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GunbreakerFast, deadly and explosive. The gunbreaker is a warrior who jumps into the fray to protect his allies while utilizing the special gun arms, to break through enemy lines with their explosive blades or fire from range while protecting the back lines. Most gunbreakers are high ranking officers or guardians of an aristocratic, as the exotic and powerful nature of the gun arms is awed by many.

Role: Close melee combatants that can be helpful both in melee and at range by using a gun arm to do either or both of these, and using enhanced bullets to aid themselves and allies. They tend to be very aggressive on the battlefield and provide support where needed. Some are dedicated protectors, only deciding to use the full power of their gun arm when truly threatened.

Alignment: Any.

Hit Die: d10.

Parent Classes: Gunner and Knight.

Starting Wealth: 5d6 × 10 gil (average 175 gil.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gil or less.

Class Skills
The gunbreaker’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Knowledge (technology) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Repair (Int), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Skill Points Per Level: 4 + Int modifier

Class Main Ability Scores:
The gunbreaker mainly focuses on STR/DEX for martial combat and WIS for their class features.

Table: Gunbreaker

LevelBase Attack BonusFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSpecialMagicked AmmoInfused Bonus
1st+1+2+2+0Aurora, Gunsmith, Magicked Ammo, Limit Breaks3+1
2nd+2+3+3+0Gunbreaker Talent, Keen Edge3+1
3rd+3+3+3+1Gun Arm Technique, Jugular Rip, Heart of Stone3+2
4th+4+4+4+1Gunbreaker Talent, Armor Training I4+2
5th+5+4+4+1Gun Arm Mastery I, Quick Cartridge4+3
6th+6/+1+5+5+2Gunbreaker Talent, Gun Arm Technique, Gunsmith Modification4+3
7th+7/+2+5+5+2Improved Aurora, Gunbreaker's Resolve5+4
8th+8/+3+6+6+2Gunbreaker Talent, Armor Training II5+4
9th+9/+4+6+6+3Heart of Light, Gun Arm Technique6+5
10th+10/+5+7+7+3Gunbreaker Talent, Continuation, Gun Arm Mastery II6+5
11th+11/+6/+1+7+7+3Royal Guard, Suppressing Menace7+6
12th+12/+7/+2+8+8+4Advanced Gunbreaker Talent, Gun Arm Technique, Armor Training III, Gunsmith Modification7+6
13th+13/+8/+3+8+8+4Greater Aurora, Bullet Deflection8+7
14th+14/+9/+4+9+9+4Advanced Gunbreaker Talent, Gnashing Fang9+7
15th+15/+10/+5+9+9+5Royal Guard (10 ft.), Gun Arm Technique, Gun Arm Mastery III11+8
16th+16/+11/+6/+1+10+10+5Advanced Gunbreaker Talent, Armor Training IV13+8
17th+17/+12/+7/+2+10+10+5Perfect Aurora, Gunbreaker's Resilience16+9
18th+18/+13/+8/+3+11+11+6Advanced Gunbreaker Talent, Gun Arm Technique, Gunsmith Modification19+9
19th+19/+14/+9/+4+11+11+6Solid Barrel, Die by the GunbladeCapacity+10
20th+20/+15/+10/+5+12+12+6Advanced Gunbreaker Talent, Armor Training V, Gun Arm Mastery IV, Royal Guard (20 ft.), Lion HeartCapacity+10

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the gunbreaker.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

A gunbreaker is proficient with all simple weapons and all gun arms, and with all armor (light, medium, and heavy) and shields (except tower shields).

Limit Breaks (Su)

At 1st level, the gunbreaker receives the Limit Breaks (No Mercy and Superbolide).

No Mercy (Su): This Limit Break sends the gunbreaker into a relentless fury, granting him a +2 circumstance bonus on attack and damage rolls, as well as increasing his critical threat range with gun arms by 1, for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four gunbreaker levels after 1st. For every four gunbreaker levels after 1st, the bonus to attack and damage rolls increases by 2. These bonuses apply to both the melee and firearm parts of a gun arm, and the critical threat range increase is applied after all other effects that increase critical threat range. This limit break requires only a swift action.

