex): The dark emperor selects a fourth condition or effect from resourceful combatant I. The condition or effect has the same rules and duration as a normal dirty trick. Once made, this choice may not be changed. Additionally, an opponent attempting to remove a condition (as a move action, or a standard action if the dark emperor has the Greater Dirty Trick feat) the dark emperor imposed by way of the dirty trick combat maneuver must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + the dark emperor’s level + the dark emperor’s Dex or Int modifier — whichever is higher) to succeed. The condition or effect still ends normally when its duration runs out.
Scholar I (Ex): The dark emperor gains Linguistics and all Knowledge skills as class skills. The dark emperor learns three new languages, one of which must be Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Auroran, Celestial, Enochian, Ignan, Infernal, Runic, Terran, Thorian, or Umbran.
Scholar II (Su): If the dark emperor fails a Knowledge check, he may try again and make a new Knowledge check on the same subject after 24 hours. (Normally he cannot try again on Knowledge checks.)
Scholar III (Ex): Any time the dark emperor makes any Knowledge check, he does so using a bonus equal to his highest total Knowledge skill bonus.
Scholar IV (Su): The dark emperor gains special telepathy, allowing him to communicate freely with all creatures of 2 or greater Intelligence within 100 feet of the dark emperor. This communication is direct between the dark emperor and the target and is not impeded by barriers of language.
Seaborn I (Ex): The dark emperor may always take 10 on a Swim check, even if threats and distractions would normally prevent him from doing so.
Seaborn II (Ex): The dark emperor can hold his breath for a number of minutes equal to three times his Constitution score. If the dark emperor has Hardy I he can safely drink seawater. If he has Hardy II, he can breathe underwater.
Seaborn III (Ex): The dark emperor gains a natural swim speed of 40 feet.
Seaborn IV (Su): When the dark emperor is in at least 20 cubic feet of water, he gains +1 to all attack rolls and saving throws, and gains fast healing 2.
Seer I (Su): As a standard action, the dark emperor can attempt to gain knowledge and learn rumors about a given topic. This functions as the gather information function of the Diplomacy skill (expect for the reduced time taken) and the dark emperor gets a special check to determine success. The check is 1d20 + (dark emperor level x 1.5) + the dark emperor’s spellcasting attribute modifier. The dark emperor may only make a single check for a given topic, and cannot make a new check until he has gained another dark emperor level. If the dark emperor casts a divination spell with a percentage chance of gaining information (such as augury or divination), the dark emperor adds his spellcasting attribute modifier to the chance of success.
Seer II (Su): When not distracted (under circumstances calm enough the dark emperor could normally take 10 on a skill check), the dark emperor may examine a spoken statement made by another creature to see if it is an intentional deception or equivocation. The dark emperor makes a Sense Motive check opposed by the speaker’s Bluff check. On a successful check, the dark emperor is aware if the speaker is intentionally lying, concealing the truth, making a partially true statement, or omitting important details that change the context of the statement examined. The dark emperor is not aware which of these evasions is taking place, nor the motivation for the deception, only that the speaker has intentionally avoided telling the whole and complete truth. The dark emperor can only examine one specific statement per round. This ability can be used a total number of times per day equal to 3 + the dark emperor’s spellcasting attribute modifier.
Seer III (Su): Once per week, the dark emperor can gain information about the coming week. This functions as a divination spell with a 99% chance of success.
Seer IV (Su): The dark emperor can gain yes/no answers to a number of questions each day equal to half his dark emperor level. This functions as the commune spell but the dark emperor need not use all the questions in a single sitting.
Shapeshifter I (Su): The dark emperor may assume one form in addition to his own. This form must be one that can be achieved using either beast shape I or disguise self, and the ability functions identically to the spell (except as noted below). This ability allows the dark emperor to change only into his chosen alternate form. The effect lasts for 10 minutes per dark emperor level or until he chooses to change back. Changing form (to or back) is a standard action and does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Each day, the dark emperor may use this ability once per day plus an additional time per two dark emperor levels.
Shapeshifter II (Su): The dark emperor may select a second form he can assume using Shapeshifter I. Use of this form follows all the rules described in Shapeshifter I.
Shapeshifter III (Su): The dark emperor may select a third form he can assume using Shapeshifter I. This form may be any one that can be achieved using beast shape II, disguise self, or elemental body I. Use of this form follows all the rules described in Shapeshifter I.
Shapeshifter IV (Su): The dark emperor may use Shapeshifter I to assume any form he likes. These forms may be any that can be achieved using beast shape IV, disguise self, elemental body III, or plant shape II. Duration, number of uses per day, and other details remain the same as described in Shapeshifter I.
Trophy Taker I (Su): The dark emperor can remove trophies from foes he has defeated, and gain magic benefits when wearing or carrying them. The dark emperor may make anything taken from a defeated foe a trophy, as long as it weighs at least 5 lbs. and is visible when worn or carried normally. When the dark emperor is wearing or carrying his trophies, he gains benefits as if he had one additional magic item. These benefits do not take actual magic item slots, and may duplicate the effects of a suit of magic armor or a magic weapon (in which case they are added to any armor worn or weapon used by the dark emperor). The duplicated magic items must be items the dark emperor could use, and cannot have charges. Normal stacking rules apply to bonuses gained by trophies. The total value of the magic items the dark emperor’s trophies duplicate cannot exceed 1,000 gil.
Trophy Taker II (Su): The dark emperor can change what his trophies are and what items they duplicate. The total value of the magic items the dark emperor’s trophies duplicate cannot exceed 4,000 gil.
Trophy Taker III (Su): The dark emperor can change what his trophies are and what items they duplicate. The total value of the magic items the dark emperor’s trophies duplicate cannot exceed 16,000 gil.
Trophy Taker IV (Su): The dark emperor can change what his trophies are and what items they duplicate. The total value of the magic items the dark emperor’s trophies duplicate cannot exceed 64,000 gil.
Emperor Talents (Ex/Su)
As a dark emperor gains experience, he learns a number of talents that aid him and confound his foes. At 2nd level and every two dark emperor levels thereafter, a dark emperor gains one emperor talent. A dark emperor cannot select an individual talent more than once unless the talent states otherwise.
Assault Caster (Ex): The dark emperor can cast a touch range spell with a casting time of 1 standard action or less at the end of a charge (instead of a melee attack). His caster level is considered to be 2 higher for determining the effects of the spell. The charge has no effect on the touch spell’s damage, even if he has special abilities that normally apply to damage done by a charge. Prerequisite: The dark emperor must have a spellcasting class before he can select this talent.
