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Heritors are master swordsman that rely on the bound with their weapon and pure instinct to push themselves through the heat of combat and life it self.

The heritor is an archetype of the sword saint class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The heritor mainly focuses on STR for martial combat and STR, CON, and CHA for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st – Class Skills, Weapon and Armor Proficiencies, Limit Break (Master Swordsman), Swordplay, Defensive Focus, Aegis. 2ndSword Saint Talents. 3rdWarleader, Warlord’s Mark. 4thSword Saint Talents. 5thPracticed Skill. 6thSword Saint Talents. 8thSword Saint Talents. 9thSurprising Strike. 10thPerfected Skill, Sword Saint Talents. 12thAdvanced Sword Saint Talents. 13th – Improved Warleader. 14thAdvanced Sword Saint Talents. 15thUnyielding Swordplay, Steel Defense. 16thAdvanced Sword Saint Talents. 82thAdvanced Sword Saint Talents. 19thDeathless Defenses, Master Warleader. 20thLast Blood, Advanced Sword Saint Talents.

Wanderlust (Ex)

Because of the nature of the heritor to not settle down in one spot, he tends to not have as much training in armor and skills as others do. The heritor loses proficiency in medium armor, heavy armor, shields, Knowledge (Nobility and Religion) as class skills, and gains proficiency in all melee weapons (except gun arms and power weapons), Knowledge (Geography and Nature), and Bluff as class skills.

This ability modifies class skills and armor/weapon proficiencies.

Limit Break (Su)

At 1st level, the heritor receives the Limit Break (Power Eater).

Power Eater (Su): This Limit Break allows the heritor to make a single attack as standard action, if he hits the creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + half of the sword saint’s level + his Charisma modifier) or lose access to all its supernatural and spell-like Class Features and abilities for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four sword saint levels after 1st. This Limit Break can effect mindless creatures and the heritor gains a +2 bonus to this attack when used. The bonus increase by +2 for every four sword saint levels after 1st.

This ability replaces the Limit Break (Master Swordsman).

Bounded Weapon (Ex)

At 1st level, the heritor picks one melee weapon that he is proficient in (except gun arms and power weapons), he gains Weapon Focus as a bonus feat and a +1 to attack and damage rolls with the weapon, increasing by +1 every four sword saint levels after first. If for any reason he is disarmed of this weapon or doesn’t have it on his person he receives a -2 to his Wisdom score and can not use any of his heritor’s class features.

This ability replaces swordplay and sword skills.

Understood Swordplay (Ex)

At 1st level, while wielding his Bounded Weapon, the heritor gains a bonus to his AC equal to half his sword saint level against any creature wielding a weapon that is from the same warrior weapon group as his Bounded Weapon.

This ability replaces defensive focus.

Stamina Pool (Ex)

At 1st level, the heritor gains a reservoir of stamina that he can draw upon to fuel his talents that he gains below. This stamina pool has a number of points equal to half his sword saint level + his Constitution modifier (minimum 1). The pool refreshes once per day when the heritor rests for a full 8 hours. Sustained modes take up a static amount of stamina points from the heritor’s current and maximum stamina pool and most sustained modes stack.

Some talents are activated as a sustained mode. When activated, these talents both consume stamina and reduce the user’s maximum stamina by the listed amount. While active, they provide their listed bonuses until the user deactivates them as a free action, falls unconscious, or dies, at which point the reduction to the user’s maximum stamina is removed. Multiple sustained mode talents may be used at the same time as long as the user has enough stamina, though some talents may specify others that they cannot be used with.

By spending 1 stamina point as a swift action, the heritor can do one of the following:

  • Increase his speed by 10 feet for 1 round, or
  • Delay and suppress his fatigue or exhaustion for 1 round, or
  • Increase one saving throw by +1 for 1 round.

This ability replaces aegis.

Heritor Talents (Su)

As a heritor gains experience, he learns a number of talents that aid him and his allies. Starting at 2nd level, a heritor gains one heritor talent chosen from the talent trees below or a sword saint talent. He gains an additional heritor talent or sword saint talent for every 2 levels of sword saint attained after 2nd level. A heritor cannot select an individual talent more than once. The heritor may pick up Extra Sword Saint Talent feats to select these talents.

