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Warriors who wield a pair of gunbaghnakhs usually become mercenaries or roaming thugs, concealing their gun arms until the moment they explode into sudden, decisive violence. When a Bullet Hand starts a fight, it’s with a spray of gunfire that seems to emerge from their hands alone – up until the moment they close the distance, and unleash a blur of gun arm techniques.

The bullet hand is an archetype of the gunbreaker class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The bullet hand mainly focuses on STR/DEX for martial combat and WIS for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st – Armor Proficiency, Gunsmith. 2ndKeen Edge, Gunbreaker Talent. 3rdJugular Rip. 4th Armor Training. 8thGunbreaker Talent. 14thGunbreaker Talent.

Armor Proficiency

The bullet hand loses proficiency in medium and heavy armor. Class features that rely on these can use light armor instead.

This ability modifies the gunbreaker’s starting armor proficiencies.


The bullet hand must choose gunbaghnakh as his starting gun arm. He begins play with two of them.

This ability modifies gunsmith.

Keen Edge (Ex)

When a bullet hand wields two gunbaghnakh, one on each arm, his shield bonus to AC is improved to +2.

This ability modifies keen edge.

Two-Weapon Fighting

At 2nd level, when wielding two gunbaghnakhs, a bullet hand gains use of the Two-Weapon Fighting feat.

At 8th level, the bullet hand gains use of the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat when wielding two gunbaghnakhs. At 14th level, he gains use of the Greater Two-Weapon Fighting feat when wielding two gunbaghnakhs.

This ability replaces a gunbreaker talent gained at 2nd, 6th, and 12th levels.

Flurry of Cuts and Bullets (Ex)

At 3rd level, the bullet hand’s field training has made it second nature to fight with a flurry of rapid-fire cuts and slices. When the bullet hand makes a full attack action with two gunbaghnakhs, he gains an additional attack at his highest base attack bonus at a -2 penalty. This bonus attack stacks with all bonus attacks gained from haste and similar effects. In addition, the bullet hand can ignore the Dexterity requirements for feats that require Two Weapon Fighting as a prerequisite.

This ability replaces jugular rip.

Ki Pool (Su)

At 4th level, a bullet hand gains a pool of ki points, supernatural energy he can use to accomplish amazing feats. The number of points in a bullet hand’s ki pool is equal to half his gunbreaker level + his Wisdom modifier. As long as he has 1 ki pool, his melee attacks gain half his magicked ammo bonus damage (minimum +1). At 7th level, his melee attacks are also treated as cold iron and silver for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. At 16th level, his melee attacks are treated as adamantine weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction and bypassing hardness.

By spending 2 points from his ki pool as a swift action, a bullet hand can make one additional attack at his highest attack bonus when making a flurry of cuts and bullets attack. This bonus attack stacks with the bonus attack gained from Flurry of Cuts and Bullets, as well as those from haste and similar effects.

The ki pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive.

This ability replaces armor training.