Attuned Mysticism (Su): The dark emperor can attune his spells, spell-like abilities and supernatural abilities to affect different types of creatures. This is useful only for spells that require a target be a particular type of creature (such as charm, which targets “one humanoid creature”) or has a different effect for creatures of a specific type (such as consecrate, which unsettles undead in its area). Select one creature type. (Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed.) The dark emperor may cast a spell so it targets or applies its special type-specific effects to creatures of the type selected, rather than the creatures it normally targets or effects. He may select one additional creature type for every 3 dark emperor levels. When he casts a spell, he can only change its targets and effects that are dependent on a creature’s type. For example, Mateus is a dark emperor with attuned mysticism for dragons. He cannot attune firaga so it only affects dragons (as firaga has no type-specific rules). He can cast charm so it works on a dragon (at which point it no longer works on creatures of any other type), or can cast consecrate so its special effects apply to dragons rather than undead.
Bestow Eldritch Might (Su): The dark emperor has begun to develop a true god’s ability to grant others a shred of his mystic power, though his ability to do so is currently limited. As a full-round action, he may sacrifice an amount of MP up to the highest spell level he can cast to restore MP to another spellcaster he touches. If his caster level is equal to or greater than the target’s, he can restore MP equal to 1 less than the amount he sacrificed, while if the target is a higher level spellcaster, he can restore MP equal to 2 less than the amount he sacrificed. No creature can receive MP restoration more than once per day through this ability. Prerequisite: The dark emperor must have a spellcasting class before he can select this talent.
Blessing of the Emperor (Su): The dark emperor is able to impart small divine blessings or curses on mortal beings. Each day, he gains an imperial pool equal to 3 + his dark emperor class level. As a free action once per round, any time a creature within 30 feet of him makes a d20 roll, he can choose to spend up to 5 points from his imperial pool on the d20 roll (even after the result is known). Each point spent grants that roll a +1 bonus or -1 penalty.
By Will Alone (Su): Once per day, the dark emperor can cast a spell without fulfilling any of its components. The spell requires no somatic or verbal components and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The dark emperor may select this talent more than once. Each time it is selected, the dark emperor may cast a spell in this fashion one additional time per day. Prerequisite: The dark emperor must have a spellcasting class before he can select this talent.
Changeling (Ex): The dark emperor can change minor features about his appearance. This is not an illusion, but an actual change to how the dark emperor appears. The dark emperor adds half his character level to all Disguise checks.
Channel Energy (Su): The dark emperor may channel energy as a cleric does, using his dark emperor level as his cleric level. He may do this a number of times per day equal to 1 + 1/2 the modifier of one ability score of his choice.
Channel Vengeance (Su): When the dark emperor channels energy to heal allies, he may choose to expend two uses of his channel energy ability. This causes the channeled energy to also deal 1/2 its total as damage to any creature in the area that has attacked him in the past hour. (Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive the normal Will save to halve the damage.) Prerequisite: A dark emperor must have the ability to channel energy and the Selective Channeling feat in order to select this emperor talent.
Chaotic Ascendancy (Su): Only dark emperors with a chaotic alignment may select this emperor talent. The dark emperor cannot cast spells with the lawful descriptor. The dark emperor may cast any spell that has a save DC as a chaotic spell. Such spells gain the [chaotic] descriptor. Lawful creatures suffer a –1 penalty to saving throws against spells the dark emperor casts with the [chaotic] descriptor. The dark emperor may imbue additional chaos into a spell with the [chaotic] descriptor, causing it to have a secondary effect on one creature affected by the spell. The dark emperor may do this a number of times per day equal to 3 + his highest mental attribute modifier. If the chaotic spell affects multiple targets, randomly select which one is targeted by the additional spell effect. If the target saves against the chaotic spell, it also saves against the additional spell effect. If the chaotic spell does not have a saving throw, the target is allowed a Fortitude save against the additional spell effect with a DC of (10 + chaotic spell’s level + the dark emperor’s spellcasting attribute modifier) to negate the additional spell effect. Roll 1d4 to see what spell the additional spell effect functions as: 1 – burst of light, 2 – drench, 3 – touch of fatigue, 4 – unearthly terror. Prerequisite: The dark emperor must have a spellcasting class before he can select this talent.
Common Element Ascendancy (Su): Choose one of the following damage types: earth, fire, ice, lightning, water, or wind. Whenever the dark emperor casts a spell that deals hit point damage, he may change the type of damage it does to his selected damage type. If he does so, the spell loses its original elemental subschool (if any), or the dark or light schools, and gains its new damage type as an elemental subschool, as well as the elemental school if applicable. This emperor talent may be selected more than once, choosing a new damage type each time. Prerequisite: The dark emperor must have a spellcasting class before he can select this talent.
Counter Power (Su): A dark emperor with this talent can counter the powers of other powerful beings, for a time. The dark emperor can target one extraordinary or supernatural ability of a target. The dark emperor must either make a DC 20 Knowledge check (of a Knowledge skill appropriate to having detailed information about the creature involved) to be aware of the target’s abilities, or have seen the creature use the targeted ability. Only a single ability can be targeted with a use of this talent and spellcasting abilities cannot be affected. A dark emperor may use this ability once per day and twice per day at 10th level. A dark emperor using this power makes a ranged touch attack as a standard action. (This attack may be as simple as throwing a rock, but may also be ranged powers gained through lineage domains, ranged weapons, and spells with ranged attack rolls all qualify.) On a successful hit, the target must make a Will save (DC 10 + the dark emperor’s level + his Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma modifier, whichever is higher) or lose use of the selected ability for 1 round per dark emperor level. If the attack misses, the dark emperor still expends one of his daily uses of this talent.
Crushing Wrath (Ex): The dark emperor’s deific heritage includes deities with bludgeoning weapons as holy symbols or favored iconography, possibly an earth mother goddess or patron of blacksmiths. He must declare that he is using this talent before he makes his attack roll (thus, a failed attack roll ruins the attempt). Crushing wrath forces a foe damaged by an attack the dark emperor makes that deals bludgeoning damage to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + his dark emperor level + his Strength or Constitution modifier — whichever is higher), in addition to dealing damage normally. A defender who fails this saving throw is staggered for 1d4 rounds. The dark emperor may attempt a crushing wrath once per day for every two dark emperor levels he has attained, and no more than once per round. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be affected by this ability.
