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Superpower (Power)


Cost 5 JP
Activate 4 PPs; full-round action
Sustain 2 PPs per hour
Range self; Power Resistance no


The superhero can physically alter his body to change his appearance, though the power does not affect his clothing. This power grants a +10 to his use of the Disguise skill. The superhero can become taller or shorter (up to 6 inches either way) and thinner or fatter (up to 25% difference). The superhero can change his hair’s length, up to double, or render himself completely bald. The form the superhero assumes must be corporeal and of the same race as himself, though he can change his gender and racial heritage. However, the superhero cannot fundamentally alter the physical structure or capabilities of his body. A man Altered to appear female cannot become pregnant, for example.

The superhero can change his skin, hair, and eye color to either natural or unnatural tones. The superhero can give himself green skin and blue hair, if he wants to. The superhero can give himself moles, birthmarks, scars, or tattoos. The power does not change the tone of his voice. All of his physical abilities (attack rolls, AC, saves, etc.) remain the same. This power cannot confer any special abilities, attack forms, defenses, or ability score bonuses. The superhero cannot increase his Charisma score with this power.

Once the superhero chooses a new form, that form remains the same until he deactivates the power and return to his normal form. The superhero must revert to normal before assuming a new form. If the superhero become unconscious for any reason, or he is killed, he automatically returns to his normal form. The superhero must return to his normal form before switching to a new one.

Enhancements and limitations
  • Enhancement: Adjustable Anatomy (Cost: 8 JP per level): With all of the outward adjustments the superhero is capable of, he gains the ability to adjust the placement of his vital organs. When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the superhero, there is a chance that the critical hit or precision damage is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.This can be picked up to three times. Each level adds a 25% chance to the negation occurs, to a maximum of 75%. This is a passive effect and does not require PP to activate or sustain.
  • Enhancement: Alter Form (Cost: 4 JP): The superhero can now assume a genuinely alien appearance, sporting scales instead of skin, or giant grey eyes with no pupils. The superhero can change his height by up to 25% in either direction, and his weight by up to 50%. The superhero can add appendages, such as extra limbs, tails, or wings, but they are purely ornamental. The superhero cannot fly, for example, or use extra limbs to grasp objects or support his weight. The superhero can also appear non-organic, made of metal or stone, for example.
  • Enhancement: Fine Detail (Cost: 3 JP): The superhero has absolute control over the finest details of his appearance, right down to his retinas and fingerprints. If the superhero has a subject’s fingerprints and/or retinal patterns to study for several hours, he can duplicate them well enough to fool any modern biometric scanner. Only DNA testing will be able to determine that he is not whom he appears to be.
  • Enhancement: Move Action Shifting (Cost: 2 JP): The superhero can shift his form as a move action instead of a full-round action. Additionally, the superhero can shift between forms without returning to his natural form.
  • Enhancement: Vocal Mimic (Cost: 3 JP): The superhero can change his vocal cords to alter his voice. Assuming the superhero has heard another person’s voice before, he can duplicate it nearly perfectly. This adds an additional +5 bonus to Disguise checks. The superhero can use his Disguise check to fool a voice scanner, but without the +5 bonus this power affords.
  • Limitation: Illusory Alterations (Value: 1 JP): Instead of creating an actual physical change, Alter Appearance now creates an illusion of the appearance the superhero assumes. People can still Disbelieve his appearance as if it were a magical illusion. The DC for a Disbelief check is 10 + half of the freelancer’s level + his highest mental stat modifier. His illusory appearance includes both visual and tactile elements. For example, the superhero can make himself skinny and people will see his ribs and feel his bony arms. However, because his Alteration is now illusory, he cannot change his body’s actual physical nature, so a scale would reveal his true weight. Hard evidence of his actual weight versus his illusory weight is one of the many things that could grant someone a Disbelief check against his new appearance. This limitation is not compatible with the Fine Detail enhancement.