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Masters of the sword, these wandering swordsmen learn to focus their blade into precise and powerful strikes to take on armies. Rather than lead his allies’ midfield, he fights where the fighting is thickest. When not in war, these warriors wander aimlessly looking for a fierce challenge, ever honing their blade skills to perfection.

The blademaster is an archetype of the sword saint class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The blademaster mainly focuses on STR for martial combat and CHA for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st Limit Break (Master Swordsman), Swordplay, Defensive Focus, Martial Training. 3rdWarlord’s Mark. 5thPracticed Skill. 9thSurprising Strike. 10thPerfected Skill. 15thUnyielding Swordplay. 19thDeathless Defenses. 20thLast Blood.

Limit Break (Su)

At 1st level, the blademaster receives the Limit Break (Perfect Focus).

Perfect Focus (Su): This Limit Break grants the blademaster a +2 insight bonus on attack and damage rolls + an additional + 2 per four sword saint levels after 1st. Furthermore, he can perform a combo finisher without needing to perform blade techniques once per round for the duration of this limit break This Limit Break lasts for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four sword saint levels after 1st. This limit break requires only a swift action.

This ability replaces the Limit Break (Master Swordsman).

Blade Techniques (Ex)

 At 1st level, a blademaster can utilize these techniques to enable combo finishers (see below). Blade techniques are special sword attacks which can be used in place of an attack during an attack action, full-attack action, or charge action. These techniques can only be used with weapons from the light and heavy blade groups.

  • Falling Slash (Ex): A blademaster who uses this blade technique deals normal weapon damage.
  • Heavy Slash (Ex): A blademaster who uses this blade technique suffers a -2 penalty to this Attack roll and deals normal weapon damage + 1. A foe struck by this, must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the sword saint’s level + his Charisma modifier) or be staggered for 1 round.
  • Rising Slash (Ex): A blademaster who uses this blade technique suffers a -2 penalty to this Attack roll but deals normal weapon damage + 1 and has a chance to knock a foe prone. The blademaster can attempt to trip his opponent as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity if he hits with this blade technique. If the attempt fails, the blademaster is not tripped in return.
  • Slash (Ex): A blademaster who uses this blade technique deals normal weapon damage.
  • Sweeping Slash (Ex): A blademaster who uses this blade technique suffers a -2 penalty to this Attack roll but deals normal weapon damage + 1 and has a chance to knock a foe prone. The blademaster can attempt to trip his opponent as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity if he hits with this blade technique. If the attempt fails, the blademaster is not tripped in return.
  • Thrust (Ex): A blademaster who uses this blade technique suffers a -2 penalty to this Attack roll but deals normal weapon damage + 1 and has a chance to sunder armor. The blademaster can attempt to sunder his opponent as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity if he hits with this blade technique.

 This ability replaces defensive focus and warlord’s mark. 

Threatening Demeanor (Ex)

Starting at 1st level, a blademaster gains Quickdraw as a bonus feat. In addition, a blademaster’s fierce reputation and extensive training follows them wherever he goes. Even unarmed, he engenders fear and awe from those around him. A blademaster is considered to be threatening all squares within reach of his weapon, even if it is sheathed, and may use the Quickdraw feat to make attacks of opportunity.

This ability replaces martial training.

Combo Finisher (Ex)

At 1st level and every odd level thereafter, a blademaster gains a combo finisher that allows him to put the blade techniques into good use by starting and finishing combos. Each combo finisher requires a certain amount of blade techniques in order that must hit and be completed before the end of her next turn of the last successive hit or the blademaster must start over. Any blade techniques used in part to fulfill a combo finisher may be used on any number of creatures. In addition, once the blademaster is able to use a combo finisher, he must activate it before the end of his next turn or its lost.

The blademaster may activate a combo finisher as a swift action, unless indicated otherwise on the ability, if the combo finisher requires an attack roll it replaces a melee or ranged attack respectively from his next attack made before the end of his next round. All combo finishers with an attack component are made at the highest base attack bonus. Any combo finisher that adds extra weapon damage dice are not multiplied on a critical hit, but are added to the total.

