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CrownsguardThe elite warriors of Lucis, these knights excel at teamwork with allies and leading them into the fray in the king’s name. Unlike a kingsglaive, these knights do not have powers from the king but still a hint of lucis magic resides within them. These knights often become crownsguard for the king and his family and make great leaders for any battlefield.

Hit Die: d10

To qualify to become a crownsguard, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Skills: Diplomacy 2 ranks, Knowledge (Nobility) 7 ranks.
Feats: Any teamwork feat.
Special: Must be appointed as part of the army by a royal family member, or by a member of his retinue.

Class Skills
The crownsguard’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Nobility) (Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Points Per Level: 4 + Int modifier

Table: Crownsguard

LevelBase Attack BonusFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSpecial
1st+1+1+0+1Limit Break, Astral Weapon, Team Link
2nd+2+1+1+1Lucian Technique
3rd+3+2+1+2Team Link
4th+4+2+1+2Lucian Technique
5th+5+3+2+3Team Link
6th+6+3+2+3Lucian Technique
7th+7+4+2+4Team Link
8th+8+4+3+4Lucian Technique
9th+9+5+3+5Team Link
10th+10+5+3+5Lucian Technique, Ultimate Team Link

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the crownsguard prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

The crownsguard is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and all armors (light, medium, heavy) and all shields.

Limit Break (Su)

At 1st level, the crownsguard receives the Limit Break (Perfect Teamwork).

Perfect Teamwork (Su): This Limit Break allows the crownsguard and all allies to have a perfect synergy with one another. For a duration of 1 round + 1 round per two crownsguard levels after 1st, all allies within 15 feet of the crownsguard gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a dodge bonus to AC + an additional +1 for every two crownsguard levels after 1st. In addition, the crownsguard can use her team links without expending uses. This limit break requires only a swift action.

Astral Weapons (Su)

At 1st level, the crownsguard can conjure up weapons she attunes to and pull them from her own pool of aether. She may spend 10 minutes of mediation to attune to a single weapon that she must hold and it becomes an astral weapon, which she may use with her crownsguard abilities. At 3rd level and every two levels thereafter, she may make another weapon an astral weapon and store it within her aether. Weapons stored away this way cannot be seen and require a move action to conjure into her hands (unless she has the Quick Draw feat). She cannot store the weapon unless the weapon is in her hands.

When the crownsguard makes a full-round attack, she may swap out her weapons as a free action, allowing her to attack with different weapons per attack. She may also perform a single 5-foot step (if she is able to make a 5-foot step), if she needs to compensate for range such as switching from a lance to a longsword or vice versa.

In addition, she may store up to 10 pounds of mundane items in her aether such as potions or fishing rods or blankets. If at any point the crownsguard is killed, all astral gear and items in her aether are lost and can never be returned unless the crownsguard is revived.

At 1st level and every two levels thereafter, the crownsguard gains a team link from the list below. She also gains a bonus teamwork feat at 3rd level. She must meet the prerequisites of the bonus feat. She may spend a standard action to give her allies within 30 feet the use of this teamwork feat and other teamwork feats she has, for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma modifier. They do not need to meet the prerequisites of the teamwork feat. She can perform this ability at the cost of a team link use and she can perform team link abilities a number of times per day equal to 3 plus her Charisma modifier.

Acute Antagonize (Ex): Antagonize now affects all enemies within 30 feet. Prerequisite: Antagonize.

Antagonize (Ex): As an immediate action, the crownsguard can spend a team link use when an ally within 30 feet is struck by an attack and make a free Intimidate check on the enemy to attempt to demoralize them.

Blindside Link: As an immediate action, when the crownsguard successfully strikes an enemy she is flanking, she may spend a team link use to allow all allies flanking with the crownsguard to spend an immediate action to make an attack with a -2 penalty.

Deathblow (Ex): If an enemy falls below 25% health, the crownsguard can spend a team link use, if she is flanking the enemy with an ally, and may as a full-round action perform a Coup de Grace. Prerequisite: Crownsguard Level 9th.

Engage (Ex): As a standard action, the crownsguard can spend a team link use to allow an ally to move up as an immediate action equal to their movement speed. This movement speed is reduced from the ally’s next turn.

Enhancement (Su): As a move action, the crownsguard can spend a team link use to enhance the weapon of an ally within 15 feet, changing its damage type to any of the six elements (earth, fire, ice, lightning, water, or wind) for a number of rounds equal to the crownsguard’s Charisma modifier.

First Strike (Ex): When using engage, the ally may also make a single melee attack at the cost of one of their attacks of opportunity. Prerequisite: Engage

Intercept (Ex): As an immediate action, the crownsguard can spend a team link use to allow an ally within 15 feet to move and intercept a charging enemy that is charging up to the ally’s movement speed. This movement speed is reduced from the ally’s next turn.

Overwhelm (Ex): As a full-round action, the crownsguard calls upon all allies to attack. By spending two team link uses, all allies who can see and hear the lucian knight can make an attack on a single target the crownsguard designates at a -2 penalty, if the allies can make an attack in the first place.

Parry Strike (Ex): As an immediate action, the crownsguard can negate a melee attack and have an ally counter by using a team link use. The crownsguard rolls an opposed attack roll with a -5 penalty, the DC = the opponent’s attack roll. She must have a melee weapon in hand, and she must be aware of her foe and not flat-footed. When the crownsguard successfully parries an enemy, she may allow a flanking ally to make an immediate attack of opportunity upon the enemy parried.

Ranged Flanker (Ex): The crownsguard is considered flanking with a ranged weapon up to 10 feet away. As a swift action, she may also spend a team link use to allow an ally with a ranged weapon to be considered flanking for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma modifier.

