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Complication (Mental)


Value 2 JP


There are some things that the superhero just won’t do. This Comp is modular. The superhero can take any one or all of its Additional Complications. In moments of drastic need, the superhero can attempt to over-ride his Hero’s Code. The DC for doing so requires a Will save (DC 20).

additional comps
  • Additional Comp: Fair Play (Value: 2 JP): The superhero refuses to flank in combat, shoot anyone in the back, take opponents unaware, or attack anyone lying prone. This comp is incompatible with the Dirty Fighter Feat and precludes the superhero ever making Sneak Attacks.
  • Additional Comp: Honesty (Value: 2 JP): The superhero may not place any ranks in Bluff. He absolutely refuses to tell lies except in the most dire circumstances, even to “bad guys,” or to exaggerate, gamble, or lie on behalf of others. His character may still conceal his non-adventuring identity or identities. That lying just doesn’t count. This Comp is incompatible with any Feat that improves the Bluff skill.
  • Additional Comp: Law and Order (Value: 2 JP): Even if the superhero is a costumed vigilante, he has the utmost respect for the letter of the law and balk at pushing its boundaries too far. He views himself as a “forward element” of uniformed law enforcement and prefer to turn matters over to the legitimate authorities as soon as possible. The superhero refuses to pick locks, break and enter, interrogate suspects without turning them over to the police first, commandeer vehicles or property from ordinary citizens, etc. Basically, if it involves anything more than patrolling and confronting criminals or villains engaged in obvious acts of mischief and mayhem, the superhero can’t do it.
  • Additional Comp: Loyalty (Value: 2 JP): The superhero is incapable of abandoning a friend or ally, even if it would make sense to do so, even in foolish or suicidal conditions. Come Hell or high water, the superhero fights side-by-side with his friends and will die doing so if that’s what fate decrees. The superhero is rarely the one that gets sent running for help.
  • Additional Comp: Mercy (Value: 2 JP): The superhero does not kill, ever, even in the pursuit of the greater good. The superhero cannot intentionally kill another person, nor allow another person to die when his actions could save them. Even an accident death in which the superhero is involved will feel like his responsibility.