Instinct Talent Tree (Su): Instead of learning them or being taught, a heritor fights with just that; Instinct. Hoping that what power it uses helps it out of a bad spot. Weapon Requirement: Any manufactured weapon.

  • Adelaide: As a swift action, the heritor may activate this talent as a sustained mode. While in this mode, the heritor and all allies within 30 feet gains fast healing 2 up to 50% health, for as along as he is in the mode. This amount increase by 2 for every four sword saint levels after 1st he has. This mode uses up 2 stamina points of the sword saint’s current and maximum stamina pool.
  • Elpe: As a standard action and at a cost of 2 stamina points, the heritor can sacrifice a number of hit points equal to no more then his current hit points -1 then heal all allies when in 30 feet for that much. Prerequisite: Adelaide
  • Viola: As a standard action and at a cost of 3 stamina points, the heritor can make a single attack action, if he hits, he deals an amount of bonus d6s per 20 missing hit points from his maximum hit point total. Prerequisites: Adelaide, Elpe
  • Lennart: As a standard action and at a cost of 1 stamina point, the heritor can make a single attack in a 20-ft.-line against touch AC, dealing normal weapon damage.
  • Hilo: As a standard action and at a cost of 2 stamina points, the heritor can target one creature within 30 feet and make a melee touch attack against them. If he hits, he deals normal weapon damage and they have to make a Will save (DC 10 + half of his sword saint’s level + his Charisma modifier) or be confused for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier.
  • Ljda: As a standard action and at a cost of 3 stamina points, The heritor can make a melee touch attack on a creature within his normal weapon range. If he hits, they suffer normal weapon damage and they have to make a Will save (DC 10 + half of his sword saint’s level + his Charisma modifier) or be under the effects of charm for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier, still following the normal rules as per the spell. Prerequisite: Hilo
  • Nesiaam: As a standard action and at a cost of 3 stamina points, the heritor can make a melee touch attack on a creature within threatened range. If he hits, they suffer normal weapon damage and they have to make a Will save (DC 10 + half of his sword saint’s level + his Charisma modifier) or be flat-footed for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier. Prerequisites: Hilo, Ljda
  • Wermut: As a standard action and at a cost of 4 stamina points, the heritor can make a melee touch attack on a creature within 20 feet. If he hits, they suffer normal weapon damage and they have to make a Will save (DC 10 + half of his sword saint’s level + his Charisma modifier) or be under the effects of slow for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier. Prerequisites: Hilo, Ljda, Nesiaam

Heritor Talent Tree (Su): The heritor is a confident adversary, well-versed in taunting foes, cutting through them, and sending them to the dirt in a bloody heap. Heritors are also experts in controlling enemy aggression, possessing abilities that draw foes toward them and that, through daze effects, cause enemies to forget who they were fighting. Weapon Requirement: Any manufactured melee weapon.

  • Pommel Strike: At a cost of 1 stamina point, as a standard action, instead of leading with the fatal attack an enemy expects, the heritor strikes out with a weapon’s blunt end to daze the opponent. The heritor makes a standard attack against an opponent, if it hits, the creature must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the sword saint’s level + his Strength modifier) or be dazed for one round.
  • Pommel Blow: Pommel Strike now dazes an opponent longer for a number of rounds equal to the heritor’s Strength modifier. Prerequisite: Pommel Strike.
  • Taunt: At a cost of 2 stamina points, as a move action, the heritor makes a mocking cry, catching the attention of nearby foes within a 15-ft.-radius, causing them to immediately abandon attacks on other allies to concentrate on the heritor instead. Creatures within the area of effect must make a Will save (DC 10 + half of the sword saint’s level + his Charisma modifier) or be forced to attack the heritor for the next round.
  • Bellow: Taunt now affects enemies within a 30-ft.-radius instead. Prerequisite: Taunt.
  • Bravery: As a swift action, the heritor may activate this talent as a sustained mode. The heritor’s unwavering courage grants bonuses that increase proportionally to the number of enemies the heritor is engaging. The heritor gains a competence bonus to Attack Rolls equal to the number of enemies within his weapon’s reach. This mode cannot be used at the same time as Battle Synergy. This mode uses up 2 stamina points of the heritor’s current and maximum stamina pool. Prerequisite: Taunt.
  • Bravera: Every enemy that swarms the heritor while Bravery is active, now increases the heritor’s damage further. As long as the heritor has at least 1 stamina point in his stamina pool, he gains a competence bonus to damage rolls equal to the number of enemies within a 5-ft.-radius. Prerequisites: Taunt, Bravery.
  • Tremor: Push a heritor and prepare to be pushed back. Nearby enemies are knocked down as the heritor slams a weapon into the ground. At a cost of 3 stamina points, as a standard action, the heritor makes a Trip combat maneuver attempt on all enemies within a 5-ft.-radius. Prerequisite: Pommel Strike.
  • Quake: The heritor can knock down a larger crowd of enemies and those knocked down have a chance to be dazed. When using Tremor, the heritor can make a Trip combat maneuver on all foes within a 10-ft.-radius. Enemies knocked down must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the sword saint’s level + his Strength modifier) or be dazed for one round. Prerequisites: Pommel Strike, Tremor.