Superbolide (Su): This Limit Break fires a potent defensive shell that erects a barrier around the gunbreaker, shielding them from attacks. Anytime the gunbreaker would take damage, their barrier is damaged instead. The barrier has a number of hit points equal to the gunbreaker’s level + 10, and has a hardness of 2. The hit points increase by 10 and the hardness increases by 2 per four gunbreaker levels after 1st, and the barrier persists for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four gunbreaker levels after 1st, or until destroyed or the end of combat. This limit break requires only a swift action.


At 1st level, a gunbreaker begins play with a gun arm of his choice. His starting weapon’s firearm part is battered, receiving a -2 penalty on ranged attacks, and only he knows how to use it properly. All other creatures treat his gun arm as if it had the broken condition. If the weapon already has the broken condition, it does not work at all for anyone else trying to use it. This starting weapon can only be sold for scrap (it’s worth 4d10 gil when sold). The gunbreaker also gains Gunsmithing as a bonus feat.

At 6th level and every six gunbreaker levels thereafter, a gunbreaker can reconfigure his gun arms with a single modification by spending 1 hour of work. He may reconfigure his gun arms as many times as he likes but is only granted up to 3 (at 18th level) of the following benefits at a time: 

  • Big Shot: Whenever the gunbreaker infuses magicked ammo, he designates the first infused round as a Big Shot. When used with a firearm attack increase the number of firearm damage dice by 1. When used with Blast Shield, increase the bonus by +1. When used with Brutal Shell, increase the amount of temporary hitpoints by +2. The gunbreaker cannot designate a Big Shot when there is still magicked ammo active within the gun arm at the time of infusing. This modification can only be taken once. Cost: 2,500 gil.
  • Brutally Weighted: Bludgeoning weapons with this modification cause a creature to be hit to take a -2 penalty to its CMD against bull rush, reposition, and trip maneuvers until the end of its next turn or until it is subject to such a maneuver. Cost: 1,500 gil.
  • Clearing Mechanism: This modification allows the gunbreaker to remove the broken condition from this gun arm as a full-round action, as long as that condition was gained by a firearm misfire. This modification can only be taken once. Cost: 1,500 gil.
  • Dual-Balanced: When wielding two weapons with the dual-balanced modification, reduce any two-weapon fighting penalties by 1 for both weapons. Cost: 2,000 gil.
  • Greater Ammo Capacity: The reconfigured weapon can hold 50% more ammunition than normal. This modification can only be taken once. Cost: 1,500 gil.
  • Pressurized Chamber: When the gunbreaker makes an Acrobatics check to jump, he can blast out a round of magicked ammo to gain a +5 circumstance bonus on his roll. When used with any shotgun combination gunarm, increase this to +10. This modification can only be taken once. Cost: 2,500 gil.
  • Razor Sharp: Gain +2 bonus on piercing or slashing melee weapon damage rolls. Cost: 1,000 gil.
  • Resonance Blade: Removes the penalty from trigger attacks. Cost: 2,000 gil.
  • Rifled Bore: Increase the range of the firearm part of the gun arm by 10 feet. Cost: 1,000 gil.
  • Spring-Loaded Cylinder: Loading becomes a swift action. Only for cylinder-based gun arms. This modification can only be taken once. Cost: 1,500 gil.
  • Tactically Adapted: When this modification is added to a weapon, choose a weapon quality from the following list to gain: blocking, brace, disarm, distracting, nonlethal, performance, or trip. Cost: 2,000 gil.
  • Versatile Design: Choose a fighter weapon group. This modification treats the gun arm as a part of that weapon group. This modification can only be taken once. Cost: 1,000 gil.

