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Superpower (Power)


Cost varies
Activate 2 PPs per 50 feet; use-activated (standard)
Sustain none (instantaneous)
Range varies; Power Resistance no


This power allows the superhero to spontaneously create natural, silken fibers, usually directly from his body, like a spider or silk—worm. The superhero can project this webbing out, as if it were a liquid under great pressure. Once it dries, it forms organic rope. Projecting Webbing at range costs 2 PPs for every 50 feet of length or fraction thereof. The superhero buys this power in two steps: first, the range increment, and second, strength.


Range Increment


10 feet


20 feet

1 JP

30 feet

2 JP

40 feet

3 JP

50 feet

4 JP


  • Range Increment: The range increment starts at 10 feet and every additional 10 feet costs 1 JP. This is not the maximum length of webbing the superhero can create, but the range increment for projecting it at range, either offensively or out of utility. The maximum range increment is 50 feet (see table).
  • Strength: The strength of his Webbing is expressed as an actual Strength score which doubles as the DC against which anyone who becomes entangled in his Webbing must roll to free themselves. A Strength of 16 means that the target would need a Strength or Escape Artist roll of 16 or more to escape entanglement. Webbing Strength starts at 10 and every additional +2 costs 1 JP.

Strength Score

Still Strength

Swing Strength

Drop Strength

JP Cost


400 lbs.

200 lbs.

100 lbs.



520 lbs.

260 lbs.

130 lbs.

1 JP


700 lbs.

350 lbs.

175 lbs.

2 JP


920 lbs.

460 lbs.

230 lbs.

3 JP


1,200 lbs.

600 lbs.

300 lbs.

4 JP


1,600 lbs.

800 lbs.

400 lbs.

5 JP


2,080 lbs.

1,040 lbs.

520 lbs.

6 JP


2,800 lbs.

1,400 lbs.

700 lbs.

7 JP


3,680 lbs.

1,840 lbs.

920 lbs.

8 JP


4,800 lbs.

2,400 lbs.

1,200 lbs.

9 JP


6,400 lbs.

3,200 lbs.

1,600 lbs.

10 JP


That number is also used as a Strength score to determine the maximum drop strength, swing strength, and still strength of a single strand of Webbing (see table, above) “Drop strength” is how much weight the webbing can take without snapping if that weight were dropped from a height of 10 feet or more. “Swing strength” is the maximum load that a strand can support while swinging. “Still strength” is the maximum weight a rope can withstand while hanging still or dropped from less than 5 feet. The still strength is four times the drop strength, the swing strength is twice the drop strength, and the drop strength equals the heavy load of the Webbing’s Strength score. Thus, webbing with a strength of 16 has a drop strength of 230lbs, a swing strength of 460 lbs, and a still strength of just under 1,000 lbs. Rope strengths start at 10 (for free) and cost 1 JP per 2 points thereafter (1 JP for a score of 12, 2 JP for 14, and so on).

The superhero can, in one round, produce a single strand of Webbing that is up to three times the length of his range increment and he can continue to do so indefinitely, creating one continuous strand. This costs 2 PPs per round, unlike projecting Webbing at range. After about a half hour, Webbing turns wispy and floats away on the breeze. Webbing is initially quite sticky, but after just a few seconds (less than a combat round), it dries in the air and becomes as smooth as silk. In fact, for all intents and purposes, it is silk.

Shooting Webbing is a ranged attack, so the superhero can apply feats that enhance attack rolls, like Weapon Focus. Any enhancements to damage would be wasted on Webbing. Webbing can be used, generally speaking, in three different ways. The superhero can use it any way he likes. It’s just organic rope, after all, but these three are the most common.

