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Warriors had to start their humble beginnings somewhere, as a squire. Some take it as a full-fledged duty.

The squire is an archetype of the warrior class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The squire mainly focuses on STR/DEX for martial combat, CON for their class features, and STR and CHA for optional class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1stCombat Defenses. 2ndCombat Offenses. 3rd – Warrior Techniques.

Stamina Pool (Ex)

At 1st level, the squire gains a reservoir of stamina that he can draw upon to fuel his talents that he gains below. This stamina pool has a number of points equal to half his warrior level + his Constitution modifier (minimum 1). The pool refreshes once per day when the squire rests for a full 8 hours. Sustained modes take up a static amount of stamina points from the squire’s current and maximum stamina pool and most sustained modes stack.

Some talents are activated as a sustained mode. When activated, these talents both consume stamina and reduce the user’s maximum stamina by the listed amount. While active, they provide their listed bonuses until the user deactivates them as a free action, falls unconscious, or dies, at which point the reduction to the user’s maximum stamina is removed. Multiple sustained mode talents may be used at the same time as long as the user has enough stamina, though some talents may specify others that they cannot be used with.

By spending 1 stamina point as a swift action, the squire can do one of the following:

  • Increase his speed by 10 feet for 1 round, or
  • Delay and suppress his fatigue or exhaustion for 1 round, or
  • Increase one saving throw by +1 for 1 round.

This ability replaces combat defenses and replaces the stamina pool of warrior techniques.

Talent Trees (Ex)

The squire gets access to the guts talent tree from below. At 2nd level and every two levels thereafter, the squire may choose to learn one talent from the talent tree below. Weapon Requirement: Any manufactured weapons.

Guts Specialization Talent Tree

  • Stone Throw: At the cost of 1 stamina point, as a standard action, the squire can take a small stone from nearby or in his pouch and throw it at an enemy within 30 feet as a ranged attack. If successful, the squire deals 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage + his Strength modifier. The enemy must make a Will save (DC 10 + half of the warrior’s level + his Strength modifier) or be dazed until the end of the squire’s next turn.
  • Strong Arm: Stone throw now deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage + his Strength modifier. Prerequisite: Stone Throw.
  • Bashing Throw: When using stone throw, the squire can take a –2 penalty to Attack rolls to aim for the head. If successful, it also inflicts the Confuse status for 1 round after the Daze status ends if they fail the save. Prerequisite: Stone Throw.
  • Accumulate: As a swift action, the squire can activate this talent as a sustained mode. For every round in combat, the squire gains a +1 bonus on melee damage rolls to the maximum of +2 per warrior level. This mode uses up 2 stamina points of the squire’s current and maximum stamina pool.
  • Focus: At the cost of 1 stamina points as a move action, the squire gains a +2 morale bonus to Strength plus an additional +2 Strength per four warrior levels after 2nd. This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to the squire’s Constitution modifier.
  • Tackle: At the cost of 1 stamina points as a standard action, the squire can slam an enemy adjacent to him by making a melee attack against the target’s CMD. If successful, the target is knocked prone. This ability doesn’t affect creatures of a size category larger than the squire.
  • Counter Tackle: Once per round, as an immediate action, if an opponent attacks the squire in melee combat, he can activate Tackle as an attack of opportunity. He still must spend the stamina points to activate. Prerequisite: Tackle.
  • Tailwind: At a cost of 1 stamina point, as a swift action, the squire can boost an ally’s movement speed by 30 feet for 1 round.
  • Cheer: At the cost of 1 stamina point, as a move action, the squire can let out a cheer to rally his allies, granting the squire’s allies within a 30-ft.-radius, a +1 morale bonus to Attack rolls and an additional +1 bonus for every four warrior levels after 2nd. If the squire is in the Accumulate sustained mode, he also grants his allies the effects of that mode. Cheer lasts for a number of rounds equal to the squire’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
  • Shout: Increasing the cost to 2 stamina points, when the squire uses Cheer, it now grants its bonus to his allies’ caster levels to spells. In addition, Cheer also grants Fast Healing 2 and the effects of Tailwind to all allies within the area of effect. Prerequisites: Tailwind, Cheer.

These abilities replace combat offenses.
