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Home > Classes > Miscellaneous Classes > Freelancer > Archetypes (Freelancer) > Superhero > Ads and Comps >

Advantage (Background)


Cost 1 JP per level


The superhero has taken extraordinary steps to ensure that one or more of his identities is totally unconnected to the other(s). The superhero can come up with whatever explanation he wishes. The superhero can take this Ad multiple times, either to upgrade his Protected Identity to level 2, or he can apply it to an Alternate Identity.

  • Level (1 JP): The DC of any and all skills associated with uncovering a connection between one of his identities and any other(s) the superhero might have increases by +15. An investigator must have solid, convincing evidence that the identities in question are in any way connected in order to ignore the DC increase, and that evidence must come from a direct blunder on his part, such as running around town with his mask down.
  • Level 2 (2 JP): The DC of any and all skills associated with uncovering a connection between one of his identities and any other(s) the superhero might have increases by +30. An investigator must have solid, convincing evidence that the identities in question are in any way connected in order to ignore the DC increase, and that evidence must come from a direct blunder on his part, such as running around town with his mask down.