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Superpower (Power)


Cost varies
Activate 4 PP; full-round action
Sustain none (instantaneous)
Range varies; Power Resistance no


The superhero can vanish into thin air and reappear instantaneously in another location. The superhero can Teleport himself, equipment equal to his maximum load, and any animal companion of up to small size, assuming they are all touching him at the time he Teleports.


Max. Range


75 feet

6 JP

300 feet

8 JP

1,000 feet

10 JP

1 mile

12 JP

4 miles

14 JP

16 miles

16 JP

64 miles

18 JP

250 miles

20 JP

1,000 miles

22 JP

3,000 miles

24 JP

6,000 miles

26 JP

9,000 miles

28 JP

12,000 miles

30 JP


The superhero cannot Teleport other creatures or beings other than animals, even if they are unconscious and he carries them. If, however, a person or companion is small enough to fit into the average shirt or pants pocket, the superhero can Teleport them. The cost of Teleport depends on the maximum distance the superhero can Teleport.

The superhero must have a clear idea of the location his destination in order to Teleport there. The superhero can’t simply Teleport to a villain’s lair if he doesn’t know where that lair is, what it looks like, or what’s in it. The clearer his mental image of the destination, the higher the chances the Teleportation will work. Areas of strong physical, paranormal, or Magical energies might make Teleportation hazardous or even impossible.

  • Mishap Check: If the superhero attempts to Teleport into a closed or hidden space, he must make a d20 roll (unmodified by anything), and check the table (right, above). There is a chance of a mishap or accident depending how familiar the superhero is with the area into which he attempts to Teleport. Teleporting to an open area or space within his field of vision requires no mishap check at all.
  • Familiarity:
    • “Very Familiar” means that the superhero has been to the site often enough that it feels almost like home.
    • “Studied carefully” means that the superhero knows the site well, either because he has been there often or he has used other means to study it directly, such as video surveillance.
    • “Seen casually” means a site that the superhero has seen several times, around a half-dozen, but he is not very familiar with it.
    • “Viewed once” means a site that the superhero has seen only once, or perhaps just a few times in passing.
    • “Description” means that the superhero only knows the site based on someone’s description, or by looking at detailed maps or blueprints.
    • “Blind Teleport” means that the superhero kinda knows the site, but not really. Mostly, the superhero crosses his fingers and thumb his lucky rabbit’s foot.



On Target

Off Target


Area Mishap

Very Familiar

3 — 20



Studied Carefully

4 — 20




Seen Casually

5 — 20

3 — 4



Viewed Once

6 — 20

4 — 5

2 — 3


By Description

7 — 20

5 — 6

2 — 3

1 — 2

Blind Teleport

11 — 20

8 — 10

5 — 7

1 — 4

  • Results of a Mishap Check:
    • “On Target” means the superhero appears where the superhero wanted to with no ill effects.
    • “Off Target” means the superhero appears safely a random distance away from the destination in random direction. The superhero can be up off-target by a factor of up to 50% of his total distance Teleported. To determine how off-target the superhero is, roll 5d10. The result, as a percentage of his total Teleportation distance, is how far off-target the superhero arrives. Determine what direction the superhero is off of the target by 1d8 (1 is North, 2 is North-East, etc.).
    • “Similar Area” means the superhero wind up in an area that’s visually or thematically similar to the target area. Generally, the superhero appears in the closest similar place. If the superhero attempts to go to a particular park, he might end up at a park on the other side of town. The superhero cannot Teleport himself any further off target than the distance that he can normally Teleport. If there is no truly similar place within range, then the superhero is “off target,” but he can be up to 100% off-target. Roll d%. The result, as a percentage of his total Teleportation distance, is how far off-target the superhero arrives. Determine what direction the superhero is off of the target by 1d8 (1 is North, 2 is North-East, etc.).
    • “Mishap” means the superhero will been briefly “scrambled” by the Teleportation process. The superhero suffers 2d6 points of non-lethal damage. This damage is not reduced or prevented by anything. The superhero then arrives “off target,” and will be dazed for 1d3 rounds upon arrival.

The superhero can combine Teleportation with Temportation to move through time and space simultaneously. Total the PP costs for both powers. Activation times don’t stack. Therefore, if his Teleportation activation time were a standard action and his Temportation activation time were a full-round action, then a combined Teleport/Temport would take a full-round action.

Enhancements and limitations
  • Enhancement: Certain Teleport (Cost: 3 JP): By spending an additional 4 PP when the superhero Teleports, he can travel to a closed or hidden space with no chance of a mishap. While the superhero cannot use this to Teleport to a completely unknown location, like a villain’s hidden base, he can Teleport to places he barely knows anything about, without a mishap. The superhero merely needs to have some idea of where the target site is, and a vague notion of what it looks like. Prerequisite: The superhero must have the Safe Teleport enhancement to buy this enhancement.
  • Enhancement: Reduced Power Drain (Cost: 2 JP): The superhero reduces the PP cost of his Teleport by 1 PP. The superhero can take this enhancement twice.
  • Enhancement: Reflexive Teleport (Cost: 3 JP): If the superhero retains his Dexterity bonus to AC and is hit for damage by a physical attack, as an immediate action, the superhero can make Reflex save (DC 18) to Teleport out of danger a split—second before the attack actually does damage. This costs the standard number of PP, and the superhero might reappear anywhere within sight and within range, or the superhero might reappear in a slightly different spot within the same square so that the attack misses. Prerequisite: The superhero must have the Standard Action Teleport enhancement to buy this enhancement.
  • Enhancement: Safe Teleport (Cost: 2 JP): The superhero gains the lucky status effect whenever he has to roll a Mishap Check, and selects the most favorable of the two rolls.
  • Enhancement: Standard Action Teleport (Cost: 2 JP): The superhero can Teleport as a standard action.
  • Enhancement: Teleport Another (Cost: 3 JP): This enhancement allows the superhero to carry one additional person with him when Teleporting, at an additional cost of 2 PPs (4 PP if using Certain Teleport) provided that the person is no more than one size category larger then himself. The additional person must be touching the superhero when he Teleports.
  • Enhancement: Teleport Group (Cost: 3 JP): This enhancement allows the superhero to take a number of other people with him when Teleporting, up to a maximum equal to his highest mental stat modifier. Each person has to be no more than one size category larger than himself. They must all be within 5 feet of the superhero, and all must be touching. The Teleport costs 2 additional PPs per person (4 PP per person if the superhero uses Certain Teleport). The superhero can substitute a medium—sized object or pile of inanimate material (weighing no more than 200 pounds) for a person when using this enhancement. Prerequisite: The superhero must have the Teleport Another enhancement to buy this enhancement.
  • Limitation: Sight Teleport Only (Value: 1 JP): The superhero can Teleport only to places in his line of sight. His “line of sight” can be enhanced by powers or mundane technology like binoculars, but the superhero cannot Sight Teleport based on reproduced image, like a television signal or web—cam. The superhero cannot attempt any teleport that would require a Mishap Check. This limitation is not compatible with Safe or Certain teleport.