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Home > Classes > Miscellaneous Classes > Freelancer > Archetypes (Freelancer) > Superhero > Ads and Comps >

Complication (Physical)


Value 2 JP per level


The superhero suffers from a permanent affliction that limits his ability to move. The nature of the damage is such that it cannot be repaired by either technological, supernatural, or magical means, and powers or feats cannot compensate for the penalties associated with it.

  • Level 1 (2 JP): Reduce his base speed by 10 feet.
  • Level 2 (4 JP): Reduce his base speed by 10 feet, take a -1 penalty to AC, and a -2 penalty to Climb and Acrobatic checks.
  • Level 3 (6 JP): Reduce his base speed by 10 feet, take a -2 penalty to AC, and a -4 penalty to Climb and Acrobatic checks. The superhero cannot run or charge.
  • Level 4 (8 JP): The superhero has lost the use of his legs. Without some kind of aid, the superhero is capable only of crawling, which requires a full-round action to move 10 feet. The superhero loses his Dexterity bonus to AC, suffers a -2 penalty to AC, grants attackers a +2 to hit, and automatically fails Acrobatic checks. Climb checks take a -6 penalty.
  • Level 5 (10 JP): The superhero has lost the use of his legs and his arms. The superhero is normally considered helpless. This does not prevent the superhero from using alternative means of movement, such as Flight.