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Superpower (Power)


Cost varies
Activate varies
Sustain varies
Range varies
Save varies; Power Resistance yes


With this power, the superhero can generate energies harmful to his foes and even project those energies over distances. This power is extremely broad and has a lot of options. The superhero can do anything from charging his skin like an electric eel’s to generating a lightning energy that can shatter concrete. There are three major options in this power: energy type, area of effect (“modes”), and damage dice (the price of which depends on the mode). There are also enhancements and limitations that can radically alter the way his Energy Attack works.

  • Energy Type: Energy Attacks manifest as one of the eight standard energy types: earth (earth and corrosives), fire (heat and burning), ice (frost and ice), lightning (lightning and electricity), water (water and drowning), wind (air), light (holy), and dark (shadow). The superhero can have only one energy type, unless he takes the Varies Energy Type enhancement.
  • Modes: Energy Attacks manifest in one of five different modes: Aura, Burst, Cone, Line, and Ranged. The superhero must pick one, but he can add others using the Varies Attack enhancement.
    • Aura: Activate: 4 PPs per die of damage; free action. Sustain: 4 PPs per die of damage per round; free action. Save: None. The superhero can surround his body with harmful energy. Anyone who contacts this aura takes damage from it. This includes attempts at touch attacks, unarmed strikes, bull rushes, or other attacks that require contact with the body. When his Aura is on, anyone who grapples him automatically takes maximum damage from it every round due to prolonged exposure. Because Auras do not require attack rolls, the superhero cannot score a critical hit with one. Auras do not offer any kind of protection, even against their own energy type.
    • Burst: Activate: 3 PPs per die of damage; standard action. Sustain: none (instantaneous). Save: Reflex for half. The superhero can radiate a brief Burst of energy outward from his body over a large area. This causes damage to those within the radius of the Burst effect. The superhero is not harmed by his own Burst effect when he is the center of it (see the Ranged Burst enhancement, below). The bigger his Burst, the more JPs he had to pay per d6 of damage.
    • Cone: Activate: 3 PPs per die of damage; standard action. Sustain: none (instantaneous). Save: Reflex for half. The superhero can project energy in a conical shape in the direction of his choosing (use standard rules for cone effects). The longer his Cone, the more JPs he has to pay per d6 of damage.
    • Line: Activate: 2 PPs per die of damage; standard action. Sustain: none (instantaneous). Save: Reflex for half. The superhero can create a beam, bolt, or tunnel of damaging energy (use standard rules for line effects). The longer his Line, the more JPs he has to pay per d6 of damage.
    • Ranged: Activate: 1 PP per die of damage; use-activated (attack). Sustain: none (instantaneous). Save: none (attack-based). The superhero can generate a blast of energy that behaves like a ranged weapon. Attacking with that energy blast requires an attack roll which is modified by Dexterity, like any other ranged attack. Energy Attacks crit on 20/x2. They are weapons for the purposes of qualifying for feats such as Improved Critical and Weapon Focus and the superhero is considered armed if he has this power. A Ranged Energy Attack with a range of “touch” (see table) is a Touch Energy Attack. It can also be delivered via an unarmed strike as an Unarmed Energy Strike, in which case it does the unarmed strike damage as well as the Energy Attack damage if the superhero hits, but it does not ignore armor and shields because it’s no longer a touch attack. The superhero can score critical hits with both Touch Energy Attacks and Unarmed Energy Strikes, and they both make his “armed” for game purposes (he threatens adjacent squares and does not provoke attacks of opportunity). Both Touch Energy Attacks and Unarmed Energy Strikes consume PPs regardless of whether they hit.
  • Area of Effect and Damage Dice: His damage dice are more expensive, per die, based on the area of effect of his Energy Attack. On the table below, locate his chosen Mode, then choose either a Cone Length, a Burst Radius, or a Line Length/Range Increment. Looking across the table, the superhero will see the price per d6 of damage for that length, radius, or range. Auras and Touch attacks both have a range of “touch” (under Line Length/Range Increment).


