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Shamans call upon spirits for protection. Their magic disrupt hostile magic, create defensive barriers, and even revive the fallen.

The shaman is an archetype of the white mage class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The shaman mainly focuses on DEX for combat, WIS for their class features and spellcasting, and CON for their class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1st – MP Pool, Spell Proficiency. 2ndMage Talent. 4thMage Talent. 6thMage Talent. 8thMage Talent. 10thMage Talent. 12thAdvanced Mage Talent. 14thAdvanced Mage Talent. 16thAdvanced Mage Talent. 18thAdvanced Mage Talent. 20thAdvanced Mage Talent.

Diminished Spellcasting

A shaman gains fewer MP than normal equal to the spell level he gains. For example, a shaman of 5th level would only have 6 MP excluding extra MP from Wisdom bonus.

Table: Diminished Full MP Progression

LevelMPSpell Level

Stamina Pool (Ex)

At 1st level, the shaman gains a reservoir of stamina that he can draw upon to fuel his talents that he gains below. This stamina pool has a number of points equal to half his white mage level + his Constitution modifier (minimum 1). The pool refreshes once per day when the shaman rests for a full 8 hours. Sustained modes take up a static amount of stamina points from the shaman’s current and maximum stamina pool and most sustained modes stack.

Some talents are activated as a sustained mode. When activated, these talents both consume stamina and reduce the user’s maximum stamina by the listed amount. While active, they provide their listed bonuses until the user deactivates them as a free action, falls unconscious, or dies, at which point the reduction to the user’s maximum stamina is removed. Multiple sustained mode talents may be used at the same time as long as the user has enough stamina, though some talents may specify others that they cannot be used with.

By spending 1 stamina point as a swift action, the shaman can do one of the following:

  • Increase his speed by 10 feet for 1 round, or
  • Delay and suppress his fatigue or exhaustion for 1 round, or
  • Increase one saving throw by +1 for 1 round.

This ability replaces spell proficiency.

Talent Trees (Su)

The shaman gets access to the spirit and healing talent trees from below. At 2nd level and every two white mage levels thereafter, the shaman may choose to learn one talent from a talent tree below or a mage talent taken from the white mage’s mage talent list.

Spirit Specialization Talent Tree

  • Barrier (Su): At a cost of 1 stamina point or 2 MP, as a standard action, the shaman can project a barrier on a creature within 30 feet. This barrier provides DR 5/- for a duration of 1 minute per white mage level.
  • Rejuvenating Barrier (Su): In addition to granting a barrier, the affected creature also gains Fast Healing 1 plus an additional +1 for every four white mage levels gained for the same duration. Prerequisite: Barrier.
  • Energetic Defense (Su): At a cost of 1 stamina point or 2 MP, as an immediate action, the shaman can quickly defend himself from incoming elements, granting him an elemental resistance of 10 versus one element until the beginning of his next turn.
  • Elegant Defense (Su): In addition to gaining elemental resistance, the shaman also gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC that improves by +1 for every four white mage levels gained. Prerequisite: Energetic Defense.
  • Dispel (Su): At a cost of 2 stamina points or 3 MP, as a standard action, the shaman purges the area of hostile magic, removing hostile magical effects inflicted by enemies from the party across an area of the battlefield. The shaman makes a 1d20 + character level roll against a DC of 10 + the spellcaster’s character level for each hostile spell effect within a 15-ft.-radius of the shaman. For each successful roll, each hostile spell effect are dispelled.
  • Transmute Magic (Su): In addition to dispelling magic, any successful dispelled effects bestow the shaman 1 MP or stamina point per effect dispelled. Prerequisite: Dispel.
  • Strengthened Veil (Su): At a cost of 2 stamina points or 3 MP, the shaman can strengthened the veil of the spirit realm on a creature within 30 feet. This veil grants the creature constant concealment (20% miss chance), and his melee attacks affect incorporeal creatures as if it had the ghost touch weapon property for a duration of 1 round per white mage level.
  • Guardian Spirit (Su): At a cost of 2 stamina points or 3 MP, as an immediate action, the shaman conjures up a spirit to protect him from harm. If a spell, weapon, or any effect that would reduce the shaman’s health below 25%, the damage is, instead, reduced to minimum damage (all damage rolls are as if they rolled 1s, for only the shaman, any area effects still do its normal damage to other people).
  • Strength of Spirits (Su): Guardian spirit now protects the shaman from harm if it would reduced his health below 50%. Prerequisite: Guardian Spirit.
  • Peaceful Aura (Su): As a swift action, the shaman may activate this talent as a sustained mode. While in this mode, the shaman extends out a Sanctuary-aura up to 10 feet. Any opponent attempting to directly attack the shaman or allies within 10 feet, even with a targeted spell, must attempt a Will save (DC 10 + half of the white mage’s level + his Wisdom modifier). If the save succeeds, the opponent can attack normally and is unaffected by this ability. If the save fails, the opponent can’t follow through with the attack, that part of its action is lost, and it can’t directly attack the shaman or allies within 10 feet while this aura is up. Those not attempting to attack the subject remain unaffected. This spell does not prevent the shaman or allies within 10 feet from being attacked or affected by area of effect spells. The shaman or allies within 10 feet cannot attack without dismissing the ability but may use non-attack spells or otherwise act. Allies who do attack loses the Sanctuary effect and cannot regain it until a round has passed. This mode uses up 2 stamina points of the shaman’s current and maximum stamina pool.

