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Superpower (Trait)


Cost 4 JP per level


The superhero’s senses are highly acute, several times more sensitive than normal. For every level of the power the superhero purchases, he gets a +2 bonus on the following skills: Perception, Survival (Track), Disable Device, Sleight of Hand. This bonus applies to any other situation in which heightened senses would be a benefit, such as detecting poisoned or spoiled food, or anything for which a delicate or precise touch would be beneficial. The superhero can accurately see, hear, and smell things up to 5 times further away than usual, per level of this power.

Enhancements and limitations
  • Enhancement: Microscopic Vision (Cost: 1 JP per level): When the superhero uses his sight like a microscope, this enhancement increases the magnification by a factor of 10, per level. Thus, if the superhero has 200x magnification, and take 2 levels of this enhancement, he will have 20,000x magnification, which is about four times as powerful as purely mechanical magnification. 1,000,000x power is roughly on par with an electron microscope and would allow the superhero to examine objects on a molecular level. Prerequisite: The superhero must have the Super Sight enhancement to buy this enhancement.
  • Enhancement: Protected Senses (Cost: 2 JP): The superhero’s eyes, ears, and other sensory organs are protected against mundane effects that would overload and/or damage them, such as extremely loud noises, flash/bang grenades, and stink bombs. This enhancement protects against the side effects of Magical effects (for example, the blinding effect caused by a beam of light aimed into his eyes), but not against Magical effects designed specifically to cause blindness, deafness, or other sensory debilitation. It does not protect against all sonic effects, merely those directly related to deafening.
  • Enhancement: Super Hearing (Cost: 2 JP): The superhero’s ears are incredibly sensitive. The superhero can hear beyond the normal range of frequencies. This enhancement doubles all hearing-related bonuses from Super Senses, and doubles the distance at which the superhero can hear things. The superhero can clearly hear ultra- and sub-sonic frequencies, such as dog whistles, ultrasonic motion detectors, and creatures using echolocation. Additionally, the superhero can detect whenever a creature, even an invisible one, comes within 30 feet of the superhero; this requires no roll of any kind. The superhero cannot determine its exact location, merely its presence. If it comes within 5 feet of the superhero, however, he can determine its precise location unerringly.
  • Enhancement: Super Scent (Cost: 2 JP): The superhero’s nose is incredibly sensitive, even better than that of a bloodhound. This enhancement doubles all smell-related bonuses from Super Senses, and doubles the distance at which the superhero can smell things. Additionally, the superhero can detect whenever a creature, even an invisible one, comes within 30 feet of the superhero, assuming it has a scent; this requires no roll of any kind. The superhero cannot determine its location, merely its presence. If it comes within 5 feet of the superhero, however, he can determine its precise location unerringly.
  • Enhancement: Super Sight (Cost: 3 JP): The superhero’s eyes are unbelievably accurate. This enhancement doubles all sight-related bonuses from Super Senses, and doubles the distance at which the superhero can see things. Additionally, the superhero can now focus his eyes in such a way that they work as a microscope. His maximum magnification factor equals 10 times the distance the superhero can see. For example, the superhero has 2 levels of Enhanced Sense, which allows the superhero to see 10 times as far as he can normally. The superhero doubles that distance to 20 times because of this enhancement, and therefore can magnify his vision up to 200x with this power.
  • Enhancement: Super Touch (Cost: 2 JP): The superhero’s sense of touch is incredibly sensitive. The superhero can even read a normal book by feeling the ink on the pages. This enhancement doubles all touch-related bonuses from Super Senses. Additionally, the superhero can detect whenever a creature, even an invisible one, comes within 30 feet of the superhero from the disturbance it makes in the air and vibrations it sends through the ground or surrounding architecture. The superhero cannot determine its location, merely its presence. If it comes within 5 feet of the superhero, however, he can determine its precise location unerringly.
  • Limitation: Single Sense (Value: 2 JP per level): The superhero only has a single enhanced sense of his choice, rather than all of them. Bonuses from this power (and the Protected Senses enhancement) only apply to that single sense. This limitation is not compatible with any enhancement for a sense other than the one the superhero choose, or with the Two Senses limitation.
  • Limitation: Two Senses (Value: 1 JP per level): The superhero only has two Super Senses of his choice, rather than all of them. Bonuses from this power (and the Protected Senses enhancement) only apply to the chosen senses. This limitation is obviously not compatible with any enhancement for a sense other than the ones chosen, or with the Single Sense limitation.