Magicked Ammo (Su)

The gunbreaker is able to infuse ammo he sets into his gun arm with magical energy. Whenever he loads a gun arm, a portion of the gun arm’s ammunition becomes magicked, and can be used to deal extra damage or activate the gunbreaker’s abilities. As noted on the Table: The Gunbreaker, upon loading a gun arm, the gunbreaker infuses a number of the loaded rounds with his aether; the amount of infused rounds increases as the gunbreaker gains class levels. Depending on the gun arm, all of the gun arm’s ammo capacity can be infused rounds. When the gunbreaker reaches 19th level, all ammo loaded is infused, regardless of the gun arm’s capacity. If the gunbreaker has ammo loaded which isn’t infused, he can take a move action to infuse the remaining ammo in his gun arm by running his hand over the weapon – this action allows him to infuse an amount of loaded ammo equal to the amount he infuses from reloading. He can never have more magicked ammo available than his max.

When the gunbreaker loads his gun arm, the first set of rounds to be used are always infused first – meaning the rounds he spends first are the rounds that are infused. Infused rounds naturally deal an additional 1 point of damage, and are considered magic for the purpose of bypassing DR. At 3rd level and every two gunbreaker levels thereafter, this extra damage increases by 1. The gunbreaker may also use infused ammo to use the following abilities starting at 1st level:

  • Blast Shield (Su): As a standard action, the gunbreaker can expend 2 infused bullets to erect a shield around himself or an ally within 15 feet, granting a +2 deflection bonus to AC or a +2 resistance bonus to saving throws for a number of rounds equal to the gunbreaker’s Wisdom modifier. At 4th level, and every three levels thereafter, the bonus is increased by +1 to a maximum of +8 at 19th level.
  • Brutal Shell (Su): When the gunbreaker fires an infused bullet, he can instead have the bullet expose its energy to shield himself or an ally. Instead of dealing damage, the bullet instead grants temporary hit points equal to 5 + his Wisdom modifier to himself or an ally within 15 feet. No ranged attack is needed for this ability. These temporary hit points last until lost or after 1 minute. At 6th level, he may spend a second infused bullet to make it 10 + Wisdom modifier, 11th level can spend three bullets for 15 + Wisdom modifier, and 16th level can spend four bullets for 20 + Wisdom modifier.

Aurora (Su)

Also at 1st level, as a swift action, the gunbreaker can directly infuse himself with aether, wreathing his body in a protective aurora. He gains fast healing 1 and a +1 deflection bonus to AC. These bonuses increase by 1/+1 at 4th level and every three gunbreaker levels thereafter. This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to his Wisdom modifier, and can be used a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Wisdom modifier.

Keen Edge (Ex)

At 2nd level, the gunbreaker learns to blend offense with defense, treating his gun arm as both sword and shield. When wielding a gun arm, he gains a +1 shield bonus to AC. This bonus increases by 1 for every four gunbreaker levels after 2nd. This bonus stacks with other shield bonuses.

Gunbreaker Talents

As the gunbreaker trains, he develops skills and techniques to take advantage of his unique style of combat. At 2nd level and every two gunbreaker levels thereafter, the gunbreaker gains a talent from the list below. He must meet the prerequisite of the talent selected; unless specified otherwise, each talent can only be selected once.

Gun Arm Techniques

At 3rd level and every three gunbreaker levels thereafter, the gunbreaker’s skill at wielding gun arms allows him to learn, or develop, potent specialized techniques. These special techniques can only be used with a gun arm, and each technique is usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Wisdom modifier. The gunbreaker must meet the prerequisites to choose a gun arm technique, and must have enough magicked ammo to choose and use the technique.

Heart of Stone (Su)

The stoic, unflinching guise of an immovable guardian; this is the demeanor all gunbreakers aspire to achieve. At 3rd level, the gunbreaker adds his Wisdom modifier as a bonus to all Fortitude saving throws. This does not stack with any other ability that applies a modifier to Fortitude saves.

Jugular Rip (Ex)

At 3rd level, when the gunbreaker confirms a critical hit with a melee attack with a gun arm, he infuses an amount of magicked ammo in his gun arm up to the maximum he can infuse with his magicked ammo ability.

Armor Training (Ex)

At 4th level, the gunbreaker’s training allows him to more easily handle the burdens of heavier gear. Whenever he is wearing armor, he reduces the armor check penalty by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and increases the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by his armor by 1. Every four levels thereafter (8th, 12th, 16th and 20th), these bonuses increase by +1 each time, to a maximum –5 reduction of the armor check penalty and a +5 increase of the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed. In addition, a gunbreaker can also move at his normal speed while wearing medium armor. At 8th level, a gunbreaker can move at his normal speed while wearing heavy armor.