Healing Specialization Talent Tree

  • Healing Aura (Su): As a swift action, the shaman may activate this talent as a sustained mode. While in this mode, the shaman extends out a Healing aura up to 10 feet. Other allies (excluding the shaman) within the aura are granted Fast Healing 2 that heals up to 25% health, which increases by +2 for every four white mage levels obtained. This mode uses up 2 stamina points of the shaman’s current and maximum stamina pool.
  • Faith (Su): Healing aura now increases the aura’s range is 20 feet and heals up to 50% health. Prerequisite: Healing Aura.
  • Radiance (Su): At a cost of 1 stamina point or 2 MP, the shaman can shine a light that would illuminate the darkest areas. The shaman picks an area within 100 feet, and a globe of light appears, illuminating the area in a 20-ft.-radius as per Daylight spell. Any allies within the area of effect are granted Shadow Resistance 10 and immunity to Blind and Dazzled effects. Any enemies within the area of effect have their Holy Resistance reduced by 10 (considered weak if they don’t have any Holy Resistance) and are dazzled for a number of rounds equal to the shaman’s Wisdom modifier, unless they make a Will save (DC 10 + half of the white mage’s level + his Wisdom modifier) to negate.
  • Refusal (Su): At a cost of 2 stamina points or 3 MP, as an immediate action, the shaman can attempt to counter a creature’s spell. The shaman makes a Spellcraft check to identify the spell, if the shaman has identified the spell, he may attempt to counter. He then must make a caster level check against a DC of 10 + the creature’s caster level. If he succeeds, the creature loses its spell.
  • Group Heal (Su): At a cost of 2 stamina points or 3 MP, the shaman bestows healing upon himself and any allies within 30 feet. All allies (including the shaman) are healed for 1d6 damage per white mage level + Wisdom modifier.
  • Renewal (Su): At at cost of 3 stamina points or 6 MP, which can only be used once per combat encounter, the shaman can bestow a gentle healing breeze upon any allies (excluding himself) within 30 feet that grants Fast Healing 2, MP Regen 1, and Stamina Regen 1 for a number of rounds equal to the shaman’s Wisdom modifier. The Fast Healing stacks with Healing Aura. Prerequisites: Healing Aura, Faith, Group Heal.
  • Unity (Su): At a cost of 2 stamina points or 3 MP, the shaman unites his allies with solidarity. Any ally within 30 feet of the shaman is bestowed a +1 dodge bonus to AC and damage reduction of 1/- plus an additional +1 for every three white mage levels after 2nd for a duration of 1 round per white mage level.
  • Vitality (Su): In addition to the dodge bonus to AC and damage reduction, allies within 30 feet of the shaman are also granted a number of temporary hit points equal to the shaman’s white mage level + his Wisdom modifier. Prerequisite: Unity.
  • Second Chance (Su): At a cost of 1 stamina point or 2 MP, as an immediate action, the shaman can grant a creature a second chance at life. The shaman can stop a living creature within 30 feet from dying by healing it for 1d4 hit points plus 1 for every two white mage levels he possesses. He can use this ability only on a creature below 0 hit points, even if the creature would normally die from the amount of hit point damage.
  • Revival (Su): At a cost of 3 stamina points or 5 MP, the shaman can bring back the dead as if affecting a dead creature with Breath of Life. In addition, the dead creature can be raised up to a minute of being dead unlike Breath of Life. Prerequisites: Shaman 10, Second Chance.

These abilities may replace mage talents.