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Superpower (Power)


Cost 12 JP
Activate 4 PP; move action
Sustain 2 PP per round; free action
Range self; Power Resistance no


The superhero can turn his body into a translucent liquid substance. Any equipment the superhero wears or carries falls to the floor when he shifts to Liquid Form. Returning to his normal form is a move action.

While in Liquid Form, the superhero takes only half normal damage from physical attacks, after applying DR and all other relevant resistances. Fire-based energy attacks do double damage, as do Ice-based attacks. Other attacks deal damage normally. The superhero is considered unarmed in liquid form, but can otherwise fight normally using unarmed strikes. The superhero cannot grapple or be grappled in Liquid Form. His saves, ability scores and other traits are unaffected. The superhero cannot speak, or use spells while in liquid form, nor does he benefit from Natural Weapons.

While in Liquid Form, his body has all the flexibility and malleability of a liquid. The superhero can easily flow under a door or through a crack, as well as pass through grates and fences. The superhero cannot pass through impermeable surfaces, however. The superhero moves at HIs normal movement rate.

The superhero still has the full benefit of any powers he might have, including those that improve AC or DR, in Liquid Form. The superhero also cannot be blinded or deafened. The superhero still requires oxygen (assuming he breathes), but he can absorb it from the atmosphere, or even from water if he is submerged in it. The superhero will still asphyxiate in an area without oxygen (such as space), or by being drowned in a liquid that contains no oxygen.

If the superhero uses this power to hide within a larger pool of liquid, he gets a +20 to his Stealth check.

Enhancements and limitations
  • Enhancement: Liquid Anatomy (Cost: 6 JP per level): While in liquid form, the superhero’s anatomy more closely resembles that of an ooze. When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the superhero, there is a chance that the critical hit or precision damage is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.This can be picked up to four times. Each level adds a 25% chance to the negation occurs, to a maximum of complete immunity.
  • Enhancement: Liquid Equipment (Cost: 2 JP): His equipment shifts into liquid form along with him. The superhero cannot use any equipment in liquid form, though. Liquid armor offers no protection. His equipment returns to normal when he does.
  • Enhancement: Reduced Power Drain (Cost: 2 JP): The activation cost to shift into Liquid Form is reduced by 1 PP. The superhero can take this Enhancement twice. This enhancement has no effect on the sustained cost.
  • Enhancement: Reflexive Shift (Cost: 3 JP): If the superhero retains his Dexterity bonus to AC, and has been successfully hit by an attack, as an immediate action, he can attempt a Reflex save (DC 18) to shift forms a split-second before the attack hits home. If the superhero shift into liquid form, the superhero will then only suffer half damage from a physical attack. Alternately, the superhero can shift back to solid form to avoid taking double damage from a Fire or Ice attack. This is a normal shift; thus, the superhero remains in the new form after the attack. This costs the normal amount of PPs, and counts as his shift for that round. Prerequisite: The superhero must have the Swift Action Shift enhancement to buy this enhancement.
  • Enhancement: Swift Action Shift (Cost: 2 JP): The superhero can now shift forms as a swift action.