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Superpower (Power)


Cost 8 JP
Activate 4 PP; use-activated (attack)
Sustain none (instantaneous)
Range touch
Save Fortitude negates; Power Resistance yes


The superhero can cause his target to become wracked with excruciating pain with a touch. To use this power, the superhero spends 4 PPs and make a mêlée touch attack. The target can make a Fortitude save to avoid being affected. Victims of this power are overcome with extreme pain throughout their bodies, and suffer a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and Reflex Saves. The effect of the power lasts for 1d6 rounds. If the superhero uses it again on an already afflicted victim, it will last 1d6 rounds from that time. The durations are not cumulative.

Enhancements and limitations
  • Enhancement: Crippling Pain (Cost: 4 JP per level): In addition to all other effects, his victim’s Base Speed reduces by 5 feet per level of this enhancement, to a minimum of 5 feet. The superhero can take this enhancement up to 4 times.
  • Enhancement: Enervation (Cost: 4 JP): In addition to all other effects, the victim of this power becomes fatigued. Victims must overcome the fatigue normally; it can, therefore, last longer than the other effects of the power.
  • Enhancement: Enhanced Pain (Cost: 3 JP per level): Each level of this enhancement raises the victim’s penalty to rolls by 1. The superhero can take this enhancement up to 4 times, for a maximum penalty of -6 on all attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and Reflex Saves.
  • Enhancement: Extended Duration (Cost: 3 JP per level): The duration of the pain the superhero causes is extended by an additional 1d6 rounds for each level of this enhancement. The superhero can take this up to four times, for a maximum duration of 5d6 rounds.
  • Enhancement: Extended Range (Cost: 4 JP per level): The range at which the superhero can use Cause Pain is increased by 30 feet for each level of this enhancement, to a maximum of four levels, which grants a range of 150 feet. The Range Increment for this power is 30 feet. Prerequisite: The superhero must have the Ranged Use enhancement to buy this enhancement.
  • Enhancement: Ranged Use (Cost: 5 JP): The superhero can now use Cause Pain at a range of up to 30 feet. Instead of a mêlée touch attack, the superhero must make a ranged touch attack. The victim gets a save, as usual.