  • Climbing and Swinging: Activate: 2 PPs; move action. The superhero can fire his Webbing at any solid surface and the far end will stick fast with a strength equal to the rope’s Strength score. This requires a move action. Hitting something as large as a building does not normally require an attack roll. Hitting something any smaller than a major piece of architecture, or attempting to hit such a piece of architecture while falling through the air, requires a ranged touch attack. Large, fixed points generally have a natural AC of 10, and that score rises as the target gets smaller. If the target is moving, it effectively gains a dodge bonus (determined by the GM). If the superhero is falling in a controlled dive while making the attempt (i.e., he jumps on purpose), he takes a —4 penalty to hit. If the superhero is falling in an uncontrolled dive (i.e., he was pushed or thrown), then he takes a —6 penalty. Any and all other penalties or bonuses to hit apply as normal.
  • Combat Maneuvers: Activate: 2 PPs; standard action. The superhero can shoot his Webbing at opponents. This allows the superhero to make ranged Disarm and Trip attacks as if he was using a rope—like weapon, such as a whip. Making this kind of attack requires a standard action. The stickiness of the Webbing grants a +4 on his Trip or Disarm combat maneuver. All rules for Trips and Disarms apply normally. The superhero can also attempt to entangle people by covering them with so much Webbing that it hampers their movement. This requires a ranged touch attack which, if successful, means that the target is entangled. On the target’s turn, he or she can use a standard action to attempt to break the Webbing (Strength check) or shimmy out of it (Escape Artist check). Either check is made against a DC equal to the rope’s Strength score.
  • Snagging Objects: Activate: 2 PPs; special. The superhero can use Webbing to snag and retrieve objects that weigh up to half of his light load (his, not his Webbing’s). If his Webbing’s drop strength is less than half his light load, then the strand will snap and possibly knock over the object. In this case, his Webbing isn’t as strong as the superhero is. To snag an object, the superhero must first hit it with a ranged touch attack, and then perform a second ranged touch attack against himself to catch it (as a move action). The superhero can, of course, choose not to dodge, which should reduce his AC to 0. Running increases his AC to 12, a controlled fall increases it to 14, and an uncontrolled fall increases it to 16. The superhero can also leave an object on the end of the Webbing as use it as a make—shift sling, swinging the object on the end of the Webbing and letting go. This doubles the range increment of the object in question as a thrown weapon but incurs a —4 penalty to hit, unless the superhero is proficient with Spiked Chains, Whips, Lassos, or another rope/chain—based weapon.
Enhancements and limitations
  • Enhancement: Reflexive Thwip (Cost: 3 JP): Activate: 2 PPs; immediate action. If the superhero falls from a height, he can use an immediate action to attempt to web a solid surface and save himself. Follow all normal rules for firing webbing at range and while falling. The superhero can also try to web a person, but unless she is extremely strong or tied down to something, it will probably result in his painful death.
  • Enhancement: Web Net (Cost: 2 JP): Activate: 4 PPs; standard action. Save: Reflex negates. The superhero can cast his entangling web like a net. Upon successfully entangling someone, anyone and everyone occupying adjacent squares must make a Reflex save. If they fail, they are entangled along with his primary target and take the same penalties. Because the targets are not actually anchored to anything but instead to each other, they are effectively in an involuntary grapple with each other.
  • Enhancement: Throw Net (Cost: 3 JP): Activate: 4 PPs; standard action. The superhero can throw his Web Net between solid surfaces and create a safety net. The superhero shoots out a wide cone of Webbing that spreads laterally, sticking fast to its surroundings. This form of Web Net has a maximum surface area of four 5-foot squares (i.e., 10-by-10 feet, or 100 square feet), but the shape will conform to the space in which it’s thrown. It can be as thin as 5 feet on a side. The superhero must have at least three anchor points or two wide surfaces to throw a net. For example, a Thrown Net between three trees would make a triangle, and one thrown into a tight alley (two walls) would make a rough square. Thus, the area of the net depends partially on the surfaces to which it’s stuck. The superhero must actually hit the appropriate surfaces, just like shooting Webbing while falling. The Strength of his Webbing must be sufficient to catch whomever might fall onto it. If their weight exceeds the drop strength, then the net will snap into tatters. Finally, the surfaces to which the net is stuck must have the strength to take the weight (i.e., a sapling won’t do). Anyone falling into his Web Net from more than 10 feet incurs its drop strength. Finally, once it springs into shape, the individual strands are no longer sticky, so people who fall into his Web Net are not entangled. Prerequisite: The superhero must have the Web Net enhancement to buy this enhancement.
  • Enhancement: Web Spinning (Cost: 3 JP): Activate: 4 PPs; full-round action. The superhero has practiced with his Webbing long enough to spin webs out of it that are larger, but it takes a while to do so. Building this kind of web takes at least a full-round action and must be anchored to three points or two surfaces, like a Web Net. For every round the superhero spends spinning a web, he covers a space equal to his range increment squared. If his range increment is 30 feet, for example, the superhero covers a single 30-by-30 feet area in a round. The superhero can spin his web at a maximum range equalling his Webbing’s range increment. Prerequisite: The superhero must have the Web Net enhancement to buy this enhancement.
  • Enhancement: Web Yoink (Cost: 2 JP): Activate: 2 PPs; standard action. The superhero can snag objects in a single standard action. The superhero must still roll to hit the object and then roll to hit himself to catch it, as normal, but both of these rolls happen within a single standard action.