Regroup (Ex): As a full-round action, the crownsguard can spend a team link use to call upon all allies to form up, letting all allies within 20 feet who can see and hear the crownsguard to make an immediate action to move closer to the crownsguard up to half their base speed. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity and reduces from the movement of the allies’ next movement. If the crownsguard’s allies are adjacent to the crownsguard after this movement, they gain temporary hit points equal to her crownsguard level + her Charisma modifier.

Rescue (Su): As a full-round action, the crownsguard can spend a team link use to stabilize a dying ally that is adjacent to her and heal them an amount equal to her Charisma modifier.

Teamwork Feat (Ex): The crownsguard gains a bonus teamwork feat that can be used with team link. She must still meet the prerequisite of the bonus feat.

Lucian Techniques

At 2nd level and every two levels after, the crownsguard gains a single technique from the list below. These techniques employ the use of the astral weapon that she has in hand to do powerful attacks against her foes. No technique can be chosen more than once. The crownsguard may perform a technique a number of times per day equal to 3 plus her Charisma modifier.

Cyclone (Ex): As a full-round action, when using an astral weapon that is a shield, the crownsguard can make a single attack against all adjacent enemies with the shield, and if successful, they take normal damage and must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + the crownsguard’s level + her Charisma modifier) or be dazed for 1 round.

Dawnhammer (Ex): As a standard action, when using an astral weapon that is a two-handed weapon, the crownsguard can make single melee attack in melee range against an enemy with all her might, and if successful, the attack threatens a critical hit. Regardless if the attack is a critical confirm or not, the two-handed weapon disappears into the crownsguard’s aether and cannot be drawn until the end of her next turn.

Gravisphere (Su): As a standard action, when using an astral weapon that is a ranged weapon, the crownsguard can make a single ranged attack on a single enemy within range, and if successful, she deals normal ranged damage to the enemy and all enemies’ within 10 feet must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + the crownsguard’s level + her Charisma modifier) or be immobilized for 1 round.

Highwind (Ex): As a full-round action, when using a astral weapon that is a two-handed weapon, the crownsguard can leap and attack a single enemy within 30 feet, and if successful, she deals normal melee damage plus her Charisma modifier and all adjacent enemies take half the damage dealt.

Impulse (Su): As a full-round action, when using an astral weapon that is a two-handed weapon, the crownsguard can make a single attack against all enemies within 30 feet of her, swinging her blade sending out unseen strikes to all her enemies.

Lions Roar (Su): As a standard action, when using an astral weapon that is a one-handed weapon, the crownsguard makes a single melee attack against an enemy, and if successful, her attack is a critical threat. Regardless if the attack is a critical hit or not, the one-handed weapon disappears into the crownsguard’s aether and can’t be drawn until the end of her next turn.

Mark (Su): As a standard action, when using an astral weapon that is a one-handed weapon, the crownsguard can make a single ranged attack with her melee weapon, throwing it at an enemy, and if successful, she deals normal thrown damage and all allies gain a bonus to all attack rolls against the marked enemy equal to the crownsguard’s Charisma modifier for a number of rounds equal to her crownsguard level. After this ability is used, the astral weapon returns to the crownsguard’s hand.

Piercer (Ex): As a standard action, when using an astral weapon that is a ranged weapon, the crownsguard can make a single ranged attack at a -2 penalty, and if successful, the attack deals normal damage and the target takes a -2 penalty to AC until the end of the crownsguard’s next turn. This penalty to AC increases by 1 every two crownsguard levels.

Recoil (Ex): As a full-round action, when using an astral weapon that is a ranged weapon, the crownsguard can make a single ranged attack against an enemy with range by charging her shot, and if successful, her attack is a critical threat. Regardless if the attack is confirmed or not, the ranged weapon disappears into the crownsguard’s aether and cannot be drawn until the end of her next turn

Royal Guard (Ex): As a full-round action, when using an astral weapon that is a shield, the crownsguard can increase the shield AC bonus of her shield by 2 plus 1 for every two crownsguard levels, and if any allies within 15 feet are attacked by a melee attack, the crownsguard can move in to intercept by spending an attack of opportunity. When intercepting this way, she moves adjacently to her ally and uses her own AC instead of the ally’s AC. If the melee attack beats the crownsguard’s AC, the crownsguard is hit instead. The crownsguard cannot move this way more than her normal base movement speed.

Sagefire (Su): As a standard action, when using an astral weapon that is a one-handed weapon, the crownsguard can make a single melee attack against all enemies within 15 feet, and if successful, she deals normal melee damage plus 1d6 points of fire damage for every two crownsguard levels.

Starshell (Su): As a standard action, when using an astral weapon that is a ranged weapon, the crownsguard can make a single ranged attack against all enemies in a 15-ft.-cone with a -2 penalty, and if successful, the attack deals normal ranged damage and those struck, must make a Will save (DC 10 + the crownsguard’s level + her Charisma modifier) or be forced to try to attack the crownsguard until the end of their next turn.

Tempest (Ex): As a standard action, when using an astral weapon that is a two-handed weapon, the crownsguard can make a single melee attack against all adjacent foes.

Trigger Happy (Ex): When making a full-round attack and using an astral weapon that is a ranged weapon, the crownsguard can make an extra attack at her highest base attack bonus against an enemy with her ranged weapon. These extra attacks do not stack with effects that give extra attacks such as haste. She cannot switch astral weapons when performing this technique.

At 10th level, the crownsguard has full trust in her allies. As a swift action, when using team link to give her allies teamwork feats, she may now give all her teamwork feats to her allies instead of just one.