Deep Channeling (Su): The dark emperor can channel energy from a deep well of divine energy inside him, essentially creating a minor miracle. When he channels energy in this way, he may expend MP (up to his maximum spell level) to increase the energy channeled by +1d6 per MP spent. He gains no benefit from a deep channel (he is not healed by the channeling, and do not gain any associated benefits). Prerequisite: A dark emperor must have the ability to channel energy to select this emperor talent.
Defiant Magic (Ex): Because the spell-like and supernatural powers of dark emperors are powered by internal immortal might, rather than drawn from a pool of magic accessed by some mortal heritage or tapped through skill and training, they can be much harder to dispel or suppress. The dark emperor is considered to have special spell resistance that applies only against dispel and antimagic effects. The value of the SR is 20 + the dark emperor’s level. This special SR applies only to antimagic and dispel effects, though it applies to such effects even if they normally ignore SR. When spell-like and supernatural abilities used by the dark emperor first interact with an antimagic field (or any similar area), there is a chance the field fails to suppress the dark emperor’s ability. A caster level check must be made for the antimagic field when each spell-like or supernatural ability first encounters the antimagic field (including when a dark emperor in an antimagic field attempts to use such an ability). If the caster level check does not exceed the dark emperor’s special SR, the spell-like or supernatural ability works normally in the antimagic area. Similarly, when a dispel, greater dispel, cross, or similar magic is used against a spell-like or supernatural ability, the dispelling effect must overcome the dark emperor’s special SR in order to have any chance to dispel or remove the supernatural or spell-like effect. This SR also applies to any similar effect that does not work against gods and artifacts.
Divine Mark (Su): The dark emperor gains DR 2/-. A dark emperor may select this talent up to three times, gaining a maximum of DR 6/-.
Divine Power (Su): The dark emperor learns to cast a small number of spells without spending magic points. A dark emperor may select one black magic spell that is at least 2 spell levels lower than his highest spell level he may cast from Divine Power I-IV. He may now cast this spell once per day as a spell-like ability without needing to spend MP. The caster level for this spell is equal to the dark emperor’s caster level. This talent may be selected multiple times allowing the dark emperor to use this talent an additional time per day each time. Prerequisites: The dark emperor must have the Divine Power I-IV emperor traits to select this talent.
Divine Weapon (Su): The dark emperor has developed a supernatural weapon of pure immortal power. Summoning the weapon is a free action, and it is permanent until he dispels it (a swift action) or it leaves his hand (causing it to dissipate at the end of his turn). He may wield the weapon as any weapon with which he is proficient. It deals 4d6 base damage if used as a 2-handed weapon, 3d6 damage if used as a 1-handed, thrown, or ranged weapon, and 2d6 if used as a light weapon. The weapon deals elemental damage of a type chosen when he selects this talent (earth, fire, holy, ice, lightning, shadow, water, or wind). The appearance of the weapon reveals the element type it does (a javelin that does lightning appears to be a lightning bolt, a sword that does fire damage appears to be a column of pure flame, and so on). Prerequisite: The dark emperor must be at least 6th level to select this talent.
Dragon Slayer (Su): The dark emperor’s divine mote of power is especially attuned to slaying dragons, one of the few mortal creatures that can threaten the gods themselves. Whenever he is exposed to a fear effect, he never suffers a level of fear worse than shaken. (Treat any greater level of fear effect as being shaken.) He also gains a +4 bonus to saving throws against breath weapons and crush attacks.
Dual Casting (Su): The dark emperor has so mastered his spellcasting powers that he can cast two spells at once, though he must divide his mystic power to do so. As a full-round action, he may cast two spells that each have a casting time of 1 standard action or less. His caster level for both spells is halved, and the total MP cost for both spells cannot exceed the amount of MP the dark emperor could spend on a single spell. Prerequisite: The dark emperor must be at least 6th level and have a spellcasting class before he can select this emperor talent.
Edged Wrath (Ex): The dark emperor’s divine heritage includes deities with edged weapons as holy symbols or favored iconography, possibly a warrior god or patron of beasts. He must declare that he is using this talent before he makes his attack roll (thus, a failed attack roll ruins the attempt). Edged wrath forces a foe damaged by an attack the dark emperor makes that deals slashing damage to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + his dark emperor level + his Strength or Dexterity modifier — whichever is higher), in addition to dealing damage normally. A defender who fails this saving throw gains the bleed condition for 1d6 hp/round. The dark emperor may attempt an edged wrath once per day for every two dark emperor levels he has attained, and no more than once per round. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be affected by this ability.
Eldritch Magic (Ex): The dark emperor gains ancient lore of magic from before the time mortals began to codify and define how spells work. He may add one spell from any spellcasting class’s spell list to the spell list of a class he possesses. A black mage, blue mage, time mage, or white mage spell becomes a spell of the same level. An astrologian, druid, geomancer, illusionist, necromancer, or summoner spell becomes a spell one level higher. Any other spell becomes a spell three levels higher. The spell is simply added to the chosen class list, he does not automatically learn it. This emperor talent may be selected more than once, selecting a different spell each time. Prerequisite: The dark emperor must have a spellcasting class before he can select this talent.
Emergent Divinity (Ex): The dark emperor’s innate, godlike powers grow, and he gains an additional emperor trait. This emperor talent may be selected more than once, selecting a different emperor trait each time.
Evasion (Ex): This talent functions like the thief ability of the same name.
Evil Ascendancy (Su): Only dark emperors with an evil alignment may select this emperor talent. The dark emperor cannot cast spells with the good descriptor. The dark emperor may cast any spell that has a save DC as an evil spell. Such spells gain the [evil] descriptor. Good creatures suffer a –1 penalty to saving throws against spells the dark emperor casts with the [evil] descriptor. The dark emperor may imbue additional evil into a spell with the [evil] descriptor, causing it to have a secondary effect on one creature affected by the spell. The dark emperor may do this a number of times per day equal to 3 + his highest mental attribute modifier. If the evil spell affects multiple targets, randomly select which one is targeted by the additional spell effect. If the target saves against the evil spell, it also saves against the additional spell effect. If the evil spell does not have a saving throw, the target is allowed a Fortitude save against the additional spell effect with a DC of (10 + evil spell’s level + the dark emperor’s spellcasting attribute modifier) to negate the additional spell effect. A creature affected by the secondary spell effect suffers 1d4 non-elemental damage. Prerequisite: The dark emperor must have a spellcasting class before he can select this talent.
Favored Armor (Su): The dark emperor has a natural affinity for one type of armor, perhaps armor favored by his divine ancestor. Select one kind of armor (chain shirt, breastplate, splint mail, etc.) with which he is proficient. When wearing a suit of this armor, he gains a +4 bonus to AC against attack rolls to confirm critical hits. If a sneak attack hits his normal AC, but not his AC against critical confirmation rolls, it does not deal its additional sneak attack dice or effects.