Cone Length

Burst Radius

Line Length /
Range Increment

Cost per d6




1 JP

20 ft.

10 ft.

50 ft.

2 JP

40 ft.

20 ft.

100 ft.

3 JP

60 ft.

30 ft.

150 ft.

4 JP


For example, a Touch Energy Attack or Aura that does 6d6 damage costs 6 JP (1 JP x 6 dice). A 50-foot Ranged or Line Energy Attack that does 6d6 damage costs 12 JP (2 JP x 6 dice). A 20-foot radius Burst that does 6d6 costs 18 JP (3 JP x 6 dice). Finally, a 40-foot Cone that does 6d6 damage costs 18 JP as well (3 JP x 6 dice). When the superhero makes an Energy Attack, he can choose to use all or just some of the damage dice he purchases. The superhero is not required to do the maximum number of dice every time. When the superhero buys Energy Attack, he must choose whether it does either lethal or nonlethal damage. This choice is permanent, although the superhero can take the Controlled Damage enhancement, in which case he can choose to do either lethal or nonlethal damage at his whim.

Enhancements and limitations
  • Enhancement: Controlled Area (Cost: 2 JP): The superhero can reduce the area of effect (range, radius, or length) of his Energy Attacks, from as little as 5′ to the maximum area of the Energy Attack that he purchases. A 50-foot Line Energy Attack could be 40 feet, 25 feet, or even just 5 feet long.
  • Enhancement: Controlled Damage (Cost: 2 JP): The superhero can deliver lethal or non-lethal damage with his Energy Attacks on a case-by-case basis.
  • Enhancement: Empowered Element (Cost: 4 JP): Energy attacks the superhero use add his highest mental stat to the damage dealt. When using this power in conjunction with ranged mode, this additional damage caps at his freelancer level. This cap is further reduced to 1/4th his freelancer level if used in conjunction with the Metal Attack enhancement.
  • Enhancement: Enfeebling Element (Cost: 4 JP): Energy attacks the superhero uses may now afflict their corresponding elemental status effect. I.e., fire causes burning, ice causes frozen, earth causes weighted, etc. When enemies take damage from the superhero’s energy attack, they must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the freelancer’s level + his highest mental stat modifier) or be afflicted with the status effect.
  • Enhancement: Ghost Touch (Cost: 2 JP): His Energy Attacks count as “force effects,” which means that they deal damage normally against incorporeal creatures.
  • Enhancement: Immunity (Cost: 1 JP): The superhero is completely immune to his own Energy Attacks. Even if his attack is reflected back on the superhero, he will suffer no damage. This does not offer any protection against any other source of damage, including energy attacks from other characters, even if they use the same energy type.
  • Enhancement: Improved Critical Multiplier (Cost: 2 JP): This increases his Energy Attack’s critical damage multiplier by 1, which turns x2 into x3. The superhero can take this enhancement a second time, which adds another x1, which turns that x3 into x4.
  • Enhancement: Improved Critical Range (Cost: 2 JP): This doubles his Energy Attack’s critical threat range to 19-20. The superhero can take it a second time, and increase the range to 18-20. The superhero cannot take this enhancement more than twice and it stacks with other critical multiplier enhancements, like the Improved Critical feat but is applied after.
  • Enhancement: Increased Mass Infusion (Cost: 2 JP per level): For every level of this power, the superhero can Infuse another Small-sized object’s worth of mass with explosive energy, and that mass can be part of a larger object or structure. For example, with two levels of this power, the superhero could Infuse a small hole in a wall and then detonate it, thus making a hole (a frozen chunk of wall shatters, a burned chunk is reduced to ashes, etc.). With several levels, the superhero might do enough damage to take out the foundation of a small building. Prerequisite: The superhero must have the Energy Infusion limitation to buy this enhancement.
  • Enhancement: Inflict Weakness (Cost: 8 JP): Activate 2 PPs. As a standard action, the superhero is capable of causing imperil on a creature within 30 feet if they fail a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the freelancer’s level + his highest mental stat modifier). The imperil effect is for the element the superhero has access to. If he has the Varies Element Type enhancement, he must choose which element when using the ability.
