Advantage (Background)
Cost 1 JP per level
The superhero enjoys a position (whether earned or inherited) of considerable social privilege and responsibility. The exact effects of this Ad are mainly left to role-playing situations. However, it can grant circumstance bonuses to certain situations, if the GM deems it appropriate. The superhero cannot hold multiple Positions of Power.
- Level 1 (1 JP): The superhero might be an assistant professor at an educational institution, a low-ranking military or law-enforcement officer (rank equivalent to Sergeant), a very minor holder of a patent of nobility (baronet), or have a minor position in local politics (city hall bureaucrat).
- Level 2 (2 JP): The superhero might be a dean or department head at an educational institution, a military or law-enforcement officer (rank equivalent to Lieutenant), a holder of a relatively minor patent of nobility (Baron or Viscount), or have a position in local politics of some influence (city council, regional representative).
- Level 3 (3 JP): The superhero might be a senior administrator at an educational institution, a major director of an institution such as a museum, a law-enforcement or military officer of some seniority (rank equivalent to Captain), a holder of a patent of nobility (Count or Earl), or a hold a fairly powerful position in local politics (mayor of a moderate-sized city, representative to a national ruling body).