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At 2nd level and every two samurai levels thereafter, a samurai gains a bushido art from the list below. A bushido cannot be selected more than once unless stated otherwise. Abilities with an asterisk (*) requires the samurai to spend a point of his bushido pool to use.

Table: Bushido Arts

Bushido ArtPrerequisitesBenefits
Blocking CutsSamurai 6The samurai is able to use his quick reflexes with the blade to cut down attacks aimed at him and allies. He gains Cut from the Air as a bonus feat even if he doesn’t meet the prerequisites and this feat functions only with any melee eastern weapon.
Clean Slate* (Su)The samurai can cleanse himself of infliction. As a standard action, he cures himself of a single harmful status effect. He cannot use this ability while unconscious or when unable to control his actions (such as when inflicted with Berserk or Confusion).
Combat FeatThe samurai gains a bonus combat feat. He still must meet the prerequisite of the feat. This bushido art can be selected only once.
Dismissal* (Ex)Samurai 6When an enemy, in melee range of the samurai, attempts an action, the samurai can attempt to halt it for a time. As an immediate action, the samurai makes the target make a Will save (DC 10 + half of the samurai’s level + his Charisma modifier). If the target fails, they have their action suppressed until after the next character’s turn. This does not move the target down the initiative.
Fingersnap* (Su)Samurai 6The samurai can revert an effect on enemy. He can make a Dispel check, as the spell, on an enemy benefiting from a status effect. He uses his samurai level as his caster level for the dispel check.
Forceful Presence (Su)Samurai 4When the samurai threatens a creature that casts defensively, he can spend a bushido point to as an immediate action to make an Intimidate check. If you succeed, instead of being shaken, the caster rolls twice on the concentration check to cast defensively and takes the worst result. At 10th level, he can spend an attack of opportunity as part of the action to increase the DC to cast defensively by an amount equal to his Charisma modifier against his opponent.
Greater No Fear (Ex)Samurai 16, No Fear and Improved No Fear bushido artsThe samurai becomes immune to all fear effects.
Hamanoha* (Su)When the samurai strikes an enemy, he can, as a swift action, activate this ability to lower their saving throws by an amount equal to the samurai’s Charisma modifier for 1 round.
Hasso (Ex)Samurai 6While wielding any melee eastern weapon with two hands, he increases the bonus to damage from Strength to double Strength instead of 1.5x.
Hayate* (Su)Samurai 6As a swift action, the samurai can increase his speed, granting himself the effects of Haste as the spell for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier.
Improved Blocking CutsSamurai 10, Blocking Cuts bushido artThe samurai gains Smash from the Air as a bonus feat even if he doesn’t meet the prerequisites, and this feat functions only with any melee eastern weapons.
Improved No Fear (Ex)Samurai 10, No Fear bushido artThe samurai becomes immune to the shaken condition.
Mineuchi* (Ex)The samurai’s blade can be used for more than cutting. As a standard action, he can make an attack with the dull side of his blade and, if successful, he deals damage as normal as bludgeon damage and the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the samurai’s level + his Charisma modifier) or be stunned for 1 round.
Mirror of Equity* (Su)The samurai can make his attacks deals more damage the weaker the enemy is. For every 10 hit points a creature that is struck by the samurai is missing, the samurai deals an additional 1 point of damage on melee attacks against that creature. This is a swift action to activate and lasts until the end of the samurai’s turn. This extra damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.
Momentum (Ex)As the fight goes on, and the samurai kills, he gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage roll for every enemy he has dropped below 0 HP by his own damage. This bonus stacks with itself provided that the samurai keeps dropping his enemies. Once the encounter ends, this bonus end.
New Shadow School TrainingSamurai 8The samurai may add the Guntana to his list of weapon proficiencies, and treat it as an eastern weapon for feats and abilities that utilize the samurai's weapons.
No Fear (Ex)The samurai gains a bonus to Will saves versus fear effects equal to his Charisma modifier.
Nonpareil* (Su)As a swift action, the samurai grants himself an insight bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls equal to his Charisma modifier, although this bonus cannot exceed his class level, for 1 round.
Prescient Attack* (Su)Samurai 6The samurai can, as an immediate action after hitting a target with a weapon attack, anticipate his opponent’s defenses. The target is denied its Dexterity bonus against the samurai’s attacks until the end of the samurai’s next turn.
Prescient Defense* (Su)Samurai 10The samurai can, as an immediate action after hitting a target with a weapon attack, gain a premonition of his enemy’s intentions. The samurai gains a dodge bonus to his AC and an insight bonus to Reflex saves equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum 0) against attacks by that opponent until the beginning of his next turn.
Shirahadori* (Ex)Samurai 6As a swift action, the samurai can grant himself a dodge bonus to AC and an insight bonus to Reflex saves equal to his Charisma modifier for 1 round.
Tsubame-gaeshi* (Ex)Samurai 6Once per round, as a free action, the samurai can grant himself an additional swift or immediate action that can be used with samurai class features.
Warrior’s Presence (Ex)The samurai gains a bonus to Intimidate and Diplomacy skill checks equal to half his samurai level.
Zanshin* (Ex)Samurai 6The samurai can reroll a single missed attack roll as a swift action.