Bloodspiller (Ex): (Requires Slash → Sweeping Slash→ Heavy Slash→ Falling Slash) This combo finisher allows the blademaster to flourish his blade with the bloodshed of his enemy and leap at an enemy within 15-feet. The blademaster slams his blood-stained blade onto his foe making an attack with a +2 bonus, and if successful, his attack conjures a pillar of darkness and blood that covers his foe, dealing double weapon damage +1d6 points of shadow damage + an additional 1d6 points of shadow damage per three sword saint levels after 3rd, to the target and any creatures that are flying above the target. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. In addition, as part of this combo finisher, the blade master can sacrifice 1d6 hit points for every three sword saint levels after 1st, to add the amount sacrificed to the shadow damage of the attack. This sacrifice must be made before the attack roll is made.

Braver (Ex): (Requires Heavy Slash → Sweeping Slash → Rising Slash) This combo finisher allows the blademaster to jump in the air and swing down onto his enemy. The blademaster makes a single melee attack as part of this combo finisher. If this attack hits, the blademaster deals double weapon damage and causes the creature to fall prone unless a successful Acrobatics skill check is made, the DC is equal to the damage dealt.

Chain Slash (Ex): (Requires Slash → Slash → Slash) This combo finisher allows the blademaster to make a multitude of attacks. During the round this combo finisher is used, the blademaster doubles the amount of attacks he has based on his base attack bonus (does not include any additional attacks from anything that grants additional attacks like haste, flurry of blows, two-weapon fighting), but cannot use any blade techniques.

Climhazzard (Ex): (Requires Thrust → Thrust) This combo finisher allows the blademaster to make a stunning thrust attack and then slash upward propelling the blademaster upward. The blademaster makes a single melee attack as part of this combo finisher. If this attack hits, the blademaster deals normal weapon damage and gains a free sunder attempt on the opponent’s armor without provoking attacks of opportunity. If successful, the blademaster deals double weapon damage to the armor instead of normal. If the opponent doesn’t have armor to sunder, they take double weapon damage instead of the normal damage.

Cross Slash (Ex): (Requires Slash → Slash → Slash) This combo finisher allows the blademaster to slash his opponent multiple times rending unseen cuts onto them. The blademaster makes a single melee attack as part of this combo finisher. If this attack hits, the blademaster deals double weapon damage.

Energy Rain (Ex): (Requires Slash → Slash → Rising Slash) This combo finisher allows the blademaster to jump back from his foe. He jumps 5-foot back, charges energy within his weapon and then swings the energy from his weapon, mid jump, onto the ground. Shortly after, the ground explodes with energy. In a 30-ft.-line, stimming from the square the blademaster jumped from, all enemies take double weapon damage + 1d6 points of fire damage + an additional 1d6 points of fire damage per three sword saint levels after 1st, a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the sword saint’s level + his Charisma modifier) halves the damage. The 5-foot jump back does not provoke attacks of opportunity and counts as if the blademaster made a 5-foot step.

Fast Blade (Ex): (Requires Rising Slash → Slash → Rising Slash) This combo finisher allows the blademaster to attack his foe with an overwhelming strike, slashing through his shield and armor to cleave into his flesh. This display of speed causes him to stumble backward, fear in his eyes. As part of this combo finisher, the blademaster makes a melee attack against an opponent he threatens. If this attack hits, his foe takes double weapon damage and must make a Will save with a DC equal to the damage the blademaster dealt or become shaken for 1 minute.

Fated Circle (Ex): (Requires Slash → Heavy Slash → Sweeping Slash) This combo finisher allows the blademaster to send forth a whirling wave of energy in a 30-ft.-cone before him, pouring his might into one single swing. All enemies in the area of effect are dealt double weapon damage + 1d6 points of wind damage + an additional 1d6 points of wind damage per three sword saint levels after 1st, a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the sword saint’s level + his Charisma modifier) halves the damage.

Finishing Touch (Ex): (Requires Heavy Slash → Thrust) This combo finisher allows the blademaster to push back an opponent with a decisive slash of wind. The blademaster makes a single melee attack as part of this combo finisher. If this attack hits, the blademaster deals normal weapon damage – 2 as wind damage and he can make a free bull rush attempt without provoking attacks of opportunity.

Godspeed (Ex): (Requires Heavy Slash → Heavy Slash) This combo finisher allows the blademaster to launch himself at an opponent within 30 feet with a flying slash, slamming the opponent causing the ground to crack. The blademaster makes a single charge melee attack as part of this combo finisher. If this attack hits, the blademaster deals normal weapon damage and the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the sword saint’s level + his Charisma modifier) or be stunned for 1 round.