Fear Hunter (Ex): The dark emperor is descended from gods of valor or warfare, and the very smell of fear is a distasteful, palpable smell to him. He gains the keen scent ability, but it only applies to creatures that have been affected by a fear effect or condition within the past hour. He gains a +4 bonus on checks made to detect or locate creatures currently suffering a fear effect or condition.
Foe Spotter (Ex): Whenever a dark emperor with this talent comes within 10 feet of a concealed or invisible opponent, he receives an immediate Perception skill check to notice the foe. This check should be made in secret by the GM.
Force of Brawn (Su): The dark emperor’s deific heritage manifests in the form of amazing physical might, which allows him to accomplish things through sheer power of sinew rather than mental acuity or natural talent. This brawn also powers a barrier of divine defense which helps protect him from harm. The dark emperor may add his Strength modifier, rather than any other ability scores, to his saving throws. (He may replace his Constitution modifier with his Strength modifier for Fortitude saves, his Dexterity modifier with his Strength modifier for Reflex saves, and his Wisdom modifier with his Strength modifier for Will saves). The dark emperor cannot take this talent if he already has the force of intellect or force of personality talents.
Force of Intellect (Su): The dark emperor’s deific heritage manifests in the form of an amazingly strong intellect, which allows him to accomplish things through sheer mental acumen rather than physical ability or natural talent. This intellect also powers a barrier of divine defense which helps protect him from harm. He may add his Intelligence modifier, rather than any other ability scores, to his saving throws. (He may replace his Constitution modifier with his Intelligence modifier for Fortitude saves, his Dexterity modifier with his Intelligence modifier for Reflex saves, and his Wisdom modifier with his Intelligence modifier for Will saves) The dark emperor cannot take this talent if he already has the force of brawn or force of personality talents.
Force of Personality (Su): The dark emperor’s deific heritage manifests in the form of an amazingly strong presence, which allows him to accomplish things through sheer ego rather than physical ability or natural talent. This presence also powers a barrier of divine defense which helps protect him from harm. He may add his Charisma modifier, rather than any other ability scores, to his saving throws. (He may replace his Constitution modifier with his Charisma modifier for Fortitude saves, his Dexterity modifier with his Charisma modifier for Reflex saves, and his Wisdom modifier with his Charisma modifier for Will saves) The dark emperor cannot take this talent if he already has the force of brawn or force of intellect talents.
Giant Slayer (Ex): As many heroes/villains of deific heritage do, the dark emperor has learned the tactics needed to combat giants, titans, and other monsters much larger than his mortal form. If he has at least one hand free, he may make a special CMB check with a +4 bonus to perform a special kind of grapple that allows him to ride along on a foe at least one size category bigger than him. Because it is easier to avoid the limbs of larger creatures when he is on them, if the foe is larger than Medium, he gains a special bonus to his CMB check based on its size (Large +1, Huge +2, Gargantuan +4, Colossal +8). On a failed CMB check, his move ends. On a successful CMB check, he is grabbed onto the target and move with it. The foe is not encumbered or slowed, but he remains adjacent to it where it goes, unless it grapples him or he is knocked prone. This maneuver provokes an attack of opportunity unless he has the Improved Grapple feat (or some other ability that prevents him from suffering an attack of opportunity when he performs a grapple).
Good Ascendancy (Su): Only dark emperors with a good alignment may select this emperor talent. The dark emperor cannot cast spells with the evil descriptor. The dark emperor may cast any spell that does not include himself as a target as a good spell. Such spells gain the [good] descriptor. Evil creatures suffer a –1 penalty to saving throws against spells the dark emperor casts with the good descriptor. The dark emperor may imbue additional good into a spell with the [good] descriptor, causing it to have a secondary effect on one creature affected by the spell. The dark emperor may do this a number of times per day equal to 3 + his highest mental attribute modifier. If the good spell affects multiple targets, randomly select which one is targeted by the additional spell effect. The affected creature gains a +1 luck bonus to AC and saving throws for 1 round. Prerequisite: The dark emperor must have a spellcasting class before he can select this talent.
Guarded (Su): The dark emperor gains spell resistance against spells and spell-like abilities. This spell resistance is equal to 20 + his dark emperor level. Prerequisite: The dark emperor must be at least 6th level to select this talent.
Guarded Spellcaster (Ex): As a full-round action, the dark emperor may cast a single spell (with a casting time of 1 full-round action or less) with great caution, gaining a +2 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round. He must cast the spell defensively, and takes a -4 penalty to the concentration check to do so. His AC improves at the start of this action. This talent can’t be combined with fighting defensively or with the benefit of the Combat Expertise feat, nor can attacks of opportunity be made while this talent is in use. Prerequisite: The dark emperor must have a spellcasting class before he can select this talent.
Hellish Fury (Su): The dark emperor directs his full divine fury at a target, forcing it to come face to face with the anger of a deific scion. As a full-round action, he can direct his wrath at a single target he can see within 10 feet per dark emperor level. His anger is obvious to all who see him and may be (but is not required to be) accompanied by a display, such as a battle-cry or crackling mystic effects linked to his divine heritage. The target must make a Will save (DC 10 + his dark emperor level + his highest ability modifier) or be staggered for 1d4 rounds. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. The dark emperor may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his highest ability modifier.
Hex Lord (Su): The dark emperor has developed a power similar to those granted witches of the coven by their otherworldly patrons, but in his case the power is fueled by his own mote of divinity. Select one hex (not major hex or grand hex) available to a witch of the coven. He gains use of that hex, using twice his dark emperor level as his scholar level when determining the hex’s effects. He may base any calculations regarding the hex that are ordinarily based off of Intelligence or Charisma off of any ability score of his choice instead (once made, this choice cannot be changed). This talent may be selected more than once. Each time it is selected, it grants the dark emperor an additional witch of the coven hex.
Immortal Effort (Su): As more than a typical mortal, the dark emperor can call upon internal reserves of supernatural power to put extra effort into his attacks, though such power comes at a price. As a swift action, he gains a bonus to his next melee or thrown attack roll equal to his highest ability score bonus, and a bonus on damage equal to his dark emperor level. His maximum hit point total is reduced by half his dark emperor level until he sleeps for at least 8 hours. No magic can restore this loss to his hit point total early.
Immortal Invocation (Su): The dark emperor can call upon the immortal power of the gods when casting spells, but doing so is dangerous and can exact a price. He can attempt to cast more powerful spells without spending the full amount of MP.
