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Souldrinkers are proxies of death, draining souls from their victims, giving them powers.

The souldrinker is an archetype of the freelancer class.

Martial, Caster, or Mixed

At 1st level, a souldrinker must decide on his fighting style. He can choose one of the three options:

  • Caster: The souldrinker gains d6 hit dice, 4 skill points per level, 6 class skills, good will and fortitude saves, half BAB, proficiency in all simple weapons and all ranged power weapons but no armor. He also gains the MP pool and spell list of his choice. In addition, he gains 1 limit break from any half BAB class of his choice.
  • Martial: The souldrinker gains d10 hit dice, 4 skill points per level, 4 class skills, good fortitude and reflex saves, full BAB, proficiency in all simple weapons, martial weapons, 1 exotic weapon of his choice, and all armor and shields (except tower shields). In addition, he gains 1 limit break from any full BAB class of his choice.
  • Mixed: The souldrinker gains d8 hit dice, 6 skill points per level, 5 class skills, good reflex and will saves, 3/4ths BAB, proficiency in all simple weapons, 1 martial weapon of his choice, and light and medium armor plus light shields. He also gains the MP pool and spell list of his choice up to 6th level spells. In addition, he gains 1 limit break from any 3/4ths BAB class of his choice.

Souldrain (Su)

At 1st level, a souldrinker is able to drain souls of their abilities. Whenever a souldrinker helps in killing a creature (doing at least 1 point of damage whenever a creature dies, who must be killed within a minute of inflicting damage to gain a new power), he gains an Ex, Su, or Sp ability from the creature. He can only gain abilities of his level. These new abilities do not improve from leveling though. (For example, a 6th-level souldrinker kills a 1st-level warrior, he can gain Chosen Weapon, Martial Flexibility, or Combat Defenses, he would only gain one of these as a 1st-level warrior, if he later on kills a 5th-level warrior, he can upgrade Chosen Weapon to the 5th-level upgrade or Martial Flexibility to the 6th-level upgrade.) If the souldrinker kills a creature without class levels, he can still gain an Ex or Su ability using the following formula: Half of the creature’s HD determines the level of an ability he could get if he is the right level. A spell-like ability can be gained from a creature if the souldrinker’s freelancer level is at least twice the level of the spell.

This ability replaces freelancer-bought abilities.