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FreelancerFreelancers are the ultimate adaptable adventurers. They pride themselves on being able to handle any challenge that comes their way, even if they aren’t the absolute best at any particular task. Drawing from a diverse set of skills and abilities, Freelancers are the go-to members of a party when flexibility and a wide array of options are needed.

Role: Each freelancer is different. They can fill different roles depending on what abilities they choose.

Alignment: Any.

Freelancer creation goes as follows:

At 1st level, you begin with 60 Job Points (JP) to spend. At each level thereafter, you gain 30 JP to spend. Any leftover JP (except 1st level, which are lost) carries over to the next level.

Base Freelancer Stats:

Base Attack Bonus: 1/2. Increasing BAB to 3/4ths costs 10 JP, then another 10 JP to increase to Full.

Hit Dice: d6. Your HD increases when your BAB increases. d8 for 3/4ths BAB and d10 for full BAB. Increasing to d12 from d10 costs 5 extra JP.

Saving Throws: 1 Good Save. Increasing one Bad Save to Good costs 10 JP, then another 10 JP to increase another Save to Good.

Skills: 4/level. 4 Starting Class Skills. Increasing skill points costs 2 JP per 2 skill points, (max of 10). Increasing the number of Class Skills costs 2 JP per 1 Class Skill, (max of 10).

Weapon Proficiency: Simple weapons. Improving to include one single martial weapon costs 2 JP. Improving to include up to 3 martial weapons cost another 4 JP. Improving to include all martial weapons costs another 6 JP. To pick up an exotic weapon proficiency, it’ll cost the freelancer 5 JP.

Armor Proficiency: No armor. Improving to include light armor costs 2 JP. Improving to include medium armor costs another 4 JP. Improving to include heavy armor costs another 6 JP. Improving to include shields (except Tower) costs 2 JP. Improving to include all shields costs another 2 JP.

Starting Wealth: 1d6 x 10 gil. Increasing starting wealth by 1d6 costs 1 JP (to a max of 10).

Limit Break: You begin play with 1 Limit Break for free at first level and costs 10 JP to buy additional limit breaks, (max of 4).

The above is a one-time JP cost. After 1st level, you cannot change your base freelancer stats.


You can buy Extraordinary, Spell-Like, or Supernatural abilities from any class (except Prestige) and any archetypes (assuming it fits with what you buy) but the abilities have to be the level you buy it from. For example, at 1st level, you may buy Sneak Attack, but you could not buy Uncanny Dodge until you are of level to buy it. Any abilities that increases by level costs you half of the JP when you reach a level that improves it (this must be paid if you have scaling abilities). Same example, at 1st level, you buy Sneak Attack for 20 JP, and when you reach 3rd level, Sneak Attack improves and costs you half of the cost, which in this case would be 10. You can buy abilities from lower levels as well. Abilities that multiple improvements from the same ability cost JP as well. So, for example, a 5th level freelancer could buy Sneak Attack as a 1st level ability. Which improves by every 2 levels and would cost you half the cost as normal.

Ability Cost

  • Extraordinary, Spell-Like, or Supernatural abilities that improve by level cost 20 JP. (This includes animal companions, avatars, bone commanders, and automatons, which also improves every level. Familiars count as a feat, however, and cost only 10 JP.) Talents, tricks, mageries, combo finishers, ki powers, and other lists of selectable abilities are purchased individually, not as a progression. For example, you purchase the Warrior Talent Melee Power for 10 JP, not the Warrior Talents feature for 20 JP plus 10 JP every 2nd level afterwards.
  • Full Spellcasting costs 20 JP (Astrologian, Black Mage, Blue Mage, Druid, Geomancer, Illusionist, Necromancer, Summoner, Time Mage, White Mage). 10 JP per spell level gained. You gain the Spellcasting of the class chosen as well as the MP pool and Cantrips.
  • 3/4ths Spellcasting costs 15 JP (Bard, Cleric, Ninja, Red Mage, Scholar). 10 JP per spell level gained. You gain the Spellcasting of the class chosen as well as the MP pool and Cantrips/Jingles.
  • 1/2 Spellcasting costs 10 JP (Dark Knight, Holy Knight). 10 JP per spell level gained. You gain the Spellcasting of the class chosen as well as the MP pool. (Must be chosen at 4th level or higher.)
  • Swordplay class feature costs 20 JP to start, and costs an additional 10 JP each time you gain a new swordskill.
  • Counting your Freelancer levels as a specific class (for feats, talents, and class features that reference favored class) costs 10 JP.
  • Extraordinary, Spell-Like, or Supernatural abilities that don’t improve by level cost 10 JP.
  • Capstones (level 20 abilities) cost 20 JP, regardless.
  • Bonus Feats cost 10 JP, (max of 1 per level).

By design, pre-built classes are going to have more points. The trade-off is that you get to customize.


  • You cannot freely multiclass, nor can you take any prestige classes.
  • You cannot purchase multiple sources of the same ability from different classes.
  • You must qualify for the class or archetype you purchase class features from. For example, you must be the appropriate race to purchase a feature from a racial archetype.
  • You may purchase more than one spell-casting ability, but it does not give you extra MP.
  • You may only have 1 type of “pet” ability (Animal Companion, Familiar, Avatar, Automaton, etc.)
  • You may only have 1 precision-based attack (Sneak Attack, Precision Attack, Holy Strike, etc.).  Any precision-based abilities caps at a number of dice equal to half your character level.
  • You may only have 1 capstone ability (level 20 ability).
  • Any abilities with level improvements (including Spellcasting) must be paid at half JP cost each time you would gain improvements.

Favored Class Bonuses

Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit point whenever they gain a level in a favored class, some races have the option of choosing from a number of other bonuses, depending upon their favored classes. The following options are available to the listed race who have freelancer as their favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the listed favored class reward.

  • Dwarf: Add +1 JP to the freelancer’s JP pool. This has no effect unless the freelancer has selected this reward ten times.
  • Elvaan: Add +1 JP to the freelancer’s JP pool. This has no effect unless the freelancer has selected this reward ten times.
  • Galka: Add +1 JP to the freelancer’s JP pool. This has no effect unless the freelancer has selected this reward ten times.
  • Half-Breed: Add +1 JP to the freelancer’s JP pool. This has no effect unless the freelancer has selected this reward ten times.
  • Hume: Add +1 JP to the freelancer’s JP pool. This has no effect unless the freelancer has selected this reward ten times.
  • Mithra: Add +1 JP to the freelancer’s JP pool. This has no effect unless the freelancer has selected this reward ten times.
  • Moogle: Add +1 JP to the freelancer’s JP pool. This has no effect unless the freelancer has selected this reward ten times.
  • Tarutaru: Add +1 JP to the freelancer’s JP pool. This has no effect unless the freelancer has selected this reward ten times.