Gun Arm Mastery (Ex)

At 5th level, the gunbreaker has gained enough training with gun arms to impose his own unique style into his fighting techniques. At 5th level and every five gunbreaker levels thereafter, he chooses one of the masteries below to apply to all gun arms he wields. He can choose a mastery multiple times, unless otherwise noted.

  • Blasting Bullets: The gunbreaker adds his Wisdom modifier to damage rolls of all gun arm techniques. This mastery can only be chosen once.
  • Bloody Fangs: The gunbreaker adds his Wisdom modifier to the firearm damage rolls of damage made from trigger attacks. This mastery can only be chosen once.
  • Parry Mastery: Increases the shield bonus from the gunbreaker’s keen edge ability by 1.
  • Power Mastery: Increases damage rolls with both melee and firearm damage of gun arms by 1.
  • Technique Mastery: Increases the DC of gun arm techniques by 1.

Quick Cartridge (Ex)

At 5th level, the gunbreaker’s merciless focus keeps his enemies on the backfoot, even while he pauses to prepare for his next assault. A gunbreaker reloading a gun arm no longer provokes an attack of opportunity while in an enemy’s threatened square.

Improved Aurora (Su)

At 7th level, the gunbreaker’s aurora ability can be used on an ally he can see within 15 feet. Only one instance of aurora from a given gunbreaker can be active at any one time; if another aurora is cast, even if on another target, the first instance ends. In addition, he can spend two uses of aurora to instead heal himself (or an ally within 15 feet) equal to four times the gunbreaker’s Wisdom modifier.

Gunbreaker’s Resolve (Ex)

At 7th level, the gunbreaker can shrug off the most serious of attacks. When the gunbreaker is wearing medium or heavy armor and is subject to a critical hit or sneak attack, he can spend 1 magicked ammo as an immediate action to attempt to negate the critical hit or sneak attack damage. At 7th level, he has a 25% chance of doing so. At 13th level, the chance increases to 50%. At 19th level, the chance increases to 75%. While a gunbreaker’s resolve does not stack with the fortification armor special ability, it does work in concert with that armor special ability or similar effects, so a gunbreaker can use this ability even after the armor of fortification has failed to negate the critical hit or sneak attack damage.

Heart of Light (Su)

The restless, ever-mindful overwatch of a dedicated defender; this is the bearing all gunbreakers aspire to achieve. At 9th level, the gunbreaker applies his Wisdom modifier as a bonus to all Reflex saving throws. This does not stack with any other ability that applies a modifier to Reflex saves.

Continuation (Ex)

At 10th level, the gunbreaker’s skill allows him to seamlessly combine both simple and technical combat techniques. When making a full attack action, he can declare the use of continuation. This lowers his AC by 4, applies a -2 penalty to all attack rolls made that round, and at the end of the full attack, he also performs a single gun arm technique that requires a standard action (as part of the full attack action). This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to the gunbreaker’s Wisdom modifier.

Royal Guard (Su)

At 11th level, the gunbreaker’s demeanor is impressive enough to fill his allies’ hearts with a measure of his own determination. His adjacent allies gain the effects of the Heart of Stone and Heart of Light abilities. At 15th level, the range increases to allies within 10 feet and at 20th level, all allies within 20 feet gain these effects. If the gunbreaker is unconscious, helpless, or otherwise unable to act, this bonus to allies is lost.

Suppressing Menace (Ex)

At 11th level, while the gunbreaker has at least 1 magicked ammo, when he hits an opponent with a firearm shot, he can choose to use Intimidate to demoralize that opponent as a swift action instead of a standard action.

Advanced Gunbreaker Talents

At 12th level, the gunbreaker’s techniques are akin to savage poetry in motion; he can choose an advanced gunbreaker talent in place of a regular talent. He must meet the prerequisites to choose an advanced gunbreaker talent.