Immortal invocation requires a concentration check with a DC of 10 + (level of spell to be cast x3) + (difference between MP used and level of spell x2). For example, a dark emperor attempting to cast a 5th level spell for 3 MP must make a concentration check with a DC of 29 (10 +15 for level of spell +4 for difference in spell level vs MP used). Each time after the first the dark emperor uses immortal invocation in the same day, the concentration check DC increases by +3. Because the concentration check is being made to call on vast, divine powers, bonuses to concentration from spells or magic items do not apply to this check. The first time the dark emperor fails an immortal invocation concentration check, he suffers the effects of being fatigued. The second time, he suffers the effects of being exhausted. The third time, he falls unconscious. These conditions cannot be healed or removed through magic, but he recovers one step (unconscious to exhausted, exhausted to fatigued, fatigued to normal) each day when he regains his uses of daily abilities. Being immune to the fatigued, exhausted, or unconscious conditions does not grant immunity to these effects if gained through failed immortal invocation effects. Prerequisite: The dark emperor must be at least 6th level and have a spellcasting class before he can select this talent.
Impressive (Ex): Once per round as a free action, the dark emperor can make an Intimidate check to demoralize or antagonize a foe who has just been struck for damage by the dark emperor.
Improved Evasion (Ex): This works like evasion, except that while the dark emperor still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks, he henceforth takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless dark emperor does not gain the benefit of improved evasion. Prerequisite: A dark emperor must have evasion to select this talent.
Inner Power (Su): The dark emperor’s mote of deific power gives him an aura of menace and forces creatures to treat him with caution even when he is otherwise impotent. As long as he has any MP left, he is never considered to have the helpless condition and always threatens adjacent spaces — even if unconscious and unable to take actions. Prerequisite: The dark emperor must be at least 6th level and have an MP pool before he can select this talent.
Instinctive Parry (Ex): As long as the dark emperor has a weapon he is proficient with in hand and are not suffering an armor check penalty, he has a minimum armor bonus to AC equal to half his base attack bonus. This overlaps (does not stack with) any other armor bonus or enhancement to armor bonus he may have.
Lawful Ascendancy (Su): Only dark emperors with a lawful alignment may select this emperor talent. The dark emperor cannot cast spells with the chaotic descriptor. The dark emperor may cast any spell that has a save DC as a lawful spell. Such spells gain the [lawful] descriptor. Chaotic creatures suffer a –1 penalty to saving throws against spells the dark emperor casts with the [lawful] descriptor. The dark emperor may imbue additional order into a spell with the [lawful] descriptor, causing it to have a secondary effect on one creature affected by the spell. The dark emperor may do this a number of times per day equal to 3 + his highest mental attribute modifier. If the lawful spell affects multiple targets, the dark emperor selects which one is targeted by the additional spell effect. If the target saves against the lawful spell, it also saves against the additional spell effect. If the lawful spell does not have a saving throw, the target is allowed a Fortitude save against the additional spell effect with a DC of (10 + lawful spell’s level + the dark emperor’s spellcasting attribute modifier) to negate the additional spell effect. A creature affected by the secondary spell effect cannot ready or delay on its next turn. Prerequisite: The dark emperor must have a spellcasting class before he can select this talent.
Light Conduit (Sp): The dark emperor can call on the illumination of the outer planes. When he channels energy to heal, he may also choose to have a light center on himself as a swift action. This acts as a daylight spell of a spell level equal to half the dice he channels, using his dark emperor level as his caster level. Prerequisite: A dark emperor must have the ability to channel energy to select this emperor talent.
Line of Destruction (Ex): The dark emperor unleashes the combat skills normally reserved for gods and titans. As a full-round action, he may move up to his movement speed, and make one melee attack at his full attack bonus against each creature he is adjacent to at any point during his movement. He may not attack any creature more than once. His movement provokes attacks of opportunity normally. Prerequisite: A dark emperor must have the Whirlwind Attack feat to select this talent.
Lord of the Domain (Ex): The dark emperor’s mastery of his lineage domains has grown. Select a domain power he has which is granted by the domain at 1st level, normally takes a standard action to use, and has a limited number of uses per day. He may use this ability as a swift action by expending two daily uses of the power. This talent may be selected more than once. Its effects do not stack. Each time it is selected, it applies to a different domain power granted at 1st level.
Magic is Magic (Ex): The dark emperor has realized that all magic is, at the root, the same. To determine the caster level for all of the dark emperor’s spellcasting classes, add all of his levels in classes that grant spells of up to 6th or 9th level, and half of his levels in classes that grant up to 4th level spells. This does not grant him additional spell slots or spells known, only a higher caster level for determining the effects of his spells. Prerequisite: The dark emperor must have two different spellcasting classes before he can select this talent.
Major Magic (Sp): A dark emperor with this talent selects one of the spellcasting classes for which he has the minor magic talent. He then selects a single 1st-level spell from that class’s spell list. The dark emperor gains the ability to cast that spell list two times a day as a spell-like ability. The caster level for this ability is equal to the dark emperor’s level. The save DC for this spell is 11 + the dark emperor’s Charisma modifier or Constitution modifier (whichever is higher). The dark emperor must have an ability score of at least 11 in the ability that determines the save DCs of his spell. A dark emperor may take this talent more than once, choosing a different spellcasting class each time. Prerequisite: A dark emperor must have the minor magic emperor talent before choosing this talent.
Mental Avatar (Ex): The dark emperor may reroll any ability checks or skill checks based on Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma. The dark emperor may do this once per day, plus once for every two levels of dark emperor.
Minor Magic (Sp): A dark emperor with this talent selects one of the following classes: astrologian, black mage, blue mage, druid, geomancer, illusionist, necromancer, red mage, summoner, time mage, or white mage. He then selects a single 0-level spell from that class’s spell list. The dark emperor gains the ability to cast that spell three times a day as a spell-like ability. The caster level for this ability is equal to the dark emperor’s level. The save DC for this spell is 10 + the dark emperor’s Charisma modifier or Constitution modifier (whichever is higher). The dark emperor must have an ability score of at least 10 in the ability that determines the save DCs of his spell. A dark emperor may take this talent more than once, choosing a different spellcasting class each time.
