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Superpower (Trait)


Cost: 3 JP


The superhero has an unusual level of rapport and understanding with all normal animals. This includes unnatural animals, but does not include magical beasts, familiars, or the like. Any creature with an Intelligence score greater than 2 is not affected by this power. No ordinary animal will ever attack the superhero, except in self-defense. Even hungry apex predators (sharks in the sea, tigers prowling a jungle) will leave the superhero alone. Only supernaturally-compelled or controlled animals will behave in a hostile manner toward the superhero.

Enhancements and limitations
  • Enhancement: Animal Handling (Cost: 1 JP per level): For each level of this enhancement, the superhero gets a +3 bonus on all Handle Animal checks.
  • Enhancement: Beastmaster (Cost: 5 JP): The superhero with this enhancement gains an animal companion as per beastmaster of the same level as his freelancer level.
  • Enhancement: Sensitivity (Cost: 2 JP): The superhero can instantly tell whether or not any animal within ten feet is under any form of supernatural compulsion or control, though he will not be able to identify the source of such control merely by the use of this power. The superhero can also instantly gauge the relative physical health of any normal animal simply by looking at it. This allows the superhero to receive an estimate of how many hit points the animal in question has, accurate to within 5 HP.
  • Enhancement: Simple Telepathy (Cost: 2 JPs): The superhero has an uncanny ability to sense what is “on an animal’s mind,” simply by looking at it. The superhero can use this ability once per round as a free action. The superhero will sense a brief and abstract impression of the animal’s primary concern, such as “predator near,” “scared of intruders,” “lost my mate,” or “resting now, belly full.” Subsequent rounds of contact will reveal whatever is the on the animal’s mind in those rounds, but no further depth.