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The art of the bow is as widely practiced as that of the blade among samurai, leading many to focus upon it. Yumi snipers practice their craft with these weapons, attacking from afar and harrowing opponents as they see fit.

The yumi sniper is an archetype of the samurai class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The yumi sniper mainly focuses on DEX for martial combat and CHA for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st – Base Attack Bonus, Hit Dice, Weapon Proficiencies, Weaponskills. 2ndAction Without Thought, Bushido Arts. 3rdArmor Training. 6thMeditate.

Limited Prowess

A yumi sniper’s base attack bonus decreases by one step (from FULL BAB to 3/4 BAB). Also decreases yumi sniper’s hit dice from d10 to d8.

Weapon Proficiencies

A yumi sniper is proficient with all simple weapons and all non-exotic bows and crossbows.

This ability alters the samurai’s weapon proficiencies.

Expanded Skill (Ex)

The yumi sniper has trained herself in the use of bows and crossbows to complement her unique fighting style. A yumi sniper may use a bow or crossbow for any class feature that requires the use of any melee eastern weapon.

Weaponskills (Ex)

At 1st level and every three samurai levels thereafter, the yumi sniper gains one of the following weaponskills.

Azusa (Ex): As a standard action, the yumi sniper pulls on the bowstring to generate a sound that wards off evil spirits. She performs the Dazzling Display as the feat, and regains 1 kenki per creature she frightens, up to half her samurai level.

Chiri (Ex): At a cost of 1 kenki, the yumi sniper fires an arrow at a target, that deals weapon damage as earth damage. The target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the samurai’s level + her Charisma modifier) or suffer the Weighted status effect for 1d6 rounds.

Raika (Ex): At a cost of 1 kenki, the yumi sniper fires an arrow at a target, that deals weapon damage as fire damage. The target must make a Will save (DC 10 + half of the samurai’s level + her Charisma modifier) or suffer the Burning status effect for 1d6 rounds. If Raika is used before the end of her next turn after making a Rakurai attack, the target explodes, taking triple weapon damage as fire damage. Creatures within 15 feet of the target must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the samurai’s level + her Charisma modifier) or take damage from the explosion as well, also suffering the Burning status effect for 1d6 rounds. Prerequisite: The yumi sniper must be at least 7th level to select this weaponskill.

Rakurai (Ex): At a cost of 1 kenki, the yumi sniper fires an arrow at a target, that deals weapon damage as lightning damage. The target must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the samurai’s level + her Charisma modifier) or suffer the Static status effect for 1d6 rounds. If Rakurai is used before the end of her next turn after making a Chiri attack, the target is struck by lightning, taking double weapon damage as lightning damage. Prerequisite: The yumi sniper must be at least 4th level to select this weaponskill.

Shihan Mato (Ex): At a cost of 1 kenki, the yumi sniper shoots from a leisurely, but still refined, position. She attacks a target, treating her range increments at half their normal length. She deals weapon damage, with no bonuses from ability scores, and can perform a Trip or Disarm combat maneuver. She must sit down to take this shot, as part of the preparation, uses a swift action, and becoming prone for 1 round.  (This waives the ‘can’t shoot a bow while prone’ rule.)

Tōshiya (Ex): At a cost of 1 kenki, the yumi sniper can fire a single arrow to nick as many targets as she can. This arrow has a range up to the first range increment in a line aoe. Each target takes weapon damage, and bleed damage equal to her Charisma modifier; a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the samurai’s level + her Charisma modifier) halves the damage and nullifies the bleed. Prerequisite: The yumi sniper must be at least 4th level to select this weaponskill.

Yanone: Hama-ya (Ex): At a cost of 2 kenki, the yumi sniper fires a powerful, blessed arrow to seal an evil spirit. If she hits with Yanone: Yin and Yang previously, this attack, if successful,  causes the target to suffer the Disable status effect for 1d4 rounds if they fail a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the samurai’s level + her Charisma modifier). Prerequisite: The yumi sniper must be at least 7th level to select this weaponskill.

Yanone: Kabura-ya (Ex): At a cost of 1 kenki, the yumi sniper nocks a whistling arrow whose sound strikes at the heart of her enemies. She makes an attack, if she’s successful, she deals weapon damage and all creatures within 15 feet of the target (including the target) must make a Will save (DC 10 + half of the samurai’s level + her Charisma modifier) or become frightened for one round. Prerequisite: The yumi sniper must be at least 4th level to select this weaponskill.

Yanone: Yang (Ex): At a cost of 1 kenki, the yumi sniper fires a blessed, red-tipped arrow, which deals double weapon damage as shadow damage. If Yanone: Yin is used before the end of her next turn after making a Yanone: Yang attack,  this attack also makes the target suffer the Dimmed status effect for 1d6 rounds. Prerequisite: The yumi sniper must be at least 4th level to select this weaponskill.

Yanone: Yin (Ex): At a cost of 1 kenki, the yumi sniper fires a blessed, black-tipped arrow, which deals double weapon damage as holy damage. If Yanone: Yang is used before the end of her next turn after making a Yanone: Yin attack,  this attack also makes the target suffer the Illuminated status effect for 1d6 rounds. Prerequisite: The yumi sniper must be at least 4th level to select this weaponskill.

Yorimasa (Ex): At a cost of 2 kenki, if this is the yumi sniper’s first shot at a target, it threatens a critical threat, if successful. If the target dies from this attack, she recovers double the kenki she spent this round. Prerequisite: The yumi sniper must be at least 7th level to select this weaponskill.

This ability modifies weaponskills.

Ranged Acumen (Ex)

At 2nd level, a yumi sniper gains Precise Shot as a bonus feat even if she does not meet the prerequisites and is treated as though she had the Point-Blank Shot feat for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of feats. If she already has Precise Shot, she can pick another combat feat in which she meets the prerequisites for.

This ability replaces action without thought.

Archery Talents (Ex)

As a yumi sniper gains experience, she learns a number of talents that aid her archery skills. Starting at 2nd level, a yumi sniper gains one archery talent or bushido art. She gains an additional archery talent or bushido art for every two levels of samurai attained after 2nd level. A yumi sniper must meet the prerequisite of the talent selected and unless specified otherwise, each talent can only be selected once. The yumi sniper counts her levels in samurai as her archer level in meeting the prerequisites of archery talents.

This ability may replace bushido arts.

Agile Archer (Ex)

Starting at 3rd level, a yumi sniper adds her Dexterity modifier to the damage roll while using a bow or crossbow. If an effect or item would allow a yumi sniper to use her Strength for ranged weapon damage rolls, she instead uses Dexterity, but it doesn’t stack.

This ability replaces armor training.

Split Shot (Ex)

At 6th level, a yumi sniper gains the Rapid Shot feat. If she already possesses it, she instead gains a combat feat of her choice.

This ability replaces meditate.