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Superpower (Item)


Discount 4 JP
Activate as power
Sustain as power
Range as power


An Iconic Item is an object that is the conduit for all of his powers. Buying powers via an Iconic Item grants a one-time discount of 4 JP. There is no limit to how many powers or how many JPs worth of powers the superhero can load into a single Iconic Item.

Other powers, including Gadgets and Power Armor, do not function while the superhero has an Iconic Item on his person. Iconic Items are jealous, but they are also loyal. Only the superhero can access the powers loaded into his Iconic Item. It is tuned to his body chemistry, his unique mental signature, or even his very soul.

Iconic Items can potentially be lost or stolen and if that happens, the superhero will just have to track his down. They are, however, nigh indestructible by conventional means. Each one has 1,000 HPs, Hardness 100, Resistance 50 to all energy types, and self-repairs at a rate of 5 HPs per round. Iconic Items are, by default, hand-held objects (Tiny-sized) weighing about 3 pounds, so something the general size and shape of a baton or soft-ball, for example. They always appear unusual or mysterious in some way.

Enhancements and limitations
  • Enhancement: Diminutive Item (Cost: 2 JP): His Iconic Item is diminutive-sized instead of tiny. It weighs 1 pound. It is the size of a cell phone, a pocket watch, or a conductor’s baton. The superhero can slip it into a pocket. This enhancement is incompatible with Fine Item, Small Item, and Medium Item.
  • Enhancement: Fine Item (Cost: 4 JP): His Iconic Item is fine-sized instead of tiny. It weighs an ounce or two. It is the size of a large coin or a ball-point pen. The superhero can palm one and still work a phone or drive. The superhero can, depending on the shape, tuck it behind his ear. This enhancement is incompatible with Diminutive Item, Small Item, and Medium Item.
  • Enhancement: Intelligent Iconic Item (Cost: 5 JP per level): The superhero’s iconic item is an intelligent item. Magically imbued with sentience, this iconic item thinks and feels the same way characters do and should be treated as an NPC. An intelligence iconic item gains 1 ability from the Table: Intelligent Iconic Item Powers and for each level of this enhancement thereafter, the iconic item receives another ability.
    • Intelligence: This is the intelligence score of the iconic item. It starts at 10 and increases by 1 for every two levels of the superhero (at 2nd level, 4th level, and so on).
    • Wisdom and Charisma: As the superhero increases in level, so do the Wisdom and Charisma of the iconic item. These abilities start at 6 and increase by 1 for every two levels of freelancer.
    • Ego: An iconic item starts with an ego of 5, and that ego increases as the iconic item becomes more powerful. In cases where a superhero and the iconic item come into conflict, like any intelligent item, an iconic item can attempt to exert its dominance (see Intelligent Items). Due to its flexible and powerful nature, an iconic item has a nonstandard ego progression. In addition, for every 2 points of Intelligence above 10 increases ego by 1.
    • Languages and Skills: A iconic item starts with Common as a language. As the iconic item increases in Intelligence, it manifests knowledge of languages and arcane lore. Upon reaching an Intelligence of 12, it gains a bonus language of the GM’s choice, and gains 1 rank in Knowledge (arcana). Each time the iconic item gains a bonus to Intelligence, it gains another language and another rank in Knowledge (arcana).
    • Senses: An iconic item is aware of everything around it like a creature that can see and hear. It can be blinded and deafened as if it were a creature. It uses the saving throws of its superhero, even if he is not currently wielding/wearing the iconic item.
      Table: Intelligent Iconic Item Powers


      Iconic Item Power (CL = freelancer level)

      Ego Modifier


      Item can cast a 0-level spell at will



      Item can cast a 1st-level spell 3/day



      Item can use magic aura on itself at will



      Item can cast a 2nd-level spell 1/day



      Item has 5 ranks in one skill*



      Item can sprout limbs and move with a speed of 10 feet



      Item can cast a 3rd-level spell 1/day



      Item can cast a 2nd-level spell 3/day



      Item has 10 ranks in one skill*



      Item can change shape into one other form of the same size



      Item can fly, as per the spell, at a speed of 30 feet



      Item can cast a 4th-level spell 1/day



      Item can teleport itself 1/day



      Item can cast a 3rd-level spell 3/day



      Item can cast a 4th-level spell 3/day


      * Intelligent iconic items can only possess Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skills, unless they also possess some form of ability to move.
  • Enhancement: Weaponize (Cost: 1 JP + cost of weapon): This enhancement converts his Iconic Item into a functioning weapon of some kind, in addition to having powers. This enhancement requires that the superhero spend both 1 JP and that he purchases the mundane weapon that he wants his Iconic Item to be.
  • Enhancement: Wearable Item (Cost: 3 JP): This enhancement converts his Iconic Item into a shape that allows him to wear it like clothing or jewelry. Wearable Items still appear special or unusual in some way. They might be covered in glowing circuitry, magical runes, or be made of a substance that is visibly Not-Of-This-World. The specifics are, as always, up to the superhero. Fine Items are wearable as a watch or bangle, a large and bulky ring, a pair of glasses, a head band, or a light necklace. Diminutive Items are wearable as a pair of gloves or shoes, a belt, a neck tie/scarf, or a hat. Tiny Items are wearable as a single gauntlet or boot, a bulky belt, or a bike helmet. Small Items are wearable as a heavy vest or a jacket, a motorcycle helmet (full-faced), a pair of heavy boots, or a pair of bulky gauntlets.
  • Limitation: Medium Item (Value: 2 JP): His Item is medium-sized instead of tiny. It weighs 20 pounds. It can be the shape of a large staff or a small filing cabinet. It is unwieldy enough that the superhero has to carry it in two hands. This limitation is incompatible with Diminutive Item, Fine Item, and Small Item.
  • Limitation: Non-Exclusive Use (Value: 2 JP): His Iconic Item is no longer loyal to him. Other people can use it, if they get their hands on it, but they have to expend twice as many PPs to access its power. Powers that do not normally have a PP cost, like traits, now have an Activation of 2 PPs and a Sustain of 2 PPs per round.
  • Limitation: Small Item (Value: 1 JP): His Iconic Item is small-sized instead of tiny. It weighs 10 pounds. It is about the size and shape of a walking stick, so a baseball bat, an umbrella, or a golf-club, for example. They can also be a blockier shape, like a briefcase or laptop. This limitation is incompatible with Diminutive Item, Fine Item, and Medium Item.