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A master of all weapons. He collects weapons either for his own pride and joy in the training of such weapons, or sometimes as trophies of strong adversaries. Whatever the reason may be, the weapon collector journeys across the world to find the strongest weapons.

The weapon collector is an archetype of the warrior class.

Limit Break (Su)

At 1st level, the weapon collector receives the limit break (Swords of Chance).

Swords of Chance (Su): This Limit Break allows the weapon collector to summon one of the four legendary swords to attack his foes. The weapon collector rolls a d4 for a chance to summon Excalipoor on a 1, Masamune on a 2, Excalibur on a 3, or Zantesuken on a 4 of a d4.

  • Excalipoor: Deals 1 damage to a single target in melee range.
  • Masamune: Make a single melee attack against a target, if successful, deals 2d6 slashing damage plus 2d6 damage per four warrior levels after 1st. This attack is a critical threat on a roll of 15 or higher.
  • Excalibur: Deals 2d6 points of holy damage plus 2d6 holy damage per four warrior levels after 1st to all enemies in a 20-ft.-radius. A Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the warrior’d level + his Constitution modifier) can half this damage. Targets who fail the save are also Staggered.
  • Zantesuken: A single target in 60 feet must make Fortitude save (DC 10 + half of the warrior’s level + his Constitution modifier) or die.

This ability replaces the Limit Break (Omnistrike).

Mastery of Collection (Ex)

The weapon collector is a master with weapons he wields and collects. At 1st level, he gains the Weapon Focus feat and it applies to all manufactured weapons.

At 4th level, the weapon collector gains the Weapon Specialization feat with all manufactured weapons.

At 8th level, the weapon collector gains the Greater Weapon Focus feat for all manufactured weapons.

At 12th level, the weapon collector gains the Greater Weapon Specialization feat for all manufactured weapons.

At 16th level, the weapon collector gains the Improved Critical feat for all manufactured weapons.

At 20th level, the weapon collector gains any Critical feat, ignoring any prerequisites, for all manufactured weapons.

This ability replaces martial flexibility.

Genji Stance (Ex)

At 5th level, the weapon collector gains Multiweapon Fighting and Multiweapon Specialist as bonus feats. He also does not need to meet any requirements for these two feats.

This ability replaces weapon guard and additional techs III.

Arms of Gilgamesh (Su)

Also, at 5th level, the weapon collector can spend a stamina point to form an extra pair of arms that can wield any light or 1-handed manufactured weapons. These extra arms formed over clothing and armor. They last a number of rounds equal to 1 + his Constitution modifier. The arms fade away when the duration ends and any weapons being wielded fall to the ground. The weapon collector can spend an additional stamina point to extend the duration by a number of rounds equal to his Constitution modifier. At 15th level, by spending 2 stamina points, he can form four arms instead.

This ability replaces additional techs II.

Heavy Weapon Training (Ex)

At 9th level, the weapon collector treats all manufactured weapons as one category lighter for the purpose of being able to be held in one hand, and multiweapon fighting penalties. One handed weapons are treated as light weapons and two handed weapons are treated as one handed weapons. This does not affect weapons that are not the same size category as the weapon collector.

This ability replaces additional techs IV and improved rush.

Weapon Master (Ex)

At 20th level, the weapon collector has mastered all weapons in the known world. When fighting with multiple weapons, he suffers no penalties and when making a full attack with multiple weapons, his critical threat range is increased by 1 (that stacks after any feats and class features that increase the critical threat range). In addition, he can never be disarmed and his weapons can never be sundered.

This ability replaces weapon mastery.

Weapon Collector