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Most black belts lead lives of moderation and quiet contemplation. But the drunken master finds perfection through excess. Powered by strong wine, he uses his intoxication to reach a state where his ki is more potent, if somewhat fleeting.

The drunken master is an archetype of the black belt class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The drunken master mainly focuses on STR/DEX for martial combat and STR/DEX and CON for his class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st Martial Flexibility, Martial Training, Tough Skin. 2ndMaster’s Flurry. 3rdManeuver Training. 4thKnockout. 5thMaster’s Strike, Close Weapon Mastery. 7thFocus. 18thFive Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique.

Catch Off-Guard

At 1st level, a drunken master gains the Catch Off-Guard as a bonus feat.

This ability replaces martial training.

Improvised Weapons (Ex)

While bottles and tankards are a drunken master’s preferred improvised weapons, he can use furniture, farm implements, or nearly anything else at hand to attack his foes. A drunken master’s improvised weapon (melee) deals as much damage as his unarmed strike plus an extra 1d4 points. Most improvised weapons deal bludgeoning damage, although some (a broken glass bottle, for example) would deal piercing or slashing damage. When a drunken master rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll while using an improvised weapon, that weapon breaks apart and becomes useless. Additionally, the drunken master treats improvised weapons as unarmed strikes when determining if he gains and benefit from aggression points.

At 6th level, a drunken master can use long improvised weapons (such as ladders) as reach weapons according to their length, and improvised weapons with many protrusions (such as chairs) provide a +2 bonus on opponents’ disarm attempts. Finally, large objects with broad, flat surfaces (such as tables) can be upended to become improvised tower shields.

At 10th level, a drunken master who uses improvised weapons deals his unarmed strike damage + an extra 2d4 points of damage instead of 1d4.

At 12th level, a drunken master who uses improvised weapons has a critical threat range of 19-20, with a critical multiplier of x3.

At 20th level, a drunken master who uses improvised weapons deals his unarmed strike damage + an extra 3d4 points of damage instead of 2d4.

This ability replaces martial flexibility.

Drunken Ki (Su)

At 1st level, a drunken master can drink a tankard of ale or strong alcohol and gain one temporary ki point. The act of drinking is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The black belt can have a maximum number of drunken ki points equal to 1 plus one additional point for every two levels thereafter (3rd, 5th, and so on). These drunken ki points last for 1 hour or until spent, whichever is shorter. As long as he has at least 1 drunken ki point, the black belt can spend 1 drunken ki point as a swift action to move 5 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity.

This ability replaces tough skin.

Drunken Resilience (Ex)

At 2nd level, a drunken master gains DR 1/— as long as he has at least 1 point of drunken ki. Every three levels thereafter, the damage reduction increases by 1.

This ability replaces master’s flurry.

For Medicinal Purposes (Sp)

At 3rd level, a drunken master gains the ability to convert a single alcoholic drink he has ingested into a single hi-potion, as if he had just drunk a dose of the potion. To use this ability, the drunken master must spend 1 point of drunken ki. This ability can be used up to three times per day. It is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. He gains another use of this ability for every four levels after 3rd.

This ability replaces maneuver training.

Corkscrew Rush (Ex)

A drunken master of 4th level or higher can perform this maneuver, leaping forward and twisting his body in midair as he attempts to head-butt an opponent. When making a charge attack he can, in addition to dealing normal damage, initiate a bull rush combat maneuver (without provoking an attack of opportunity). If the bull rush attempt succeeds, the opponent is stunned unless she makes a Will save (DC 10 + half of the black belt’s level + his Constitution modifier) for 1 round. However, if the bull rush attempt fails, the drunken master lands prone in front of the opponent.

This ability replaces knockout.

Drunken Strength (Su)

At 5th level, a drunken master can spend 1 point of drunken ki as a swift action to inflict 1d6 extra points of damage on a single successful melee attack. The black belt can choose to apply the damage after the attack roll is made. At 10th level, the black belt may spend 2 drunken ki points to increase the extra damage to 2d6. At 15th level, the black belt may spend 3 drunken ki points to increase the extra damage to 3d6. At 20th level, the black belt may spend 4 drunken ki points to increase the extra damage to 4d6. The black belt must have at least 1 drunken ki point to use this ability.

This ability replaces master’s strike.

Improvised Throw (Ex)

At 5th level, when using a thrown improvised weapon, excluding splash weapons, a drunken master uses the unarmed strike damage of a black belt four levels lower instead of the base damage for that weapon. If the weapon normally deals more damage than this, its damage is unchanged. This ability does not affect any other aspect of the weapon. The drunken master can decide to use the weapon’s base damage instead of his adjusted unarmed strike damage—this must be declared before the attack roll is made. Additionally, all Improvised Thrown weapons have a range increment of 20 feet, rather than 10 feet.

This ability replaces close weapon mastery.

Drunken Courage (Su)

At 7th level, a drunken master is immune to fear as long as he has at least 1 point of drunken ki.

This ability replaces focus.

Firewater Breath (Su)

At 18th level, a drunken master can take a drink and expel a gout of alcohol-fueled fire in a 30-foot-cone. Creatures within the cone take 20d6 points of fire damage. A successful Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + half of the black belt’s level + his Constitution modifier) halves the damage. Using this ability is a standard action that consumes 4 drunken ki points from the black belt’s ki pool. The black belt must have at least 1 drunken ki point to use this ability.

This ability replaces five point palm exploding heart technique.