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Superpower (Item)


Cost 1 JP per 5 JP (20%)
Activate as power
Sustain as power
Range as power


The superhero can load a single power, as well as any of its enhancements and limitations, into a Gadget. Traits cannot be loaded into Gadgets because traits are inherent parts of his body, however many traits can be taken as powers with the appropriate limitation.


Gadget Discount Values

Total Cost of the Power


5 JP

1 JP

6 JP to 10 JP

2 JP

11 JP to 15 JP

3 JP

16 JP to 20 JP

4 JP

21 JP to 25 JP

5 JP


Because of these limitations, and the fact that Gadgets can be lost, stolen, and destroyed, the superhero gets a discount on the price of the power he loads into them. For every 5 JP the superhero loads into a Gadget, the superhero gets a 1 JP discount (about 20%, see table). Calculate the discount based on the net cost of the power, including, levels, enhancements, and limitations. The superhero must invest at least 5 JP into a Gadget to get the discount. If the superhero gains more JPs later in his career, the superhero can upgrade a Gadget’s power. The superhero can role-play as if it’s mentally activated, or has a set of controls of some kind, or even both. In any case, using a Gadget does not change the kind or number of actions required to use the power loaded into it, except that the superhero does have to have it in his hand to use it. Gadgets automatically consume his PPs.

Gadgets are by default hand-held (Tiny-sized), about the size of a runner’s baton or a paper-back novel. They weigh 3 pounds, and have a Hardness of 3 and 10 HPs. A Gadget reduced to 0 or fewer HPs becomes a pile of broken components and ceases to function. The superhero can have as many individual Gadgets as he wants, but each one can have only one power.

  • Repairing: If his Gadget takes damage without being destroyed, then the superhero can get it repaired by someone with the appropriate skill. Gadgets can be repaired using the Repair skill. Subtract 10 from the total of the skill check in question. The result is the number of HPs that the Gadget regains.
  • Replacing: If his Gadget is lost, stolen, or damaged beyond repair, the superhero has two options to replace it. First, the superhero can try to find it by conventional means, in-game, which is probably going to be the most fun. This can involve retracing his steps if he loses it, and possibly negotiating with the small child who inevitably found it and is using as his new toy. In cases where the Gadget was stolen, the superhero might have to challenge and defeat the thief, but without the benefit of the power that Gadget gives the superhero, which is also fun in its own way. Alternatively, the superhero can go one session without his Gadget (in addition to the session in which he loses it) and have it replaced at the beginning of the subsequent session. During the session in which the superhero doesn’t have it, he is simply “working on getting it back.” No material or in-game mechanics need to be invoked in this last case.
  • Incorporating Mundane Technology: If his Gadget is made from technology, then the superhero can incorporate normal tools or technology into it. Once the superhero acquires a piece of technology to install into/onto his Gadget, he also needs to buy some spare parts for the installation, like extra connecting cables, or brackets. The specifics don’t matter, although the superhero is free to supply whatever explanation he likes. The cost of the installation hardware starts at 100 gil, but goes up based on the price of the technology to be installed. For every 100 gil of the technology to be incorporated into the Gadget, the cost of the installation parts goes up by +50 gil. Most of the time this cost will be negligible but in some cases the tech the superhero wants to install will be expensive enough that installing it is expensive, too. The actual installation requires a Repair check. The DC for the installation is 12 for simple mechanics (like mounting a gun) or mundane weapons (building a Gadget into a sword), 15 for electronics (like incorporating a cellular phone), and 18 for complex electronics (an entire lap-top computer as a HUD in his Power Armor).
Enhancements and limitations
  • Enhancement: Additional Power (Cost: 2 JP): The superhero can load an Additional Power into his Gadget. The superhero can take this enhancement multiple times, but only to apply it to a different Gadget. No individual Gadget can have more than two powers.
  • Enhancement: Diminutive Gadget (Cost: 2 JP): His Gadget is diminutive-sized instead of tiny. It weighs 1 pound. It is the size of a cell phone, a pocket watch, or a conductor’s baton. The superhero can slip it into a pocket. This enhancement is incompatible with Fine Gadget, Small Gadget, and Medium Gadget.
  • Enhancement: Fine Gadget (Cost: 4 JP): His Gadget is fine-sized instead of tiny. It weighs an ounce or two. It is the size of a large coin or a ball-point pen. The superhero can palm one and still work a phone or drive. The superhero can, depending on the shape, tuck it behind his ear. This enhancement is incompatible with Diminutive Gadget, Small Gadget, and Medium Gadget.
  • Enhancement: Gadget Resurrection (Cost: 4 JP): His Gadget continues to self-repair even after it’s been brought to below 0 HPs, although the Rate of Healing is halved until it reaches 1 HP (1 HP every hour for 2 JP, 1 HP every round for 5 JP, etc.). As long as the bulk of the parts are within 1 foot of each other, they will eventually reform into the Gadget the superhero knows and loves.
  • Enhancement: Increased Power Points (Cost: 2 JP per level): For every level of this power, his Gadget gains +5 PPs of its own. These points can be used only to fuel the Gadget’s power. The superhero can take this enhancement multiple times. Its effects stack.
  • Enhancement: Masterworked Gadgets (Cost: 1 JP): All of the superhero’s gadgets are considered masterwork.

Rate of Self-Repair

JP Cost

1 HP / hour

2 JP

1 HP / minute

3 JP

1 HP / round

5 JP

2 HP / round

10 JP

3 HP / round

15 JP

4 HP / round

20 JP

5 HP / round

25 JP

  • Enhancement: Self-Repairing (Cost: varies): This enhancement grants his Gadget the ability to repair itself, as per the table (see right). It can self-repair only if it is at 0 HPs or more.
  • Enhancement: Weaponize (Cost: 1 JP + cost of weapon): This enhancement converts his Gadget into a functioning weapon of some kind, in addition to having powers. This enhancement requires that the superhero spend both 1 JP and that he purchases the mundane weapon that he wants his Gadget to be.
  • Limitation: Medium Gadget (Value: 2 JP): His Gadget is medium-sized instead of tiny. It weighs 20 pounds. It can be the shape of a large staff or a small filing cabinet. It is unwieldy enough that the superhero has to carry it in two hands. This limitation is incompatible with Diminutive Gadget, Fine Gadget, and Small Gadget.
  • Limitation: Small Gadget (Value: 1 JP): His Gadget is small-sized instead of tiny. It weighs 10 pounds. It is about the size and shape of a walking stick, so a baseball bat, an umbrella, or a golf-club, for example. It can also be a blocky shape, like a briefcase or laptop. This limitation is incompatible with Diminutive Gadget, Fine Gadget, and Medium Gadget.