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When one shows themselves a potential ally against the clan’s enemies, the Oni bestow their power on a mortal being to aid them in fighting the demon hordes. Granting them the Oni gauntlet, a power relic that lets one to master and use magical weapons to dispose of the clan’s enemies.

The onimusha is an archetype of the samurai class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The onimusha mainly focuses on STR/DEX for martial combat and CHA for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st Limit Break (Sixth Sense and Unseen Strike), Improved Initiative, Kenki Pool, Weaponskills. 2ndBushido Pool, Bushido Arts. 3rdBlazing Initiative. 7thKenki Charge. 9thGreater Resolve. 12thBushido Art. 14thBushido Art. 15thTrue Kenki Charge, Merciful Eyes. 17th – True Resolve.

Limit Breaks (Su)

At 1st level, the onimusha receives the Limit Breaks (Oni Trance and Oni Weapon Technique).

Oni Trance (Su): This Limit Break allows the onimusha to enter a trance that increases his prowess in combat, taking on the appearance of an oni warrior of ancient times. His type changes to Outsider (Native) and gains Fast Healing 2 and a +2 dodge bonus to AC bonus. These bonuses increases by 2 per four samurai levels after 1st. Upon activating this limit break, he can summon forth a weapon from his dragon arsenal. This limit break lasts for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four samurai levels after 1st. This limit break requires only a swift action.

Oni Weapon Technique (Su): This Limit Break allows the onimusha to use a weapon from his dragon arsenal at its full potential using a new technique with the weapon. This limit break is a standard action to activate and is different depending on the wielded weapon. If he does not have a weapon summoned, he can as a free action without spending soul points as part of activating this limit break.

  • Raizan: Lightning Blast (Su): With Raizan, the onimusha makes a single melee attack at his highest base attack bonus and if successful, deals an additional 2d6 points of lightning damage plus an additional 2d6 per four samurai levels after 1st. Creatures in a 15-ft.-cone behind the target take all this damage as well unless a Reflex save is made (DC 10 + half of the samurai’s level + his Charisma modifier) to take half damage. Those who fail the save and the target struck is Staggered for 1 round.
  • Enyruu: Flame Cyclone (Su): With Enyruu, the onimusha makes an attack against all adjacent enemies dealing normal damage plus 2d6 points of fire damage plus an additional 2d6 damage per four samurai levels after 1st.
  • Shippuu: Wind Razor (Su): With Shippuu, the onimusha can make an attack against a target and on another target within 15 feet of that target, moving as part of this attack without provoking attacks of opportunity. These attacks deal an additional 2d6 points of wind damage plus an additional 2d6 damage per four samurai levels after 1st. Every four samurai levels after 1st, he can make an additional attack on another target within 15 feet. He can never target the same target more than once with this limit break.

These abilities replace the samurai’s standard Limit Breaks.

Soul Points (Su)

At 1st level, when absorbing the souls of the fallen, the onimusha accumulates Soul Points. These are used to fuel the onimusha’s power when using weapons granted by the oni. He can hold an amount of soul points equal to his Charisma modifier. These points are never lost unless the onimusha uses them on his abilities or dies. He can spend 1 soul point to grant a +1 bonus to any d20 roll he makes as a free action. Any class feature that requires kenki to use can use soul points instead.

This ability replaces kenki pool.

Oni Gauntlet (Su)

Also, at 1st level, the onimusha begins play with an oni gauntlet, a powerful relic that grants him his abilities. It is equipped with a magical dragon orb that summons magical weapons to aid the wielder. The gauntlet cannot be taken off or destroyed. It does not hinder the onimusha’s ability to wear magical items.

As a move action, the gauntlet can be used to absorb the souls of fallen enemies. Whenever an enemy dies by any means, they leave behind their essence only the onimusha can see. The essence remains for 1 minute before disappearing. As a move action, he can absorb all essence around him in a 15-ft.-radius. Each essence grants him 1 soul point. At 5th level, and every five samurai levels thereafter, the range of the absorption increases by 5 feet.

This ability replaces improved initiative.

Dragon Arsenal (Su)

The onimusha’s gauntlet bears a dragon orb that can be used to draw upon magical weapons. At 1st level, the onimusha chooses 1 of 3 weapons. At 5th level, he gains access to a second weapon, and at 10th level, he gains access to the last weapon.  Additionally, any samurai ability that notes its usage needed to be with katana, nodachi and wakizashi’s also work for weapon from the dragon arsenal.

As a standard action, at the cost of 1 soul point, he can transform any weapon he is currently wielding into that weapon for a short period of time. Regardless of his proficiency, he is always considered proficient with a weapon when wielded from this ability and can take feats regarding that weapon as if he was proficient (such as weapon focus). The weapon remains until dismissed as a free action, changed to a different weapon, or for 1 minute. Once dismissed, it transforms back into the onimusha’s original weapon. Despite this, the onimusha does not need a weapon to use a weapon from this ability. He can only ever have one weapon summoned forth from the gauntlet at once, and the weapon is also dismissed if it leaves the onimusha’s hand.

