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Superpower (Trait)


Cost 5 JP


The superhero gets a Power Resistance score (PR) of 13. To affect the superhero with a power, an attacker must meet or beat his PR score on a power check (1d20 + freelancer level).

Traits are unaffected, as are purely physical attacks like a Dexterity-enhanced unarmed strike or Webbing. The superhero has a chance of avoiding being affected by a power that has an area effect, like Pheromones, but his PR does not cancel the entire area effect. PR has no effect on spells.

Enhancements and limitations
  • Enhancement: Imbue PR (Cost: 3 JP): Activate: 2 PPs per person; free. Sustain: 2 PPs per person per round; free. Range: touch (special). The superhero can now confer PR onto other people. The superhero must maintain physical contact with them to maintain the effect, anyone who targets them must roll separately to overcome their PR score, which is of course the same as his.
  • Enhancement: Increased PR (Cost: 2 JP per level): For every level of this enhancement, the superhero’s PR score increases by 2. The superhero may take this enhancement up to 10 times.