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Rogues are experts in misdirection, stealth, and killing. Their dirty tricks leave enemies sick and limping. They are never where anyone expects them to be and they specialize in quick, deadly kills that let them slide back into the shadows undetected, or indirect kills that eliminate targets while the rogue is safely away.

The rogue is an archetype of the thief class.

Archetype Main Ability Scores:
The rogue mainly focuses on DEX for martial combat, CON and INT for their class features, and DEX, WIS, and CHA for optional class features.

Archetype Feature Replacements:
1stMark. 2ndThief Talent. 4thThief Talent. 6thThief Talent. 8thThief Talent. 10thThief Talent. 12thThief Advanced Talent. 14thThief Advanced Talent. 16thThief Advanced Talent. 18thThief Advanced Talent. 20thThief Advanced Talent.

Stamina Pools (Ex)

At 1st level, the rogue gains a reservoir of stamina that he can draw upon to fuel his talents that he gains below. This stamina pool has a number of points equal to half his thief level + his Constitution modifier (minimum 1). The pool refreshes once per day when the rogue rests for a full 8 hours. Sustained modes take up a static amount of stamina points from the rogue’s current and maximum stamina pool and most sustained modes stack.

Some talents are activated as a sustained mode. When activated, these talents both consume stamina and reduce the user’s maximum stamina by the listed amount. While active, they provide their listed bonuses until the user deactivates them as a free action, falls unconscious, or dies, at which point the reduction to the user’s maximum stamina is removed. Multiple sustained mode talents may be used at the same time as long as the user has enough stamina, though some talents may specify others that they cannot be used with.

By spending 1 stamina point as a swift action, the rogue can do one of the following:

  • Increase his speed by 10 feet for 1 round, or
  • Delay and suppress his fatigue or exhaustion for 1 round, or
  • Increase one saving throw by +1 for 1 round.

This ability replaces mark.

Talent Trees (Su)

The rogue gets access to the assassination and subterfuge talent trees from below. At 2nd level and every two levels thereafter, the rogue may choose to learn one talent or a thief talent taken from the thief’s talent list. The rogue may pick up Extra Thief Talent feats to select these talents. Weapon Requirement: Any light one-handed melee manufactured weapons.

Assassination Specialization Talent Tree

  • Hidden Blades: At a cost of 1 stamina point, as a standard action, the rogue jumps through the shadows and reappears behind a target within 30 feet. The rogue makes a single attack at his highest base attack bonus. The target is considered to be flat-footed to this attack.
  • No Witnesses: Hidden Blades can now allow the rogue to attack a 2nd opponent if it was adjacent to the first. Prerequisite: Hidden Blades
  • Throat Cutter: As long as the rogue has at least 1 stamina point in his stamina pool, he deals an additional 1d6 points of precision damage against wounded opponents.
  • I Was Never Here: As long as the rogue has at least 1 stamina point in his stamina pool, whenever he drops a foe, he can immediately make a Stealth check. He can do this even without any cover or concealment, until the end of his next turn.
  • Gaps in the Armor: As long as the rogue has at least 1 stamina point in his stamina pool, he can ignore damage reduction up to his Intelligence modifier.
  • Knife in the Shadows: As long as the rogue has at least 1 stamina point in his stamina pool, when he makes a successful attack while stealthed or invisible, it is automatically a critical threat. Prerequisite: I Was Never Here
  • Cloak of Shadows: At a cost of 2 stamina points, as a standard action, the rogue can lend his Stealth to his allies, using his Stealth roll for their own.
  • Mark for Death: At a cost of 2 stamina points, as a swift action, the rogue can mark an opponent. The chosen marked target takes an additional 1d6 points of precision damage from any successful attacks until the start of the rogue’s next turn.
  • Mark for Doom: Mark for Death now deals 2d6 points of precision damage. Prerequisite: Mark for Death
  • Lasting Mark: Mark for Death now lasts for a number of rounds equal to the rogue’s Intelligence modifier. Prerequisites: Mark for Death, Mark for Doom

Subterfuge Specialization Talent Tree

  • Stealth: At a cost of 1 stamina point, as a standard action, the rogue becomes invisible as the vanish spell for a number of rounds equal to the rogue’s Dexterity modifier.
  • Clinging Shadows: Stealth’s stamina cost increases to 2, but the rogue becomes invisible as the greater vanish spell instead. Prerequisite: Stealth
  • Evasion: At a cost of 1 stamina point, as a swift action, the rogue gains a dodge bonus to AC equal to his Intelligence modifier until the start of his next turn.
  • Evade: At a cost of 1 stamina point, as a move action, the rogue leaps 30 feet away which doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.
  • Hidden Step: As long as the rogue has at least 1 stamina point in his stamina pool, after using Evade, he can Stealth immediately as free action. He can do this even without any cover or concealment, until the end of his next turn. Prerequisite: Evade
  • Easy to Miss: As long as the rogue has at least 1 stamina point in his stamina pool, he gains a +10 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks while in combat. Prerequisites: Stealth, Evade
  • Ambush: As long as the rogue has at least 1 stamina point in his stamina pool, when making an attack from stealth, he ignores all damage reduction. Prerequisites: Stealth, Evade, Easy to Miss
  • Shadow Strike: At a cost of 2 stamina points, as a standard action, the rogue can make a surprise melee attack on a foe, catching them flat-footed. If the rogue hits a foe that hasn’t attacked him within the last round, he gains back 1 stamina point.
  • Quick Blade: Shadow Strike now allows the rogue to make an additional attack. Prerequisite: Shadow Strike
  • Long Shadow: Shadow Strike can now be used from range up to 30 feet away. Prerequisites: Shadow Strike, Quick Blade

These abilities may replace thief talents.