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Superpower (Power)


Cost 1 JP per level
Activate 2 PP per spell level (or 1 PP for cantrips); use-activated (spellcasting)
Sustain varies
Range varies


This power grants the superhero the ability to cast spells. For every level of the power, he has access to 2 0-level spells from the any spell list (chosen when the superhero buys this power). Comics and pulp fiction just don’t differentiate in that way. Activation times are listed in the spells themselves.

The superhero is subject to Spell Failure percentages for wearing armor while spellcasting, at a rate of 5% per +1 Armor and/or Shield bonus. His spellcasting can be disrupted, as per standard rules, and casting spells does provoke attacks of opportunity. The ability score he uses to determine his spell’s saving throws and his maximum casting level is the same as the ability that modifies his power dice, either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. To take the base version of this power, the superhero needs at least a 10 in the appropriate ability score and the enhancements require even higher scores (as noted in their prerequisites). Casting spells requires an expenditure of 2 PPs per spell level, or 1 PP for Cantrips (as per the Activation line, above).

The superhero’s caster level is equal to the maximum spell level he can cast multiplied by two. If he can cast 5th-level spells, his caster level is 10. If he can cast only 3rd-level spells, his caster level is 6. Thus his caster level is not, in fact, linked to his freelancer level in any way.

Upon taking this power, the superhero has access to his chosen spells in written form. These are his spell books. “Spell books” is only a game term. They can take many forms, including digitized records, stone tablets, abstract art, or even good old books. He must have his “spell books” with him in order to prepare his spells for the day.

If the superhero’s spell books take a physical form, he gets them for free. They take up a space equivalent to a couple of volumes of an encyclopedia and weigh about 20 pounds in total. Digital records of spells are not just text files. They’re usually written in a custom format that can incorporate diagrams, multiple languages, and so forth. Furthermore, they aren’t just static records. They contain quasi-executable algorithms that are tailored to him, his mind, body, and soul.

The Spellcasting power automatically confers upon him the specific skills and knowledge needed to create and maintain his spells in digital form, but no more than that. He has either learned an obscure method of storing his spells or learned it from a teacher.