Heaven’s Light (Ex): (Requires Slash → Slash → Heavy Slash → Rising Slash) This combo finisher allows the blademaster to effortlessly glide towards an opponent within 15 feet. This combo finisher doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity nor is the blademaster affected by difficult terrain when moving towards his opponent. The blademaster makes a single charge melee attack as part of this combo finisher. If this attack hits, the blademaster deals triple weapon damage.

Hell’s Gate (Ex): (Requires Falling Slash → Falling Slash → Rising Slash → Falling Slash) This combo finisher allows the blademaster to make an attack that throws multiple swords stabbing the ground causing the earth to erupt around him. When the blademaster uses this combo finisher, the blademaster deals double weapon damage + 1d6 points of earth damage + an additional 1d6 points of earth damage per three sword saint levels after 1st, and causes enemies adjacent to the blademaster to fall prone. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the sword saint’s level + his Charisma modifier) halves the damage and negates becoming prone.

Innocence (Ex): (Requires Slash → Thrust → Heavy Slash→ Sweeping Slash) This combo finisher allows the blademaster to send forward, waves of slashing force with his blade. The blademaster makes a ranged touch attack at an enemy within 30-feet, and if successful, he deals double weapon damage as non-elemental damage.

Nightfall (Ex): (Requires Slash → Heavy Slash → Rising Slash) This combo finisher allows the blademaster to jump 30-feet in the air and slam his blade into the ground within 20-feet. Upon slamming the ground, darkness erupts from the blademaster, exploding into those around him. All enemies within 15-feet of the blademaster at the point of impact, are dealt weapon damage + 1d6 points of shadow damage + an additional 1d6 points of shadow damage per three sword saint levels after 1st. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the sword saint’s level + his Charisma modifier) halves the damage. Those who fail the save are also blinded for a number of rounds equal to the sword saint’s Charisma modifier. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. In addition, as part of this combo finisher, the blade master can sacrifice 1d6 hit points for every three sword saint levels after 1st, to add the amount sacrificed to the shadow damage of the attack. This sacrifice must be made before the damage is rolled.

Radiant Sword (Ex): (Requires Slash → Thrust → Rising Slash → Sweeping Slash) This combo finisher allows the blademaster to take a 5-foot step back, conjuring a sword manifested as his own sword, and making it fly forward, slamming into an enemy before detonating in holy light. The blademaster makes a ranged touch attack on an enemy within 30-feet, and if successful, the sword flies into an enemy, dealing normal weapon damage, and detonates, dealing an additional 1d6 points of holy damage. For every four sword saint levels after 1st, additional swords are conjured, allowing the blademaster to make additional ranged touch attacks with each. Multiple swords can be sent at one foe or split to attack different foes. The 5-foot step made does not count toward the blademaster’s normal 5-foot step.

Rough Divide (Ex): (Requires Rising Slash → Rising Slash → Rising Slash) This combo finisher allows the blademaster to make a destructive launch at an opponent with wind swirling his blade within 30 feet. The blademaster makes a single charge melee attack as part of this combo finisher. If this attack hits, the blademaster deals normal weapon damage + 1d6 points of wind damage + an additional 1d6 points of wind damage per three sword saint levels after 1st, a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the sword saint’s level + his Charisma modifier) halves the damage. Any creatures adjacent to the target takes the wind damage unless they make a successful Fortitude save.

Savage Blade (Ex): (Requires Slash → Slash → Falling Slash) This combo finisher allows the blademaster to throw himself behind his attack, he hits with such force that damage reduction offers little resistance against him. When the blademaster uses this combo finisher, he makes a melee attack against a single foe. This attack automatically overcomes the opponent’s damage reduction and deals double weapon damage.

Scintilla (Ex): (Requires Slash → Thrust) This combo finisher allows the blademaster to turn the blow from an opponent straight back at it. When an enemy initiates a melee attack against the blademaster on its turn, he can attempt to block the blow and send it back at that creature. The blademaster steps into the attack and redirects it. This combo finisher pits his skill against that of his foe. If an opponent attacks the blademaster, he can initiate this combo finisher to make an opposed attack roll as an immediate action. If the blademaster’s result is higher, his foe rolls damage as normal for the attack and takes that much damage. Otherwise, the blademaster is attacked as normal.

