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Superpower (Power)


Cost 3 JP
Activate 2 PPs per 100 lbs.; standard action
Sustain 2 PPs per round per 100 lbs.; standard action
Range 30 feet; Power Resistance yes (object)


With this power, the superhero can manipulate metal objects from a distance, wield weapons, or throw objects as an attack. The activate/sustain is minimum 2 PP, and increases by 2 for every hundred pounds of weight. A 100-pound object requires 4 PP, a 200-pound object requires 6 PP, etc. When manipulating a metal object, the superhero can basically do anything that could normally do with two hands, like working a panel of buttons, opening doors, undoing clasps or just lifting it up and moving it, although he can affect only metal objects.

The rule is that if the superhero could perform a given action with his hands, then he can do it with Magnetic Mastery, and it requires the same number of actions to do so. The superhero can attempt to lift or move people made of metal or covered in metal (like someone in armor). To do so, his Magnetic Mastery enters into a grapple with the target. Use his own base attack bonus but the power’s Strength score. The superhero gets a +4 on the attack. The superhero does not provoke an attack of opportunity, as he would normally when attempting a grapple.

If the superhero cannot see what he is doing, he is just as limited as if he was working blind with his actual hands. Magnetic Mastery does afford a mental form of force-feedback, so the superhero can feel his way around with it too, for example, reach around a corner for a doorknob, but he is just as likely to accidentally knock something over as he would be with his hands. Also, sheer visual distance from a delicate or complex job can impair his ability to perform it correctly. His Dexterity (see below) dictates how generally adroit he is with his Magnetic Mastery.

Wielding a weapon or using a firearm from a distance qualifies as a “delicate or complex job,” therefore it has a 5-foot range increment. The superhero can throw objects in a straight line, directly away from him using either a 30-foot increment or the increment of the object, if it’s a range weapon (whichever is greater). The superhero can also throw weapons at angles to him, but that has a 10-foot increment or half of the object’s range increment (whichever is greater). Magnetic Mastery uses four stats: speed, range, Strength, and Dexterity. The superhero can move objects through the air at a speed of 30 feet.

His Magnetic Mastery range is 30 feet. Increasing the range of the power does not increase the range increments for manipulating objects, including wielding weapons, throwing things, or firing weapons.

His Magnetic Mastery has a Strength score. When wielding a mêlée weapon, it can grant a bonus to attack and damage. This score also determines the maximum load/lift of his Magnetic Mastery. Encumbrance rules apply here just as they would normally. His Strength starts at 10, but he can enhance it (see Increased Strength).

His Magnetic Mastery also has a Dexterity score. When throwing objects or weapons, this stat can add an attack bonus, and the superhero can apply Weapon Finesse to Magnetic Mastery attacks. The superhero can use Magnetic Mastery to perform any Dexterity-based skill at a distance, though he potentially takes penalties as described above. His Dexterity starts at 10, but he can enhance it (see Increased Dexterity).

Enhancements and limitations
  • Enhancement: Electro-Magnetic Pulse (Cost: 4 JP): Activate: 6 PP. Area of Effect: 1-foot radius sphere. By mentally activating a burst of random magnetism (an EMP), the superhero can potentially knock out electronic devices. The superhero can create an EMP anywhere within the power’s range, and the area of the effect is approximately a 1-foot-diameter sphere. The superhero can place this sphere effectively anywhere in his range. If the superhero makes a Knowledge (Technology) skill check (DC 15), he can identify the spot in a large machine that would knock out its primary memory, control mechanism, JPU, or other spots that would deactivate the whole machine. This skill check requires a standard action of observation of the system. The superhero gets a +2 bonus if he has the machine’s schematics at hand or its internal systems are open to general view. The superhero takes a -2 penalty if its systems are unusual (an obscure make or a home-built design), or if the bulk of the exterior simply isn’t visible. The superhero needs to have a general sense of the structure of the whole machine to identify its vulnerable point. Lastly, some electric or electronic components are hardened against EMPs, which means that they are effectively immune to this effect. The EMP itself provokes a Fortitude save from the device. If it fails, the device is non-functional until it is repaired (DC 20). If it passes, the device stops functioning for 1d4 rounds.
  • Enhancement: Extra Hand (Cost: 3 JP): The superhero now have three “hands” when using his Magnetic Mastery, instead of just two. The superhero can take this enhancement up to five times for a total of six hands.
  • Enhancement: Extreme Dexterity (Cost: 3 JP per level): For every level of this enhancement, the superhero increases the Dexterity score of his Magnetic Mastery by 1. The superhero can take up to 20 levels of this enhancement, for a total Dexterity score of 50. Prerequisite: The superhero must have the Increased Dexterity (20 levels) enhancement to buy this enhancement.
  • Enhancement: Extreme Strength (Cost: 3 JP per level): For every level of this enhancement, the superhero increases the Strength score of his Magnetic Mastery by 1. The superhero can take up to 20 levels of this enhancement, for a total Strength score of 50. Prerequisite: The superhero must have the Increased Strength (20 levels) enhancement to buy this enhancement.
  • Enhancement: Increased Dexterity (Cost: 2 JP per level): For every level of this enhancement, the superhero increases the Dexterity score of his Magnetic Mastery by 1. The superhero can take up to 20 levels of this enhancement, for a total Dexterity score of 30.
  • Enhancement: Increased Range (Cost: 2 JP): The superhero increases the range of his Magnetic Mastery by 30 feet. The superhero can take this enhancement up to three times, to a total range of 120 feet.
  • Enhancement: Increased Speed (Cost: 2 JP per level): The superhero increases the speed at which he can move metal objects through the air by 10 feet. The superhero can take this enhancement up to three times. The effects stack.
  • Enhancement: Increased Strength (Cost: 2 JP per level): For every level of this enhancement, the superhero increases the Strength score of his Magnetic Mastery by 1. The superhero can take up to 20 levels of this enhancement, for a total Strength score of 30.
  • Enhancement: Mental Muscle (Cost: 5 JP): His Magnetic Mastery Strength equals his Intelligence score, and his Magnetic Mastery Dexterity equals his Wisdom score.
  • Limitation: Decreased Dexterity (Value: 1 JP per 2 points): This limitation decreases his Magnetic Mastery Dexterity score by 2 points. The superhero can take this limitation up to 3 times, thus, reducing his Dexterity to 4. Prerequisite: The superhero must have a Magnetic Mastery Dexterity 10 to gain credit from this limitation.
  • Limitation: Decreased Strength (Value: 1 JP per 2 points): This limitation decreases his Magnetic Mastery Strength score by 2 points. The superhero can take this limitation up to 3 times, thus, reducing his Strength to 4. Prerequisite: The superhero must have a Magnetic Mastery Strength 10 to gain credit from this limitation.