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Home > Classes > Miscellaneous Classes > Freelancer > Archetypes (Freelancer) > Superhero > Ads and Comps >

Advantage (Background)


Cost 1 JP per level


The superhero has constructed at least one false persona, in addition to his every-day identity and his adventuring identity. The usefulness and depth of this alternate identity both depend on how many JPs the superhero invests in it. The superhero can have multiple Additional Identities. The superhero must purchase them separately.

  • Level 1 (1 JP): Competent Forgeries. His secondary identity withstands casual perusal. It has fake addresses (email and physical), a well-forged picture ID, a false employment record, and even a small bank account. DC 15 to reveal this identity as fake.
  • Level 2 (2 JP): Expert Forgeries. His secondary identity is quite well developed. It includes all of the above, plus a driver’s license, passport, work permits, multiple bank accounts, rent and property records, criminal records, and school records. DC 20 to reveal this identity as fake.
  • Level 3 (3 JP): Superb Forgeries. His secondary identity has a great deal of substantiating background evidence. It has all of the above, plus photos, mementos, letters from fictitious relatives, awards and plaques, school papers, and mentions in newspapers and other media dating back at least several years. DC 25 to reveal this identity as fake.
  • Enhancement: Shadowy Past (Cost: 1 JP): There is a certain amount of uncertainty about the superhero’s past. A –4 penalty applies on any skill checks that involve digging up facts about the superhero or his past.
  • Enhancement: Secret Life (Cost: 1 JP): The superhero is a mystery wrapped in an enigma. A –8 penalty applies on any skill checks that involve digging up facts about the superhero or his past. This penalty replaces the penalty from Shadowy Past enhancement. Prerequisite: The superhero must have the Shadowy Past enhancement to select this enhancement.
  • Enhancement: Mystery Man (Cost: 1 JP): The superhero covers his tracks so well that he wonders who he really is sometimes. A –15 penalty applies on any skill checks that involve digging up facts about the superhero or his past. The penalty applies as long as the superhero take even simple precautions to protect his secrets. There’s no hiding the fact that the superhero is also the mysterious vigilante Jet Justice if he runs around as Jet Justice with his face uncovered. However, a ruse as simple as wearing glasses in his secret identity baffles the most astute observers. This penalty replaces the penalty from Shadowy Past and Secret Life enhancements. Prerequisites: The superhero must have the Shadowy Past and Secret Life enhancements to select this enhancement.