Each weapon below has a +1 enhancement bonus and when wielded, it grants an associated feat and special ability. At 5th level and every five samurai levels thereafter, this enhancement bonus increases by 1. The weapons themselves gain separate upgrades based on the weapon. The onimusha does not need to meet the prerequisites to use the bonus feat from this ability.

  • Raizan (Katana): This blue katana is imbued with the lightning element and grants the user the Weapon Focus (Katana) feat when wielded. At 8th level, it gains the Shock enhancement. At 11th level, it changes to Shocking Burst.
    • Oni Flurry (Su): At the cost of 2 Soul Points, the onimusha can make a melee attack with an extra attack at his highest base attack bonus (effectively two attacks). This extra attack deals an additional 1d6 points of lightning damage plus 1d6 lightning damage per four samurai levels after 1st.
  • Enyruu (Greatsword): This red great sword is imbued with the fire element and grants the user the Cleave feat when wielded. At 8th level, it gains the Flaming enhancement. At 11th level, it changes to Flaming Burst.
    • Flame Slash (Su): At the cost of 2 Soul points, the onimusha makes a single attack at his highest base attack bonus, if successful, he deals normal melee damage plus 1d6 points of fire damage plus an additional 1d6 fire damage per two samurai levels after 1st. This ability counts as an attack action for the purpose of feats such as vital strike.
  • Shippuu (Sword, Two-bladed): This green double blade is imbued with the wind element and grants the user the Two Weapon Fighting feat when wielded. At 8th level, it gains the Roaring enhancement. At 11th level, it changes to Roaring Burst.
    • Vortex (Su): At the cost of 2 Soul Points, the onimusha deals 1d10 points of wind damage plus 1d10 wind damage per two samurai levels after 1st to all enemies in a 15-ft.-radius of the onimusha. A Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the samurai’s level + his Charisma modifier) can half this damage.

This ability replaces weaponskills.

Soul Sever (Su)

At 2nd level, when the onimusha would confirm a critical hit, part of the target’s essence leaks out from the blow and leaves behind an essence worth 1 soul point that can be absorbed. The target still leaves behind another essence if killed.

This ability replaces bushido pool.

Oni Arts (Su)

At 2nd level and every two samurai levels thereafter, the onimusha gains mastery over oni techniques to use with his arsenal of weapons. He gains access to a warrior talent or a bushido art (that doesn’t require a bushido pool) at these levels that can be used with all weapons in his dragon arsenal as his chosen weapons and use the enhancement bonus on his dragon arsenal to determine the chosen weapon bonus. He uses his samurai level as his warrior level, and gains access to advanced warrior talents at the appropriate level.

This ability may replace bushido arts.

Gauntlet Block (Su)

At 3rd level, the oni gauntlet can be used as a shield, granting a +1 shield bonus to AC. At 8th level and every three samurai levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1. He can spend 2 soul points to increase this bonus by 2 as a free action for 1 round.

This ability replaces blazing initiative.

Augmented Gauntlet (Su)

At 7th level, the onimusha can summon forth a weapon from his dragon arsenal as a swift action instead at the cost of 1 soul point.

This ability replaces kenki charge.

Healing Soul (Su)

At 9th level, any time a creature leaves behind essence by any means has a 50% chance to leave behind another essence that heals the samurai when absorbed. The samurai heals for 1d6 damage per three samurai levels from this soul.

This ability replaces greater resolve.

Promise of Destruction (Su)

At 12th level, even if killed, the onimusha will fight on to destroy his enemies. If the onimusha drops below 0 HP or even killed, he is instead left at 1 HP and his limit break (Oni Trance) activates even if he has no more limit break uses. Once the limit break ends, he drops to 0 HP, falling unconscious, and gains a negative level. This can only happen once per day.

This ability replaces a bushido arts gained at 12th level.

Blessing of the Oni (Su)

At 14th level, the onimusha can use the power of his gauntlet and render it useless to bring an ally back to life. He can use breath of life as the spell as a standard action using his samurai level as his caster level but in doing so, he expends all soul points if any, and he cannot use his dragon arsenal nor absorb souls for 1 minute. He can use this ability once per day at 14th level and an additional time per day at 17th and 20th level.

This ability replaces a bushido arts gained at 14th level.

Perfect Augmented Gauntlet (Su)

At 15th level, the onimusha no longer needs to spend soul points to bring forth a weapon from his dragon arsenal.

This ability replaces true kenki charge.

Strength of Soul (Su)

At 15th level, the onimusha can spend 5 soul points to increase the elemental damage of Oni Flurry, Flame Slash, or Vortex by 50%.

This ability replaces merciful eyes.

Soul Rip (Su)

Also, at 17th level, when the onimusha uses deliverance to kill a creature, the creature drops enough essence to fill his soul points to maximum and drops a healing essence to absorb.

This ability replaces true resolve.