Monstrous Rage (Ex): When he is taken by surprise, extremely frustrated, or badly injured, the dark emperor may fly into a rage, as the titans and old gods are said to have done. Whenever he rolls a natural 1 on a saving throw (a “1” shows on the die), is hit by a critical hit or sneak attack, rolls a natural 1 on a skill check under circumstances under which you cannot normally take 10, or is damaged in a surprise round before he has taken an action, he must make a Will save (DC 10 + his dark emperor level + his Charisma modifier) or fly into a monstrous rage. He may intentionally fail this save. He may also choose to rage (with no roll required) if an ally, cohort, animal companion, familiar, steed, or follower is slain within his line of sight. The dark emperor’s rage gives him a +2 bonus to saving throws, attack rolls and weapon damage rolls, a +5 bonus to Strength checks and Strength-based skill checks, double his carrying capacity, and 2 temporary hit points per dark emperor level. It lasts for 1 minute. While he is raging, he attacks the last foe that harmed him (if possible). He may use any attack he normally uses against his foes (including spellcasting). If that foe is beyond his ability to attack, or is unconscious or dead, he attacks the nearest creature to him (friend of foe). Any round he wishes to take some other action while raging, he must make a Will save (DC 10 + his dark emperor level + his Charisma modifier) to do so. If he attacks an ally, he may immediately make the same Will save to change targets after his attack resolves. He can’t rage for one hour after previous rage ends. He can rage a maximum number of times per day equal to his Constitution or Charisma modifier (whichever is higher, minimum 1 rage/day).
Mystic Bridge (Su): By forging a mystic link between himself and a target, the dark emperor can form a bridge of raw magic that eliminates the distance between the two of them. When he successfully hits a creature with a touch range spell, until the end of his next turn he can target the same creature with spells that have a range of “touch,” as long as the creature is within short range (25 ft. +5 ft./2 caster levels). Prerequisite: The dark emperor must have a spellcasting class before he can select this talent.
Mystic Shield (Su): The dark emperor can extend the power of his deific heritage into a shield he is carrying, giving it the ability to ward against attacks that would otherwise pass through it. He adds the bonus of AC he gains from any shield he is holding to his AC against touch attacks and attacks from insubstantial or ethereal foes.
Paragon of the Four Winds (Su): The dark emperor can transform himself into a whirlwind, and remain in that form for up to 1 round/level. These rounds need not be used consecutively. If he does not have a fly speed, he gains a 30 foot fly speed (average maneuverability) while he is a whirlwind. The whirlwind is always 5 feet wide at its base, but its height and width at the top vary from a minimum or 10 feet high to a maximum of 5 feet/level. A whirlwind’s width at its peak is always equal to half its height. While in whirlwind form, he does not provoke attacks of opportunity from movement, even if he enters the space another creature occupies, and he cannot make his normal attacks and do not threaten the area around him. Other creatures may be caught in his whirlwind if it touches or enters their space, or if he moves into or through a creature’s space. A creature that comes in contact with him in whirlwind form must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 10 + his dark emperor level + his ability modifier of his choice) or takes damage (1d10 wind damage + his Strength modifier). It must also succeed on a second Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held suspended in the powerful winds, automatically taking the same damage each round. A creature that can fly is allowed a Reflex save each round on its turn to escape the whirlwind. The creature still takes damage that round but can leave if the save is successful. Creatures trapped in the dark emperor’s whirlwind form cannot move except to go where the whirlwind carries them or to escape the whirlwind. Trapped creatures can otherwise act normally, but must succeed on a concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast a spell. Creatures caught in the whirlwind take a –4 penalty to Dexterity and a –2 penalty on attack rolls. The whirlwind can have only as many creatures trapped inside at one time as will fit inside the whirlwind’s volume. As a free action, he can eject any carried creatures, depositing them in an adjacent space. If the dark emperor’s whirlwind form’s base touches the ground, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on him and has a diameter equal to half the whirlwind’s height. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have concealment, while those farther away have total concealment. Those caught in the cloud of debris must succeed on a concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast a spell. Prerequisite: A dark emperor must have all four scion of the wind talents to select this talent.
Penetrating Wrath (Ex): The dark emperor’s divine heritage includes deities with piercing weapons as holy symbols or favored iconography, possibly a hunting goddess or patron of mounted knights. He must declare that he is using this talent before he makes his attack roll (thus, a failed attack roll ruins the attempt). Penetrating wrath forces a foe damaged by an attack the dark emperor makes that deals piercing damage to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + his dark emperor level + his Strength or Dexterity modifier — whichever is higher), in addition to dealing damage normally. A defender who fails this saving throw is fatigued for 1d6 rounds. The dark emperor may attempt a penetrating wrath once per day for every two dark emperor levels he has attained, and no more than once per round. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be affected by this ability.
Physical Avatar (Ex): The dark emperor adds his dark emperor level to all ability checks and skill checks based on Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution.
Powerful Lineage (Ex): The divine powers gained from the dark emperor’s deific lineage flow strongly. When calculating the dark emperor’s effective cleric level for his lineage domains, he may use his whole character level, rather than just his class level, to a maximum of twice his class level.
Resiliency (Ex): Once per day, a dark emperor with this ability can gain a number of temporary hit points equal to twice the dark emperor’s level. Activating this ability is an immediate action that can only be performed when he would be brought to below 0 hit points, before he suffers the damage. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute.
Retribution (Su): When foes dare to strike the dark emperor’s person, which is a vessel for the divine energies that make him a dark emperor, he can call upon those divine energies to strike down the heathens who dare defile his physical perfection. When he is hit by a melee attack, he may make a melee attack at his full attack bonus against the attacker. Alternatively, he may cast a touch or ranged touch spell with a casting time of 1 standard action or less at the attacker. Using either of these abilities is an immediate action.
Retributive Strike (Su): When the dark emperor would be knocked unconscious, he may choose as a free action to deal non-elemental damage to all foes within 30 feet, spending MP up to the highest level of spell he can cast. Damage is equal to 1d4 per MP spent. A Reflex save (DC 10 + his dark emperor level + his highest ability score) is allowed for half damage. He may also use this ascendancy when he would be killed, increasing the damage dice to d6s. Prerequisite: The dark emperor must have a spellcasting class before he can select this talent.
Rupture Magic (Su): When the dark emperor strikes a foe or object with a successful weapon attack, as a swift action, he may attempt to break magic effects on the target. This acts as a targeted dispel from a dispel spell, except the check is 1d20 + his base attack bonus. The dark emperor may use this ability a number of times per day equal to his highest ability score modifier (minimum 1/day).
Scion of Fury (Ex): The dark emperor can unleash divine wrath in his attacks, at the cost of leaving himself open to spells and afflictions. As a free action at the beginning of his round, he may take a -1 penalty on all saving throws to gain a +1 bonus to all attack rolls. The penalty and bonus increase by 1 for every 3 points of his lowest base saving throw bonus. The penalties and bonuses last until the beginning of his next round.