Greater Aurora (Su)

At 13th level, the gunbreaker can spend three uses of Aurora to apply it as an aura around an ally. When used this way on an ally within 30 feet, it coalesces into a 15-ft.-aura around the target, granting allies within the aura half of the fast healing and AC bonus (rounded down). Only one instance of this aura can be active at any given time. As with a standard aurora, a gunbreaker can only have one instance of this ability active at any given time.

Bullet Deflection (Ex)

A gunbreaker is adept at modifying and using his armor to stop firearm attacks. Starting at 13th level, a gunbreaker wearing medium or heavy armor gains half the armor’s bonus plus the armor’s enhancement bonus (if any) as a deflection bonus against any non-siege firearm or splash weapon attack (including the chemist’s bomb class ability). This ability has no affect on spells, spell-like abilities, or supernatural abilities that make a touch attack.

Gnashing Fang (Ex)

At 14th level, the gunbreaker’s aim is unerringly drawn to his foe’s vital spots, as he seeks to finish fights with brutal efficiency. He increases his critical threat range with gun arms (but not the firearm portion of the gun arm) by 1. This applies after all other effects that increase critical threat range.

Abdomen Tear (Ex)

At 16th level, each successive swing and shot refines the gunbreaker’s unrelenting offense. When making a full attack with a gun arm, he ignores a cumulative 2 points of damage reduction for each successful attack made that round. For example, the first successful attack ignores 2 points of DR, the second successful attack ignores 4 points of DR, and so on.

Gunbreaker’s Resilience (Ex)

At 17th level, when the gunbreaker has at least 1 magicked ammo and makes a successful Fortitude saving throw against an attack that would deal half damage or have a partial effect, he takes no damage or other effects from that attack. Furthermore, he gains a +2 bonus on all saving throws against fear and mind-affecting effects.

Perfect Aurora (Su)

At 17th level, if the gunbreaker’s hit points are ever dropped below 0, he can expend 4 uses of aurora as an immediate action to instead set his HP to 0. This applies even if the damage would have otherwise killed him.

Solid Barrel (Ex)

At 19th level, the gunbreaker’s gun arm cannot be disarmed or sundered while he is wielding it, and is no longer subject to misfires.

Die by the Gunblade (Su)

At 19th level, as long as the gunbreaker has at least 1 magicked ammo, he gains DR 5/-.

Lion Heart (Su)

At 20th level, the gunbreaker’s mastery of gun arms peaks – a master of both his weapons and the energies that empower them. The DC of his gun arm techniques increases by 1, and all alternative uses of aurora consume 1 less daily use of aurora (minimum 1). In addition, he gains a bonus to confirm critical hits with his gun arm equal to his Wisdom modifier.

Favored Class Bonuses

Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit point whenever they gain a level in a favored class, some races have the option of choosing from a number of other bonuses, depending upon their favored classes. The following options are available to the listed race who have gunbreaker as their favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the listed favored class reward.

  • Al Bhed: Add +1/6 of a new gunbreaker talent.
  • Au RaAdd +1/6 of a new gun arm technique.
  • Dwarf: Add +1/6 to the shield bonus to AC of the keen edge class feature.
  • Elvaan: Add +1/6 to the number of uses for the aurora ability.
  • Galka: Add +1/6 of a new gun arm technique.
  • Garlean: Add +1/6 of a new gun arm technique.
  • Goblin: Add +1/6 to the shield bonus to AC of the keen edge class feature.
  • Half-Breed: Add +1/6 of a new gunbreaker talent.
  • Hume: Add +1/6 of a new gunbreaker talent.
  • Immortal: Add +1/6 of a new gunbreaker talent.
  • Mithra: Add +1/6 to the number of uses for the aurora ability.
  • Moogle: Add +1/6 to the shield bonus to AC of the keen edge class feature.
  • PuPu: Add +1/6 of a new gunbreaker talent.
  • Roegadyn: Add +1/6 of a new gun arm technique.
  • Ronso: Add +1/6 to the number of uses for the aurora ability.
  • Tarutaru: Add +1/6 of a new gunbreaker talent.