  • Enhancement: 1st-Level Spellcasting (Cost: 1 JP per level): Activate: 2 PPs per spell; use-activated (spellcasting). Sustain: varies. This enhancement grants the superhero access to 1st-level spells. For every level of the enhancement, he can add a single 1st-level spell to his castable repertoire. Prerequisites: The superhero must have a minimum applicable ability score of 11 and 5 levels of Spellcasting to buy this enhancement.
  • Enhancement: 2nd-Level Spellcasting (Cost: 2 JPs per level): Activate: 4 PPs per spell; use-activated (spellcasting). Sustain: varies. This enhancement grants the superhero access to 2nd-level spells. For every level of the enhancement, he can add a single 2nd-level spell to his castable repertoire. Prerequisites: The superhero must be at least 3rd level and have a minimum applicable ability score of 12, 5 levels of 1st-Level Spellcasting, and 5 levels of Spellcasting to buy this enhancement.
  • Enhancement: 3rd-Level Spells (Cost: 3 JPs per level): Activate: 6 PPs per spell; use-activated (spellcasting). Sustain: varies. This enhancement grants the superhero access to 3rd-level spells. For every level of the enhancement, he can add a single 3rd-level spell to his castable repertoire. Prerequisites: The superhero must be at least 5th level and have a minimum applicable ability score of 13, 4 levels of 2nd-Level Spellcasting, 5 levels of 1st-Level Spellcasting, and 5 levels of Spellcasting to buy this enhancement.
  • Enhancement: 4th-Level Spells (Cost: 4 JPs per level): Activate: 8 PPs per spell; use-activated (spellcasting). Sustain: varies. This enhancement grants the superhero access to 4th-level spells. For every level of the enhancement, he can add a single 4th-level spell to his castable repertoire. Prerequisites: The superhero must be at least 7th level and have a minimum applicable ability score of 14, 4 levels of 3rd-Level Spellcasting, 4 levels of 2nd-Level Spellcasting, 5 levels of 1st-Level Spellcasting, and 5 levels of Spellcasting.
  • Enhancement: 5th-Level Spells (Cost: 5 JPs per level): Activate: 10 PPs per spell; use-activated (spellcasting). Sustain: varies. This enhancement grants the superhero access to 5th-level spells. For every level of the enhancement, he can add a single 5th-level spell to his castable repertoire. Prerequisites: The superhero must be at least 9th level and have a minimum applicable ability score of 15, 3 levels of 4th-Level Spellcasting, 4 levels of 3rd-Level Spellcasting, 4 levels of 2nd-Level Spellcasting, 5 levels of 1st-Level Spellcasting, and 5 levels of Spellcasting to buy this enhancement.
  • Enhancement: 6th-Level Spells (Cost: 6 JPs per level): Activate: 12 PPs per spell; use-activated (spellcasting). Sustain: varies. This enhancement grants the superhero access to 6th-level spells. For every level of the enhancement, he can add a single 6th-level spell to his castable repertoire. Prerequisites: The superhero must be at least 11th level and have a minimum applicable ability score of 16, 2 levels of 5th-Level Spellcasting, 3 levels of 4th-Level Spellcasting, 4 levels of 3rd-Level Spellcasting, 4 levels of 2nd-Level Spellcasting, 5 levels of 1st-Level Spellcasting, and 5 levels of Spellcasting to buy this enhancement.
  • Enhancement: 7th-Level Spells (Cost: 7 JPs per level): Activate: 14 PPs per spell; use-activated (spellcasting). Sustain: varies. This enhancement grants the superhero access to 7th-level spells. For every level of the enhancement, he can add a single 7th-level spell to his castable repertoire. Prerequisites: The superhero must be at least 13th level and have a minimum applicable ability score of 17, 2 levels of 6th-Level Spellcasting, 3 levels of 5th-Level Spellcasting, 3 levels of 4th-Level Spellcasting, 4 levels of 3rd-Level Spellcasting, 4 levels of 2nd-Level Spellcasting, 5 levels of 1st-Level Spellcasting, and 5 levels of Spellcasting to buy this enhancement.
  • Enhancement: 8th-Level Spells (Cost: 8 JPs per level): Activate: 16 PPs per spell; use-activated (spellcasting). Sustain: varies. This enhancement grants the superhero access to 8th-level spells. For every level of the enhancement, he can add a single 8th-level spell to his castable repertoire. Prerequisites: The superhero must be at least 15th level and have a minimum applicable ability score of 18, 1 levels of 7th-Level Spellcasting, 2 levels of 6th-Level Spellcasting, 3 levels of 5th-Level Spellcasting, 3 levels of 4th-Level Spellcasting, 4 levels of 3rd-Level Spellcasting, 4 levels of 2nd-Level Spellcasting, 5 levels of 1st-Level Spellcasting, and 5 levels of Spellcasting to buy this enhancement.
  • Enhancement: 9th-Level Spells (Cost: 9 JPs per level): Activate: 18 PPs per spell; use-activated (spellcasting). Sustain: varies. This enhancement grants rhe superhero access to 9th-level spells. For every level of the enhancement, he can add a single 8th-level spell to his castable repertoire. Prerequisites: The superhero must be at least 17th level and have a minimum applicable ability score of 19, 1 levels of 8th-Level Spellcasting, 1 levels of 7th-Level Spellcasting, 2 levels of 6th-Level Spellcasting, 3 levels of 5th-Level Spellcasting, 3 levels of 4th-Level Spellcasting, 4 levels of 3rd-Level Spellcasting, 4 levels of 2nd-Level Spellcasting, 5 levels of 1st-Level Spellcasting, and 5 levels of Spellcasting to buy this enhancement.
  • Enhancement: Ninjutsu Performance (Cost: 1 JP): The superhero gains access to Ninjutsus instead of normal spellcasting.
  • Enhancement: Song Performing (Cost: 1 JP): The superhero gains access to Bard Songs instead of normal spellcasting and gains Perform as a class skill.