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Home > Classes > Miscellaneous Classes > Freelancer > Archetypes (Freelancer) > Superhero > Ads and Comps >

Complication (Mental)


Value 2 JP per level


The superhero has an unreasonable fear of a certain thing or situation. This phobia must center on an object or situation that is reasonably common, yet not entirely disruptive to the ongoing game. Possibilities include (but are not limited to): animals (snakes, insects, rats), water, crowds, heights, open spaces, enclosed spaces, darkness, guns, knives, sharp objects, water, cards, or magic/the Occult.

  • Level 1 (2 JP): When the superhero is in the presence of the object of his phobia, he suffers a -2 penalty to all rolls, including skill checks, attack rolls, and saving throws. Furthermore, if the superhero moves within 10 feet of his phobia, he must make a Will save (DC 15), or he cannot approach.
  • Level 2 (4 JP): When the superhero is in the presence of the object of his phobia, he suffers a -4 penalty to all rolls, including skill checks, attack rolls, and saving throws. Furthermore, if the superhero moves within 10 feet of his phobia, he must make a Will save (DC 20), or he cannot approach.
additional comps
  • Additional Comp: Public Knowledge (Value: 2 JP): His phobia is known to the public, and any opponent who makes an Intelligence roll (DC 10) might use it against the superhero, if he or she so chooses.