  • Enhancement: Knockback (Cost: 2 JP): His Energy Attack can cause knockback if the damage exceeds his target’s energy resistance, a free bull rush attempt using the energy attack’s roll as his CMB.
  • Enhancement: Lingering Damage (Cost: 2 JP per level): His Energy Attack causes extra damage to affected creatures on the subsequent round. For every level of this power, his target takes 1d6 damage for an additional round after the initial attack. At 3rd level, for example, his target takes 1d6 for three rounds after the first attack.
  • Enhancement: Metal Attack (Cost: 4 JP): Rather it is firing metal balls from his hand, raising a line of metal spikes, or having a multitude of assorted metal objects erupt from and rotate around his person, the superhero has learned how to concentrate his earth attacks into metal. Instead of dealing earth damage, they now deal bludgeoning, piercing, and/or slashing damage as the superhero desires. This decision is made when the superhero initiates an attack. Due to the physical nature of these attacks, metal attacks done at a range of “touch” are not touch attacks and are done against normal AC, but do add the superhero’s Strength modifier to damage dealt. With the Ray enhancement, metal attacks are only touch within 30 feet. The metal created with this power disintegrates one round after its creation. Prerequisite: The superhero must have the earth energy attack.
  • Enhancement: Penetrating Element (Cost: 5 JP per level): Energy attacks the superhero use now bypass a certain amount of energy resistance with his elemental attack. The superhero can take this enhancement up to five times, each level allows the superhero to ignore an additional 5 points of elemental resistance (5, 10, 15, 20). On the fifth level, the superhero can now ignore elemental immunity with his elemental attack while absorption is brought down to 20 resistance. This enhancement is not compatible with the Varies Energy Type enhancement.
  • Enhancement: Ranged Burst (Cost: 4 JP): The superhero can now initiate Burst Energy Attacks at a distance, much like the Fira spell. The maximum range of his Burst corresponds with its radius on the Range Increment and Damage Dice table, above. For example, a 10-foot radius Burst will, with this enhancement, have a 50-foot range. Like a Fira, the superhero simply declares the center point of his Ranged Burst and watch his enemies take damage. His Burst behaves normally in all other ways, including its radius and Saving Throw. If the superhero is caught in his own Ranged Burst, he will take damage from it, unless he also has Immunity (see above). However, the superhero still does not take damage from a regular Burst centered on himself. Prerequisite: The superhero must have the Burst mode to buy this enhancement.
  • Enhancement: Rare Metal Attack (Cost: 7 JP): The superhero can control the properties of metal, allowing his metal attack to bypass damage reduction as if it were adamantine, cold iron, or silver (choice made when delivering the attack). If the target has an unusual type of damage reduction that could be overcome with the correct type of metal (such as DR/gold), he can also select that metal for this purpose. Prerequisite: The superhero must have the Metal Attack enhancement.
  • Enhancement: Ray (Cost: 4 JP): The superhero’s Ranged Energy Attack is now a ranged touch attack. Prerequisite: The superhero must have the Ranged mode to buy this enhancement.
  • Enhancement: Reduced Power Drain (Cost: 2 JP  per level): This reduces his activation cost by 1 PP for every 2 JP the superhero spends. This enhancement can reduce the cost of an Energy Attack to zero (i.e., no PP cost at all).
  • Enhancement: Spread Weakness (Cost: 4 JP): Activate 2 PPs. When using the Inflict Weakness power, the superhero can spend an additional 2 PP to affect a number of creatures up to the superhero’s highest mental stat modifier within 10 feet of each other. Prerequisite: The superhero must have the Inflict Weakness enhancement.
  • Enhancement: Varies Energy Type (Cost: 3 JP): The superhero can choose an additional Energy Type and switch between Types, attacking with fire one round, and a lightning burst the next, for example. Since there are eight energy types, the superhero can take this enhancement up to seven times.