These abilities may replace sword saint talents and advanced sword saint talents.

Evasion (Ex)

At 3rd level and higher, a heritor can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the heritor is wearing light armor. A helpless heritor does not gain the benefit of evasion.

This ability replaces warleader.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

At 3rd level a heritor can react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. He cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does he lose his Dexterity bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. He still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. A heritor with this ability can still lose his Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against him.

This ability replaces warlord’s mark.

Steelbound Awakening (Su)

At 5th level, the weapon carried by the heritor becomes possessed by the latent spiritual energies that cling to his soul, transforming that weapon into an intelligent weapon. The weapon must be of the type the heritor chose at 1st level as his bounded weapon. The steelbound weapon grants its wielder Alertness as a bonus feat as long as the weapon is wielded. A steelbound weapon gains Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores of 10 when it awakens, and has the same alignment as its wielder. It communicates via empathy, and has senses that extend 30 feet. It has 5 ranks in a skill of the heritor’s choice.

At 9th level, the steelbound weapon’s ability scores increase to 12 and it gains the ability to speak in its wielder’s native tongue. The weapon gains the ability to cast a 3rd-level spell once per day (the choice of the spell is made by the heritor, but is subject to GM approval, and once chosen, it can’t be changed), with a caster level equal to the heritor’s level. The spell’s save DC is based off of the item’s Charisma.

At 13th level, the steelbound weapon’s ability scores increase to 14 and its senses extend to 120 feet. The weapon gains a special purpose of the heritor’s choice (subject to GM approval).

At 17th level, the steelbound weapon’s ability scores increase to 16 and it gains telepathy as well as darkvision with a range of 60 feet. The weapon can now use its spell-like ability three times a day, and can select a second 3rd level spell that it can use once per day.

A heritor transfers the effects of his steelbound awakening to a new weapon of the proper type automatically after carrying that weapon on his person for 24 hours, but can have only one weapon under the effects of steelbound awakening at any given time

This ability replaces practiced skill and perfected skill.

Always on Your Feet (Ex)

At 9th level and every three sword saint levels afterwards, the heritor gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC.

This ability replaces surprising strike and master warleader.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

A heritor of 13th level or higher can no longer be flanked. This defense denies an enemy the ability to gain a bonus on attack rolls by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more character levels than the heritor does.

This ability replaces improved warleader.

Improved Evasion (Ex)

At 15th level, the heritor’s evasion ability improves. This works like evasion, except that while the heritor still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks, he henceforth takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless heritor does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.

This ability replaces unyielding swordplay.

Steel Offense (Ex)

Works exactly like Steel Defense with the exception that the heritor can redirect the damage to his weapon instead.

This ability modifies steel defense.

Pure Skill (Ex)

At 19th level, once per round if the heritor would be subjected to an effect with Fortitude, Will or Reflex save, he can automatically succeed at the before rolling, note this must be announced before making any rolls.

This ability replaces deathless defenses.

Body as Blade (Su)

At 20th level, if a heritor were to fall unconscious (from damage or effect) or even die, he can stand at 1 hit point as his steelbound weapon takes control of his body, granting his Understood Swordplay bonus to all attacks, DR 10/-, and a +10 bonus to his saves, attacks, ability checks, skill checks, and attack and damage rolls for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier, once a day. (Note: The GM may rule that during such time that the heritor is a NPC character controlled by them with the main goal of his safety in mind.)

This ability replaces last blood.