Scion of Lances (Ex): The dark emperor can call upon the penetrating nature of piercing weapons. As a standard action, he may make a single special attack with a piercing weapon with which he is proficient. This attack is at -2 to its attack roll, but ignores half the target’s DR and hardness. The dark emperor may do this once per day, plus an additional time for every two dark emperor levels he possesses.
Scion of Logos (Ex): The dark emperor is considered to have the Craft Wondrous Item feat when creating magic books, tomes, librums and similar wondrous magic items. He can scribe magic scrolls and create books (both mundane books and those created with Craft Wondrous Item) in half the normal time. If he beats the skill check DC to create the item by 10 or more, he can do it in 1/4th the normal time. Prerequisite: A dark emperor must have the Scribe Scroll feat to select this talent.
Scion of Scales (Ex): The dark emperor’s powers allow him to call upon the movement powers of serpents. He is amazingly flexible, and can dislocate most of his bones at will. He gains an ability similar to the compression ability, allowing him to move through an area as small as one quarter his space without squeezing. The dark emperor with this talent may also move through an area as small as one eighth his space by squeezing. Also, if he makes an Escape Artist check to escape from a grapple as a full-round action, he gains a +6 bonus to the check.
Scion of Shadows (Ex): The dark emperor’s mote of divinity allows him to understand the shadows, and share that lore with allies, aiding them in picking silent paths to tread and darker shadows to crouch within. As a move action, he can allow allies within 60 feet who can hear or see him to use his Stealth bonus, rather than their own, for a Stealth check. Allies with armor or circumstance penalties to their bonus apply those penalties to their checks, and they must be moving at no more than half their move rate.
Scion of Swords (Ex): The dark emperor can call upon the cutting and slicing abilities of slashing weapons. As a standard action, he makes make a single special attack with a slashing weapon with which he is proficient. This attack is at -2 to its attack roll, but gains additional damage equal to half the weapon’s maximum base damage (damage from the weapon’s damage dice, not counting any maneuver, feat, or magic property). The dark emperor may do this once per day, plus an additional time for every two dark emperor levels he possesses.
Scion of the East Wind (Ex): The dark emperor’s powers allow him to call upon the sudden and powerful gusts of the east wind. He may charge as a standard action. When doing so, he is only allowed to move up to his speed (instead of up to double his speed) and he cannot draw a weapon unless he possesses the Quick Draw feat. His turn ends after he makes the attack at the end of the charge.
Scion of the Hearth (Ex): The dark emperor’s deep understanding of household objects allows him to use them for a wide range of unusual purposes. As long as he has access to a few household objects, he is considered to have the tools required to use any skill without penalty. Additionally, select one specific type of normally innocuous object. He may treat such objects as a specific light, 1-handed, or thrown exotic, martial, or simple weapon with which he is proficient. For example, he may use this talent to treat ale mugs as maces, silk scarves as longswords, or playing cards as shuriken.
Scion of the North Wind (Ex): The dark emperor’s powers allow him to call upon the speed and constant might of the north wind. His movement speed gains a +10 foot bonus. Also, as a swift action, he can move up to his movement speed. The dark emperor may do this once per day, plus an additional time per day for every two dark emperor levels he possesses.
Scion of the South Wind (Ex): The dark emperor’s powers allow him to call upon the raging updrafts and rough gusts of the south wind. When he makes an Acrobatics check to jump, he is always treated as making a running jump. If he falls (even unintentionally), he may make a DC 15 Acrobatics check as an immediate action. If he succeeds, he takes half the normal falling damage and are not knocked prone (even if he is damaged by the fall).
Scion of the West Wind (Ex): The dark emperor’s powers allow him to call upon the calm stillness of the west wind. Whenever he is moved against his will (excluding planar effects such as teleportation or etherealness), he moves only half the normal distance. He gains a +1 bonus to his CMD against bull rush, drag, reposition, and trip combat maneuvers for every two dark emperor levels he possesses. If an effect would physically move him or knock him prone against his will and does not require a CMB check or allow him a saving throw, he may make a Fortitude save to negate the movement or prone effect. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + half the attacker’s HD + the attacker’s Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier (as determined by the GM based on what ability fuels the effect).
Sigil-marked (Su): The dark emperor’s skin is covered in marks, which may be tattoos, brands, birthmarks, or ritual scars. Once per day, the dark emperor may absorb a scroll or potion into his skin, creating a new mark. (If a scroll is absorbed, it may only have spells with a casting time of 1 standard action or less.) The dark emperor may then use the scroll or potion as a standard action at any time in the future, causing the marks that represented them to be erased. Only the dark emperor may be the target of a potion he has absorbed in this way. If the dark emperor could not normally use the scroll, he makes a special Use Magic Device check (against the normal DC to use the scroll), with a bonus of 3 + his dark emperor level + his highest mental attribute modifier.
Skill Mastery (Ex): The dark emperor becomes so confident in the use of certain skills that he can use them reliably even under adverse conditions. Upon gaining this ability, he selects a number of skills equal to 3 + his Wisdom modifier. When making a skill check with one of these skills, he may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent him from doing so.
Smite Rival (Su): Once per day, a dark emperor can call focus his internal divine power to strike down those who dare oppose him. As a swift action, the dark emperor chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target has dealt damage to the dark emperor within the past 24 hours, the dark emperor adds his Constitution modifier (if any) to his attack rolls and adds his dark emperor level to all damage rolls made against the target of his smite. The smite rival effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the dark emperor rests and regains his use of this ability. This emperor talent may be selected more than once. Each time it is selected, the dark emperor gains an additional daily use of this ability.
Sneak Attack (Ex): This talent functions like the thief ability of the same name. The dark emperor gains a 1d6 sneak attack. This talent can be selected more than once and each time it is selected, it increases sneak attack by 1d6.
Soothsayer (Sp): The dark emperor may use a spell from the following list as a spell-like ability by expending the listed amount of MP: augury (2), clairaudience / clairvoyance (3), commune (5), divination (4), identify (1), legend lore (6), locate object (3), scrying (3), vision (7). The dark emperor must be able to spend that much MP to cast a single spell normally, and the casting time is 1 minute or the spell’s normal casting time, whichever is longer. He may do this once per day, plus another time for every 5 dark emperor levels. Prerequisite: The dark emperor must have a spellcasting class before he can select this talent.
