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This type of druid focuses on calling the spirit of a specific animal, imbuing themselves with their strengths.

The animal shaman is an archetype of the druid class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The animal shaman mainly focuses on STR/DEX for combat, CHA for their class features, and WIS for their class features and spells.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st Nature Bond, Wild Empathy. 2ndWoodland Stride. 4thHomefield Advantage. 5th Wild Shape. 9thVenom Immunity.

Nature Bond (Su)

An animal shaman who chooses an animal companion must select an ape, bat, bear, boar, crocodile, eagle, lion, shark, snake, or wolf.

This ability modifies nature bond.

Wild Empathy (Ex)

An animal shaman can use wild empathy with the animal picked above as a full-round action with a +4 bonus.

This ability modifies wild empathy.

Totem Transformation (Su)

At 2nd level, an animal shaman may adopt an aspect of the animal chosen above while retaining her normal form. She gains one of the following bonuses, depending on animal:

  • Ape
    • movement (climb speed 20 ft., +4 racial bonus on Climb checks)
    • senses (low-light vision, scent)
    • toughness (+2 natural armor bonus to AC, Endurance feat)
    • natural weapons (2 slams [1d6 for a Medium shaman], +2 on combat maneuver checks to grapple)
  • Bat
    • movement (fly speed 30 ft. [average]; the druid must be at least 5th level to select this bonus)
    • senses (blindsense 20 ft.)
    • natural weapons (bite [1d4 for a Medium shaman])
  • Bear
    • movement (+10 enhancement bonus to land speed, +4 racial bonus on Swim checks)
    • senses (low-light vision, scent)
    • toughness (+2 natural armor bonus to AC, Endurance feat)
    • natural weapons (bite [1d6] and 2 claws [1d4] for a Medium shaman, +2 to CMB on grapple checks)
  • Boar
    • movement (+10 enhancement bonus to land speed)
    • senses (low-light vision, scent)
    • toughness (+2 natural armor bonus to AC, Endurance feat)
    • natural weapons (gore [1d8 for a Medium druid], +2 on combat maneuver checks to overrun)
  • Crocodile
    • movement (+10 enhancement bonus to land speed)
    • senses (low-light vision, +4 racial bonus to Perception)
    • toughness (+2 natural armEagor bonus to AC, Endurance feat)
    • natural weapons (bite [1d6] and 2 claws [1d4] for a Medium shaman, +2 bonus on CMB on grapple checks)
  • Eagle
    • movement (fly speed 30 feet [average], the druid must be 5th level to select this bonus)
    • senses (low-light vision, +4 racial bonus to Perception)
    • natural weapons (bite [1d4], 2 talons [1d4] for a Medium shaman)
  • Lion
    • movement (+20 enhancement bonus to land speed)
    • senses (low-light vision, scent)
    • natural weapons (bite [1d4], 2 claws [1d4] for a Medium druid, rake, +2 CMB to grapple).
  • Shark
    • movement (can breathe water, swim speed 30 feet)
    • senses (scent 30 feet, scent 90 feet in water)
    • natural weapons (bite 1d6 for a Medium shaman), or shark skin (+2 natural armor, creatures grappling the shaman take 1 point of slashing damage per round of grapple)
  • Snake
    • movement (climb speed 20 feet, swim speed 20 feet)
    • scales (+2 natural armor bonus to AC)
    • senses (low-light vision, scent)
    • natural weapons (bite [1d4], poison [ frequency 1 round (6), effect 1 Con damage, Cure 1 save, Con-based DC] for a Medium druid, +2 CMB to grapple).
  • Wolf
    • movement (+20 enhancement bonus to land speed)
    • senses (low-light vision, scent, +4 racial bonus to Survival when tracking by scent)
    • natural weapons (bite [1d4 plus trip] for a Medium druid, +2 CMB to trip).

While using totem transformation, the animal shaman may speak normally and can cast speak with animals (with the animal chosen above) at will. Using this ability is a standard action at 2nd level, a move action at 7th level, and a swift action at 12th level. The animal shaman can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to her druid level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be used in 1-minute increments. This is a polymorph effect and cannot be used while the druid is using another polymorph effect, such as wild shape.

This ability replaces woodland stride.

Totemic Summons (Su)

At 4th level, an animal shaman may cast summon nature’s ally as a standard action when summoning animals that were chosen above, and summoned animals gain temporary hit points equal to her druid level. She can apply the young template to any animal to reduce the level of the summoning spell required by one. She can also increase the level of summoning required by one in order to apply either the advanced or the giant template, or increase it by two to apply both the advanced and giant templates.

This ability replaces homefield advantage.

Wild Shape (Su)

At 5th level, an animal shaman’s wild shape ability functions at her druid level – 2. If she takes on the form of an animal chosen above, she instead uses her druid level + 2.

This ability modifies wild shape.

Bonus Feat

At 9th level and every four druid levels thereafter, an animal shaman gains one of the following bonus feats: Diehard, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Great Fortitude, Toughness. She must meet the prerequisites for these bonus feats.

This ability replaces venom immunity.