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It is believed the kenki of the blade can be utilized to against one’s foes. Bladecallers put this technique to practice, brandishing their katanas to unleash the kenkis within from past battles to unleash devastating attacks upon his foes and aid his allies.

The bladecaller is an archetype of the samurai class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The bladecaller mainly focuses on STR/DEX for martial combat and CHA for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st Kenki Pool, Weaponskills. 7th Kenki Charge. 11thThird Eye. 14thDeliverance. 15thTrue Kenki Charge, Merciful Eyes.

Kenki Pool (Su)

Additionally, the bladecaller gains 1 kenki point when successfully striking with brandishing strike.

This ability modifies kenki pool.

Brandishing Strike (Su)

At 1st level, as a full-round action, the bladecaller can brandish his melee eastern weapon in a dazzling manner while striking a foe. The bladecaller makes an attack roll, if he hits, he deals his weapon damage and the bladecaller can make an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 30 feet who saw his display.

At 9th level, the bladecaller may use brandishing strike as a standard action.

At 1st level and every three levels thereafter, the bladecaller learns the name of a kenki that he may call upon during his brandishing strike from the list below. The save DC for a Brandishing Strike is (10 + half of the samurai’s level + his Charisma modifier).

Ame no Murakumo (Su): When the bladecaller calls upon this kenki during his brandishing strike, he can forgo his demoralize attempt to instead surround himself in an aural mist for a number of rounds equal to the bladecaller’s Charisma modifier. Enemies that come within 15 feet of the bladecaller must make a Fortitude save or become slowed until the mist disperses. Costs: 2 Kenki

Ashura (Su): When the bladecaller calls upon this kenki during his brandishing strike, he can forgo his demoralize attempt to strike all foes within 15 feet of the target of his brandishing strike with a phantom blade. Enemies within 15 feet of the target take must make a Fortitude save or they begin to bleed uncontrollably for a number of rounds equal to the bladecaller’s Charisma modifier. Bleeding foes take 1d6 points of damage per round until healed. Costs: 2 Kenki

Dojigiri (Su): When the bladecaller calls upon this kenki during his brandishing strike, he can forgo his demoralize attempt to create a shockwave, rending a 15-ft.-line of earth behind the target of his brandishing strike. Creatures in this line must make a Reflex save or be knocked prone. Afterwards, this 15-ft.-line is considered difficult terrain. Costs: 1 Kenki

Kikuichimonji (Su): When the bladecaller calls upon this kenki during his brandishing strike, he can forgo his demoralize attempt to strike all foes within 15 feet of the target of his brandishing strike with a band of blue flame. Enemies within 15 feet of the target take 1d6 fire damage at 1st level plus an additional 1d6 every two samurai levels after 1st, and must make a Reflex save to reduce the damage by half. The target of his brandishing strike is inflicted with Burning status unless they succeed on a Reflex save. Costs: 2 Kenki

Kiyomori (Su): When the bladecaller calls upon this kenki, instead of striking an enemy, he raises his blade to the sky calling a cool wind to blow on all allies within 30 feet of the bladecaller. Allies within 30 feet gain a deflection bonus equal to half of the bladecaller’s Charisma modifier as long as the wind persists. This wind persists around the bladecaller for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier. Costs: 1 Kenki

Kotetsu (Su): When the bladecaller calls upon this kenki during a brandishing strike, he can blind the target of his brandishing strike with a cloud of darkness. The target makes a Will save or becomes blind for a number of rounds equal to the bladecaller’s Charisma modifier. Enemies that come within 10 feet of the blinded target must make a Will save or become blinded as long as they are within 10 feet. Costs: 2 Kenki

Muramasa (Su): When the bladecaller calls upon this kenki during a brandishing strike, he can channel a dark kenki into his target, causing it to become stunned for 1 round. If the bladecaller lands a critical hit while calling upon this kenki the target becomes afflicted with confusion as well for a number of rounds equal to the bladecaller’s Charisma modifier. A Will save can be made to negate confusion. Costs: 3 Kenki

Murasame (Su): When the bladecaller calls upon this kenki, instead of striking an enemy, he raises his blade to the sky causing it to weep on all allies within 30 feet of the bladecaller. Affected allies gain temporary HP equal to half of the bladecaller’s level + his Charisma modifier until the end of combat. Costs: 1 Kenki

Osafune (Su): When the bladecaller calls upon this kenki during a brandishing strike, he may forgo the demoralize attempt to summon a cloud of butterflies from his blade to smother his enemy. The target makes a Will save or becomes silenced for a number of rounds equal to the bladecaller’s Charisma modifier. Any enemies that attempt to cast spells within 15 feet of the afflicted target must make a Concentration check as if casting defensively, or lose their spell. Costs: 2 Kenki

This ability replaces weaponskills.

Heart of Sword (Su)

At 7th level, the bladecaller becomes more attuned to the spirits of his melee eastern weapon, allowing him to reduce the amount of Kenki needed to enhance his Brandishing Strike by 1 (to a minimum of 1). He may use this ability as a swift action once per combat.

This ability replaces kenki charge.

Honorable Stand (Ex)

At 11th level, a bladecaller can make an honorable stand, deciding to fight the target of his challenge to the bitter end, no matter the cost. He can make an honorable stand once per day at 11th level, plus one additional time per day at 16th level. Declaring an honorable stand is a swift action. While making an honorable stand, the bladecaller is immune to the shaken, frightened, and panicked conditions. He does not fall unconscious while his hit point total is below 0. Finally, whenever a bladecaller making an honorable stand must make a saving throw, he can spend 1 point of kenki to reroll the saving throw after the first roll is made. He must take the result of the second roll, even if it is worse.

This ability replaces third eye and true kenki charge.

Spiritual Focus (Su)

At 14th level, once per day, the bladecaller can pour all of his focus into channeling the spirit of his melee eastern weapon, allowing the bladecaller to add his Strength modifier to his Brandishing Strike DCs. In addition, the duration of statuses caused by his brandishing strike are increased by 50%. The bladecaller gains 1 additional use of this ability per day at 16th and 20th level.

This ability replaces deliverance.

Roaring Brandish (Ex)

At 15th level, a bladecaller’s brandishing strike deafens foes upon impact. When a bladecaller successfully hits with a brandishing strike, all foes within 30 feet must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the samurai’s level + his Strength modifier) or be deafened for 1d4 minutes.

This ability modifies merciful eyes.