  • Enhancement: Varies Mode (Cost: 3 JP): The superhero can choose an additional attack Mode, and he can switch between Modes at will, creating a Cone effect one round, or a Burst the next, for example. Since there are six Modes, the superhero can take this enhancement up to five times. The new Mode’s maximum damage dice is the same as the old one. The range, radius, or cone length of the new Mode corresponds with the range, radius, or cone length of the old Mode on the Range Increment and Damage Dice table, above. For example, if the superhero already has a 100-foot Ranged Energy Attack, and he can use Varies Attack to buy a 40-foot Cone.
  • Limitation: Energy Infusion (Value: 1 JP per 2d6 damage): Activate: 1 PP per die of damage; swift action. The superhero can Infuse inanimate objects (no larger than Small-sized) with harmful energy that is released when the object impacts a target. For example, a rock Infused with ice will cause ice damage on a successful hit. The object itself disintegrates when the energy is released, therefore it does energy damage only and the object is permanently lost. All rules for throwing objects in combat apply normally. The superhero has to make physical contact with the object he wants to Infuse. The range increment of the object the superhero throw depends entirely on the nature of the object. The superhero can infuse an object as a free action, and then throw it, which costs 1 PP per die of damage. The superhero can infuse objects and give them to other people to throw. As a move action, the superhero can infuse a number of objects equal to his Dexterity modifier. Giving items to someone else also takes a move action; taking the item from the superhero costs them a move action. If the superhero drops an Infused object, it goes off at his feet and causes half damage to him. If the superhero tosses one to a comrade, he must succeed at a ranged touch attack at his comrade and she must make a Reflex save (DC 15) to catch it. If the superhero fails his rolls, the Infused object lands at her feet and causes half damage to her. The superhero can Infuse ammunition for a weapon such as a bow or sling. The superhero fires these projectiles normally and do energy damage on a successful hit. The superhero cannot use this power to infuse bullets or other firearm ammunition because firing the gun causes the object to release its energy, which would probably destroy the firearm. Any object that the superhero infused with energy but do not use disintegrates in 5 rounds and releases its energy harmlessly. This limitation is not incompatible with the Ranged mode of Energy Attack, but taking both would be redundant and costly. Prerequisite: The superhero must have the Touch Energy Attack to gain credit from this limitation.
  • Limitation: Maximum Power (Value: 2 JP): The superhero cannot reduce the number of dice he deals with an energy attack. The superhero always does full damage and spend full PPs. Prerequisite: The superhero must have a minimum damage of 3d6 to gain credit from this limitation.
  • Limitation: Object Detonation (Value: 1 JP): Infused objects detonate after 5 rounds instead of dispersing their energy harmlessly. Prerequisite: The superhero must have the Energy Infusion limitation to gain credit from this limitation.
  • Limitation: Powered Boost (Value: 2 JP): Activate: 1 PPs. When using the Empowered Element enhancement, the superhero must increase the PP usage of the attack. This increase is done after any reduction from the Reduced Power Drain enhancement. Prerequisite: The superhero must have the Empowered Element enhancement to gain credit from this limitation.
  • Limitation: Short Range (Value: 3 JP): His Energy Attack has a maximum range (not a range increment!) of 30 feet, no more. Prerequisite: The superhero must have the Ranged (50 ft.) mode to gain credit from this limitation.
  • Limitation: Slow Attack (Value: 2 JP): His Energy Attack now requires a move action to activate in addition to the activation time listed under its mode(s). Thus, an Aura now requires a move action; Burst, Cone, Line, and Ranged now require a move action to activate and then a standard action to attack.