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Webslingers are ninjas who intentionally emulate the abilities and styles of spiders. Many believe themselves to be actually descended from giant spiders, while others simply taken spiders as a clan totem, or bitten by radioactive spiders that grant them their powers.

The webslinger is an archetype of the ninja class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The webslinger mainly focuses on DEX for martial combat and WIS for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st Throw Anything. 2ndNinja Trick. 3rdNo Trace. 5th – Death Mark.

Webslinging (Su)

At 1st level, a webslinger can shoot out a strand of webbing that secrets from his own hands. Usable a number of times per day equal to his ninja level + his Wisdom modifier, the webslinger can do one of the following:

  • Sling through the Air (Su): As a move action (or a full-round action if using it as a charge attack), the webslinger can shoot a web strand to connect to a solid object and fly (60’, Clumsy maneuverability).
  • Web Attack (Su): The webslinger can shoot a web strand at a target creature up to 60 feet away, making a ranged touch attack. If it hits, the target is considered grappled like a web spell. The DC for this save is DC 10 + half of the ninja’s level + his Wisdom modifier.

Once the webslinger gains access to a ki pool, he can regain a use of his webslinging ability by spending 2 ki points.

This ability replaces throw anything.

Webslinger Ki Powers (Su)

The webslinger gains access to a few new ki powers, detailed below. The DC for any saves for ki powers is DC 10 + half of the ninja’s level + his Wisdom modifier.

Greater Ki Venom (Ex): A webslinger with this ki power can further improve her ki venom. The webslinger can spend 2 ki points to increase the damage die to a d8 or spend 2 ki points to change the ability damage dealt to Constitution damage. Prerequisites: The ninja must be at least 8th level and have the ki venom ki power before selecting this ki power.

Ki Venom (Ex): A webslinger with this ki power knows how to make poisons from innocuous herbs or minerals. Creating ki venom is a full-round action that costs 1 ki point. The poison lasts for 24 hours before becoming inert. The poison deals either Strength or Dexterity damage, chosen when the venom is created. The webslinger can spend additional ki as part of the process of creating the ki venom to improve the venom in one or more of the following ways: spend 1 ki point to increase the damage die to a d6, spend 1 ki point to change the ability damage dealt to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma damage, or spend 1 ki point to increase the number of saves required to cure the poison by 1.

  • Ki Venom: Type poison, injury; save Fortitude DC = 10 + half of the ninja’s level + her Wisdom modifier; frequency 1/round for rounds equal to the ninja’s Wisdom modifier; effect 1d4 ability damage (see above); cure 1 save

Spider Climb (Su): The webslinger can cast wall climb as if he was a black mage of the same level, but only on himself. Each use of this ability uses up 1 ki point.

Web (Su): The webslinger can cast web as if he was a summoner of the same level. Each use of this ability uses up 1 ki point. Prerequisite: A webslinger must have the spider climb ninjitsu before he can take this ki power.

Web Sling (Su): At a cost of 2 ki points, the webslinger can make a ranged Trip, Disarm, Reposition, Drag, and Steal combat maneuvers within 30 feet. Reposition and Drag must be towards the webslinger. Prerequisite: The webslinger must have the web snatch ki power to select this ki power.

Web Snatch (Su): At a cost of 1 ki point, the webslinger can grab an unattended object weighing up to his light load within 30 feet. At 8th level, this increases to a medium load, and at 13th level, a heavy load, but Strength checks are required for anything above the webslinger’s light load, (DC 15 for medium, DC 20 for heavy).

Spidey Sense (Su)

At 2nd level, a webslinger has a sense for danger. He always acts on the surprise round and gains Improved Initiative as a bonus feat. If the webslinger already has this feat, he may take another Combat Feat for which he meets the prerequisites for.

This ability replaces a ninja trick gained at 2nd level.

Web Walk (Su)

At 3rd level, a webslinger learns to move through weblike terrain, walking along narrow ledges and ropes, and ignoring sticky terrain. The webslinger can move 5 feet as a move action through webs that would normally entangle or immobilize him, and along walkways as narrow as one inch. Every three levels thereafter, the distance a webslinger can cover as a move action under such conditions increases by 5 feet, to a maximum of the webslinger’s normal move rate.

This ability replaces no trace.

Wall Crawl (Su)

At 5th level, a webslinger can use Wall Climb, as per the spell, for one minute per day per ninja level + his Wisdom modifier.

This ability replaces death mark.