Shining Wave (Ex): (Requires Thrust → Slash → Rising Slash) This combo finisher allows the blademaster to send forth a roaring wave of holy light by stabbing the ground, after raising his blade. He sends a piercing wave of holy light in a line before him in a 30-ft.-line. All enemies within the area of effect take normal weapon damage + 1d6 points of holy damage + an additional 1d6 points of holy damage per three sword saint levels after 1st. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the sword saint’s level + his Charisma modifier) halves the damage. Those who fail the save are also knocked prone from the blast.

Slice and Dice (Ex): (Requires Slash→ Sweeping Slash→ Slash) This combo finisher allows the blademaster to charge an opponent within half of his normal movement speed. During the round this combo finisher is used, any attacks dealt to the opponent he uses Slice and Dice on, deals weapon damage + 2.

Spiral Cut (Ex): (Requires Falling Slash→ Falling Slash) This combo finisher allows the blademaster to make a mighty attack against his foe, leaving him temporarily knocked senseless by his attack. Slashing down with such force, the foe stumbles back, senseless, he presses the advantage. The blademaster makes a single melee attack as part of this combo finisher. If this attack hits, the target takes weapon damage normally and must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the sword saint’s level + his Charisma modifier) or be dazed for 1 round.

Sudden Cruelty (Ex): (Requires Heavy Slash → Rising Slash → Slash) This combo finisher allows the blademaster to study his opponent and deliver an attack precisely aimed to ruin his defenses and force him to scramble for his balance as he strikes swiftly, so swiftly the opponent believes the blademaster struck multiple times in a single slash. While he struggles to ready himself, he becomes more vulnerable to the blademaster’s attacks. As part of this combo finisher, the blademaster makes a single melee attack. This attack deals double weapon damage. In addition, the target must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the sword saint’s level + his Charisma modifier) or become flat-footed until the start of his next turn. If the target cannot be caught flat-footed (he has uncanny dodge, for example), he still takes the weapon damage but otherwise suffers no ill effect.

Zantetsuken (Ex): (Requires Slash → Heavy Slash → Thrust → Sweeping Slash → Rising Slash → Falling Slash) This combo finisher allows the blademaster to make a terrifying leap onto up to 3 opponents within 30 feet and attack them with all his might. If the attacks hit, the blademaster deals triple weapon damage to the targets. He cannot choose the same target more than once. Alternatively, he may target a single enemy instead, leaping at them with a slash that instantly kills. He makes a single attack roll against an enemy this way, after leaping at them normally, and if it hits, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the sword saint’s level + his Charisma modifier) or die.

These abilities replace swordplay and deathless defenses.

Blademastery (Ex)

When the blademaster attains 5th level, he may choose a blade skill for a single sword weapon he has chosen to master. He gains another skill from this list at 10th, 15th and 20th level. The options for the blademaster to obtain are listed below.

  • Increase the DC of all combo finishers by 1. This ability can be chosen more than once.
  • Add a +1 bonus to the attack rolls of all his blade techniques and combo finishers. This ability can be chosen more than once.
  • Whenever he uses a combo finisher, he gains 2 temporary HP. This ability stacks and can be chosen more than once.
  • Choose a special quality to apply to a weapon: Blocking, Brace, Deadly, Distracting, Disarm, Sunder, Trip. The chosen weapon gains the chosen special quality when in the hands of the blademaster. This can be chosen multiple times to apply a different quality.

This ability replaces practiced skill, surprising strike, perfect skill, and unyielding swordplay.

Flourish of Steel (Ex)

At 20th level, the blademaster has become so powerful; his technique with the blade is rivaled by almost no one. When the blademaster performs a combo finisher, his attacks seemingly hit multiple times even if he strikes with a single stroke. His weapon’s damage die is doubled when he performs a combo finisher. In addition, if he drops an enemy to -1 hit points or less with a combo finisher, he can ignore one blade technique needed in his next combo finisher that he attempts within a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier. He can only gain this benefit once per combo finisher, and cannot ignore more than one blade technique even if a combo finisher drops multiple enemies.

This ability replaces last blood.