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Complication (Mental)


Value 3 JP


His superhero persona and his mundane persona have built a wall in between them, in his head. They behave like two distinct people. They can have different moral systems, love different people, and see the world from completely different points of view. His personae might have different skills or feats (ability scores and powers remain the same). Neither remembers the experiences of the other, but both will invent reasons to seek a private space to change personae (and clothes).

Normally, if the superhero is in his mundane persona and he takes damage from an attack or is forced to roll a saving throw, he will switch to his superhero persona to protect himself. When the superhero finishes a fight or mission as his superhero persona, he will change back to his mundane persona within 1d4 minutes.

Also, if the superhero goes to sleep as his superhero persona, he will invariably wake up as his mundane persona, even if he has been rendered unconscious in a fight and wakes up in that same fight. The superhero can voluntarily switch between personae or resist switching personae. Both require a Will save (DC 20).

If the superhero combines this Comp with Form Shifting, then each personality will correspond to one form. Usually, this means that his empowered form will correspond with his heroic persona. If the superhero combines the two, his ability scores might shift between personae because he loses his powers when in normal form.