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Superpower (Power)


Cost 10 JP
Activate 10 PP; full-round action
Sustain 6 PP per minute; swift action
Range self; Power Resistance no


This power enables the superhero to assume the form of any single non-unique creature (of any type) of whatever size he is. The assumed form cannot have more than twice his freelancer level in Hit Dice (to a maximum of 40 HD). This power also allows incorporeal or gaseous forms to be assumed.

The superhero gains all extraordinary abilities (both attacks and qualities) of the assumed form, but he loses his own extraordinary abilities. He also gains the type of the new form in place of his own (gaining their natural armor and their physical stats while retaining his own mental stats). The new form does not disorient him. Parts of his body or pieces of equipment that are separated from him do not revert to their original forms. All equipment melds into his new form, he only benefits from magical items that provide enhancement bonuses (the exception is armor bonuses aren’t).

The superhero can become just about anything he is familiar with. He can change form once each round as a swift action. If he uses this power to create a disguise, he gets a +10 bonus on his Disguise check. This power can used alongside with the Size Shift power to recreate real monsters of legend.

  • Enhancement: Extraordinary Shapechange (Cost: 4 JP): The superhero retains his superpower traits while shapechanged.
  • Enhancement: Move Action Shapechange (Cost: 2 JP): The superhero can shapechange as a move action. Prerequisite: The superhero must have the Standard Action Shapechange enhancement to buy this enhancement.
  • Enhancement: Reduced Cost Shapechange (Cost: 4 JP): The superhero can shapechange for 5 PP and 3 PP per minute instead.
  • Enhancement: Spell-Like Shapechange (Cost: 10 JP): This enhancement allows the superhero to gain the spellcasting (including MP pool and caster level) or spell-like abilities of the assumed form as well but loses spellcasting or spell-like abilities of his natural form.
  • Enhancement: Standard Action Shapechange (Cost: 2 JP): The superhero can shapechange as a standard action.
  • Enhancement: Supernatural Shapechange (Cost: 10 JP): This enhancement allows the superhero to gain the supernatural abilities of the assumed form as well but loses supernatural abilities of his natural form.
  • Enhancement: Swift Action Shapechange (Cost: 2 JP): The superhero can shapechange as a swift action. Prerequisite: The superhero must have the Move Action Shapechange enhancement to buy this enhancement.
  • Limitation: Fatiguing Shapechange (Value: 2 JP): Shapechanging is extremely difficult or painful. Doing so leaves the superhero fatigued for one round. Decreasing back to normal shape does not leave the superhero fatigued.
  • Limitation: Limited Shapechange (Value: 4 JP): This limitation limits the superhero to a group of type of creatures (Dragons, Undead, Vermin, etc.) The superhero can only shapechange to anything in said group.