Special Knacks (Ex): The dark emperor gains the favorite class benefits as if he had gained three levels in a favored class. He does not gain any actual benefits of the class levels, just the per-level benefit gained for taking a level in a favored class. Any dark emperor may gain +3 skill points or +3 hit points (or any combination of skill points and hit points that total +3) using this ability. The dark emperor can gain racial favored class benefits linked to other classes (which the dark emperor need not have levels of). A dark emperor taking a racial favored class benefit that applies to a class ability doesn’t automatically gain that class ability. For example, a dwarf dark emperor can take the racial favored class benefit of a thief twice, gaining a +1 bonus on Disable Device checks regarding stone traps and a +1 bonus to trap sense regarding stone traps. However, if the dwarf dark emperor does not have the trap sense ability, selecting this option only gives him a +1 bonus to Disable Device checks regarding stone traps. If a racial favored class bonus grants a new ability, even if it is a class ability, the dark emperor does gain the ability (and treats his dark emperor level as levels in the class the ability comes from for purposes of using the ability). For example, a hume dark emperor could take this talent twice, selecting the racial favored class benefit of a thief six times, and thus gain +1 thief talent. For purposes of that talent, the character would treat his dark emperor levels as thief levels. This talent may be taken more than once.
Spell Reaver (Su): The dark emperor can channel his mystic power through a weapon and use it to cut apart the fabric of an incoming spell. He may use this ability to weaken the energy forming a spell that includes him as a target, or that is cast with him in the area. He makes an attack roll against an AC of the spell’s caster level + 10. If his attack roll succeeds, he reduces the saving throw DC of the spell by 2 or reduces its duration by 50% (his choice). This ability has no effect on spells that don’t allow saving throws or that have a duration greater than 1 round. Using this ability counts against his attacks of opportunity for the round, and he cannot use it if some condition or circumstance prevents him from making attacks of opportunity.
Spellsense (Su): Whenever the dark emperor casts an area spell, he may make a Perception check to notice creatures within the area. This can allow a dark emperor to know the exact location of creatures within a spell’s area, but outside the dark emperor’s line of sight.
Spellstorm (Su): The dark emperor can imbue a spell with extra power. The dark emperor may expend any amount of additional MP when casting a spell. For every multiple of the spell’s MP cost spent in such a fashion, the dark emperor increases his caster level by +1 for the spell cast, to a maximum of +5. This may be done a number of times per day equal to 3 + the dark emperor’s highest mental attribute modifier. Prerequisite: The dark emperor must be at least 6th level and have a spellcasting class before he can select this talent.
Swift Casting (Ex): The dark emperor can rush many of the lengthier elements of casting a spell. He may cast spells with a casting time of 1 full round as a standard action, and spells with a casting time of greater than 1 full round in half the normal casting time. Prerequisite: The dark emperor must have a spellcasting class before he can select this talent.
Trap Spotter (Ex): Whenever a dark emperor with this talent comes within 10 feet of a trap, he receives an immediate Perception skill check to notice the trap. This check should be made in secret by the GM.
Trapfinding (Ex): This talent functions like the thief ability of the same name.
Unaligned (Su): Any time a creature uses magic to determine information about the dark emperor’s alignment, the dark emperor may make a DC 18 Will save. On a successful save, the dark emperor’s alignment is not revealed.
Unbreakable Grip (Ex): The dark emperor’s hands are hard as stone, and just as unyielding. He gains a bonus equal to his dark emperor level to his CMD against disarm attacks and he does not suffer a -4 penalty to grapple checks if he has only one hand free (though he must have at least one hand free to initiate or maintain a grapple). He also receives this bonus to CMB checks made to establish or maintain a grapple, as long as he does not deal damage, pin, or tie up his foe. (While using this bonus on a grapple check, he can only grapple and move a foe.)
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): This talent functions like the thief ability of the same name.
Unlimited Potential (Ex): As a near immortal, there are few limits to what the dark emperor can learn when he sets his mind to it. For purposes of feat and prestige class prerequisites, he treats his base attack bonus and caster level as if they are 2 higher, to a maximum of his dark emperor level. For prerequisites, he also treats all ability scores as if they are 2 higher. These bonuses increase to being treated as 4 higher at 4th level, 6 higher at 7th level, and 8 higher at 10th level (though he never treats his base attack bonus or caster level as being higher than his character level).
Violent Surge (Ex): The dark emperor can conceal his violent intent until it is time to unleash his divine wrath. When not in combat, he may make a Bluff check as a free action prior to starting combat. Every creature aware of him makes an opposed Perception or Sense Motive check (whichever has a higher bonus). If his Bluff check beats the Perception/Sense Motive check of every foe, the combat begins with a surprise round. Only the dark emperor and allies who make a Perception/Sense Motive check that beats his Bluff may act in this surprise round. Because he is trying to hide his intent, he suffers a -4 penalty to Initiative checks for a combat he starts with a use of this ability.
Wrath Spells (Su): The dark emperor can invoke divine wrath to turn a spell into an affliction. Only spells with a duration of 1 round/caster level or more, which do not deal damage of any kind (including hp, bleed) or inflict ability damage or ability drain, which require an attack roll or allow a saving throw, and are not tagged as “harmless” in their saving throw or spell resistance lines may be turned into wrath spells. The spell cannot be the highest level of spell the dark emperor can cast. The spell gains a duration of permanent and is considered a curse, gaining the curse descriptor. The spell cannot be dispelled with dispel magic, but can be affected by spells that remove curses (such as cross). The dark emperor may use this ability once per day, plus an additional time per day at 8th level. Prerequisite: The dark emperor must be at least 6th level and have a spellcasting class before he can select this talent.
Demigod (Su)
At 10th level, the dark emperor elevates from the ranks of deifically-blooded heroes/villains to the lower ranks to true divinity. This has several effects, including changing his type to outsider (native).
He gains a cult of worshipers. This functions as the Leadership feat, except that all his followers are adepts or clerics, and his cohort is his high priest. He may use sending (as the spell) a number of times per day equal to 1 + his Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) to contact any of his followers or cohort. Clerics that worship him may access the three domains associated with his lineage domain ability.
The dark emperor becomes much harder to kill. He adds his dark emperor level to the negative hit point value he must reach before dying. If he is ever dropped to negative hit points, he automatically stabilizes. Any time an event would normally cause his death (including taking hit point damage that exceeds a sufficiently low negative value), he makes a DC 20 Constitution or Wisdom check (his choice). If the check is successful, he does not die, instead his hit point total resets to a negative value one point shy of dying, and stabilizes. He can plane shift once per day. This functions as the spell, but he may only use it to access the native plane of his divine parent or the material plane.