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Superpower (Trait)


Cost 2 JP


Either through innate physiology or some training the superhero is capable of enduring hot and cold climates. He suffers no harm from being in a hot or cold environment. He can exist comfortably in conditions between –50 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit (-45 and 60 degrees Celsius) without having to make Fortitude saves.

This power does not provide any protection from fire or ice damage, nor does it protect against other environmental hazards such as smoke, lack of air, and so forth.

  • Enhancement: Deep Dark Adaptation (Cost: 4 JP): The superhero is able to sense his surroundings without overly relying on his eyes. He gains blindsense up to 60 feet.
  • Enhancement: Extreme Cold Resist (Cost: 4 JP): Even the coldest locales in existence don’t bother the superhero. He has no lower limit to the temperatures he can endure. As well, he gains Ice Resistance 5.
  • Enhancement: Extreme Heat Resist (Cost: 4 JP): The depths of Hell feel like a nice vacation to the superhero. He has no upper limit to the temperatures he can endure. As well, he gains Fire Resistance 5.
  • Enhancement: Favored Terrain (Cost: 2 JP per level): The superhero picks a terrain from the geomancer’s/druid’s favored terrain list. He gains a +2 bonus on Initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks when he is in this terrain. While on one of his favored terrains, the superhero suffers no impairment to movement from difficult terrain (this does not extend to abilities that duplicate the effects of difficult terrain). He can get a level of this power once for every four freelancer levels he has, to a maximum of 5. Every time the superhero gains a level beyond the first, he picks a new terrain and increases the bonuses of one previously gained favored terrain by +2.
  • Enhancement: Pressure Adaptation (Cost: 3 JP): His body can withstand the hazards of deep sea diving and increased gravity. The superhero has total immunity to the physical dangers of increased pressure, such as that found far under the ocean or other planets. His body maintains normal internal pressure no matter how much water is above and surrounding him or how much stronger the gravity is. This adaptation offers no protection against depressurization, such as that found in space, nor does it supply the superhero with oxygen. The superhero can still asphyxiate if he does not have either a breathable air supply, or the ability to forgo breathing entirely.
  • Enhancement: Vacuum Adaptation (Cost: 4 JP): His body can withstand the hazards of depressurization and vacuum exposure. The superhero has total immunity to the physical dangers of decompression or exposure to a vacuum, such as that found in space. His body maintains normal internal pressure no matter how thin the air is beyond his skin. This adaptation offers no protection against overpressure, such as that caused by the crushing depths of the ocean, nor does it supply the superhero with oxygen. The superhero can still asphyxiate if he does not have either a breathable air supply, or the ability to forgo breathing entirely.
  • Enhancement: Water Adaptation (Cost: 3 JP): The superhero can swim as easily as he can walk, gaining a swim speed equal to his normal land speed. As well, he gains the amphibious trait and is capable of breathing water.
  • Enhancement: Wind Adaptation (Cost: 1 JP): The skies above are a second home to the superhero. He is no longer afflicted with altitude sickness and the penalties from natural or magical wind effects are treated as one step less severe.
  • Limitation: Mono Temperature Endurance (Value: 1 JP): Instead of being able to endure both extreme heat and extreme cold, the superhero can only endure one or the other. Once picked, the decision cannot be changed. This limitation is not compatible with the Extreme Cold Resist enhancement if heat is picked, and is not compatible with the Extreme Heat Resist enhancement if cold is picked.